Chapter 778: Guild Wars

The spectacular scene of thousands of 107 rockets flying in the sky from different directions, even people in the real world can't help but feel shocked when they see it.
The people who watched the war in this villain's country all trembled because of the powerful visual impact.
Not to mention the ancient black nether dragon Ivan who is nowhere to go within the rocket's coverage.
Face this situation.
It's heart collapsed at this time.
It just wants to grab the stone ape family back to continue captive as ration.
Just such a simple demand, why did you encounter such an unfortunate thing?
It's all the fault of the giant who got stuck!
Especially... As the flash below faded away, the ancient black dragon Ivan saw that the giant with a shocking shock was unscathedly aiming at himself with a strange long weapon.
A trace of fear flashed in his eyes.
But compared to the missiles coming from all directions, it finally had to decide to hit the giant downward.
In its view, all the disadvantages were brought by this giant.
In any case, keep the other party!
The ancient black dragon has just moved.
The hand of space had already emerged behind it, grabbed its neck, and prevented it from falling.
Xiao Yu raised the electromagnetic rifle again and fired a shell of an electromagnetic gun that was not fully charged.
This cannonball is naturally inferior to the previous blow, but it is still enough to hit the body of the ancient black dragon, so that it stays in the air and it is difficult to get rid of the hand that pulls its body.
In the next moment... not waiting for the ancient black dragon to recover from the bad state.
Dozens of 107 rockets approached the airspace around them, and then exploded under the control of wizards in the distance.
Dozens of fireballs formed, wrapping the body of the ancient black dragon.
The violent gale created by the wind roared past, pressing the many stone apes below and having to kneel to the ground.
This is not the end.
The first wave of missiles just exploded, the second wave and the third wave of missiles have already submerged, causing a chain reaction, and more explosive fireballs have appeared.
The fire masses overlapped and overlapped together, forming an internal high-temperature and high-pressure environment, which made the Faerie Dragon family watching the expressions serious.
The elven dragon's father was hesitant: "The damage absorption talent of the ancient black nether dragon...should it still hold up?"
"The intensity of the breath of the Black Nether Dragon hasn't weakened." A one-eyed look is suspended on the elven dragon's mother, allowing it to see more details:
"But its breath is chaotic, and it starts to be afraid."
"And, we all know that His Highness has more than that..."
The constant explosion at close range makes the black nether dragon Ivan feel that his body no longer belongs to himself.
Although its talent skill damage absorption is working at full strength, with the resistance witchcraft on each dragon scale on the body to ensure safety.
Such a passive situation undoubtedly makes the Black Nether Dragon Ivan very worried. Should the giant's bold words… really be realized!
Your own damage absorption talent will really be hit to the upper limit?
After Xiao Yu saw the ancient Black Hades surrounded by rockets, his thoughts were placed behind him.
Soon a cross-country infantry fighting vehicle roared under the control of Dabai, as if a steel fierce horse generally leapt into this basin with its jumping.
Many stone apes saw the first six-wheeled steel giant beating at an alarming speed, all instinctively evading.
Then he watched the steel behemoth all the way to the giant with dusty eyes, then stopped with a loud noise.
Dabai and Rhubarb Xiaobai got off one after another.
Then the cats and dogs of Rhubarb and Xiaobai skillfully climbed onto the roof, controlled an anti-aircraft machine gun on the roof, and shot a flaming tongue after facing the position of the ancient black dragon.
Dabai also came out of the carriage with a hand of Vulcan Gatling. After familiarly putting himself on a belt of ammunition, he held the behemoth in both hands and fired flames from his muzzle.
Xiao Yu came to the trunk of the car and opened it with the hands of the wizard to directly control the parts in the car.
A little bit, Xiao Yu completed the weapon in his hand, a special version of the double-barreled Vulcan cannon from Yingdu.
Even though this weapon simplifies many structures, it still weighs 1.5 tons.
The double barrels of this weapon are up to three and a half meters long, and the barrel diameter is up to 37 millimeters.
The ammunition is a square ammunition box that is hung on each side of the backpack and is larger than a large gas tank for household use.
As many as 130 rounds of shells are provided by such a heavy ammo box, each round is enough to penetrate ordinary armored combat vehicles or hit a three-kilometer target.
According to the original technical drawings, this is not set up for individual soldiers.
After all, it is obviously unreliable to manually hit the high-speed target, and it needs the support of computerization.
Researchers hope that it can be deployed on fixed defense facilities or ships, and cooperate with the early warning system.
Until the appearance of the transcendent.
Everything has changed.
As Xiao Yu's Qingming Yin and Yang division put forward the concept of extraordinary army and extraordinary armed.
Some researchers at Sakura realized that after simplifying this weapon into a backpack that could be carried by the backpack, it might be used by the extraordinary.
As for the aiming and early warning system, can the transcendence be replaced by perception?
And the extraordinary who possesses this weapon is equivalent to becoming a heavy firepower platform, which is enough to increase the firepower in a short time, and the destructive power doubles!
Xiao Yu tried to arm this undead giant with this backpack, but ended in failure.
It does not mean that Xiao Yu did not want it.
Undead giants cannot bear the burden of this weapon system only because of their low level and insufficient strength.
It was different with Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu is confident that he can perfectly control this weapon and make it shine!
After carrying the Vulcan cannon backpack, Xiao Yu gently grasped both hands and lifted the barrel easily.
The thick and long barrel in front of others.
After driving this Infinite Justice mech, Xiao Yu feels not much different from ordinary shotguns.
After the double barrels were aimed at the ancient black dragon.
Xiao Yu did not fire in a hurry.
He waited, waiting for the ancient black dragon to detect a bad situation, used the cards in the fire, propped up a black protective cover, and wanted to lower the height to avoid the explosive area of ​​the 107 rocket.
Xiao Yu jumped suddenly, holding the double barrel of the Vulcan cannon system and rushed to the ancient black nether dragon that was desperately flying down from high altitude.
Then the black nether dragon Ivan hissed and shattered his lungs.
Xiao Yu was the first hand of space to bombard the protective cover with all his strength, causing the protective cover to shake for a while.
In the middle of the sky, Xiao Yu picked up the double barrels and aimed at the ancient black nether dragon opposite him, pulling the trigger.
Bang Bang Bang!
As if the sound of the tank's main gun firing sounded from the barrel shells spewed out and hit the protective cover.
The cracks first, and the overwhelming protective cover shattered.
So, the people around saw the sky in amazement.
The giant was carrying two magical gun barrels out of the tongue of fire and fired.
Then the fire bomb continued to hit the ancient black dragon, and the monster was pushed back to the explosive area in the sky.
As for the giant himself, he was also in continuous fire, relying on this reaction force to fall to the ground and continue to fall into the mud with the fire.
Wait until the bullet is empty.
White smoke erupted from the hot barrel.
The ancient black nether dragon in the high altitude, finally in the explosion of another wave of rockets, for the first time... talent skills failed, dragon scales burst into white gas under high temperature!
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