Chapter 814: Saint continent

The wizards of Xiao Yu and the City of Miracles realized that the continent of Saints was in a blank period when there was no Morning Star wizard.
In the palace of the Holy Land, the Kingdom of the Golden Wood.
The extravagant banquet ended at the most anticipated moment because of an accident.
It's just that no one dares to complain, no matter whether the king or the honorable ministers.
Because the banquet was terminated, the guests who asked the official of the Golden Wood Kingdom to immediately enter a state of emergency were the backers of the secret wizard tower and the mentor of the Dark Twins Academy.
The mentor has red hair like a lion, not like a wizard at all.
But what he showed was the great wizard aura that kept the wizard tower out of sight, but only a trace of it had already suppressed the king capital of the Golden Wood Kingdom, and the extraordinary people who came around all changed their faces!
The Golden Wood Kingdom is only a small remote country, and it was established by the royal family who had been intimate with several great wizards hundreds of years ago.
They did not have giants like Xiao Yu who brought their own dry food to provide them with extraordinary resources.
And turn the basic but important extraordinary food like Baiyuanye into Chinese cabbage.
So even the king of the Golden Wood Kingdom has a permanent population of more than 300,000, and has gathered tourists and businessmen from all over the country.
The extraordinary knights owned by their entire king are a little better than the original Iron Furnace, with about 120 or 30.
As for the wizards, except for the royal family and several grand dukes who have enveloped five formal wizards through relatives, the rest are a group of inadequate apprentices.
Under the pressure of the wizarding mana, they couldn't even condense even the simplest witchcraft models.
It can be said that if this great wizard wants to destroy, one person's strength is already enough to turn this prosperous king into ruins.
"It is the Red Lion Wizard of the Dark Twins Academy, but he is the elder in the Academy, and his status is only under the two deans."
"And there are even more rumors that Elder Red Lion is the most experienced wizard in elders. He once killed several enemies of the same level in a single shot!"
In the disturbed King Capital, some people recognized the great wizard who exhaled the gas and enveloped the whole city. He could not help but be surprised, and his eyes looked uncertainly towards the palace.
"The trouble to come to the king? No, this generation of royal family is very obedient. The king and several princes only know how to eat, drink and play to breed bloodline children, which can be regarded as a generation of Mingjun."
"And the old grandfather of the king is still practicing in the Zijin Wizard Tower. The Dark Twins Academy does not need to be humanistic for a little resources."
"But... Elder Red Lion came like this, or so direct!"
The big figures with great knowledge secretly analyzed, and immediately ordered their spies to get all kinds of small messages from different channels during this time.
Soon, a big man noticed the abnormal report on the side of the white-haired city lord.
If it were usual, this anomaly would be a laugh.
Now, combined with the fact that the Earl had learned that a wizard appeared, and there were news of sending troops.
Some cautious people could not help secretly wondering if something happened to the white-haired city lord.
Judging from the action of the white-haired city lord dispersing his family's wealth to buy various materials, there is a bold speculation that this family may be tempted by the abyss!
And it is very likely that a terrible abyssal depraved appear!
That's why the secret sorcerer tower was under pressure and had to ask the Dark Twins for help.
At first, few people believed this, but as the royal family rang the alarm bells that sounded throughout the city, and asked all the extraordinary people present to temporarily team up to be the followers of the elder Red Lion.
This guess has become a fact recognized by all parties.
Except...the king of the golden wood royal family.
Not long after Elder Red Lion left the royal palace, a small guarded palace in the royal palace.
After all the maids had retreated, King Jinmu slowly climbed up from the soft slump and said with his cheeky middle-aged man's cheek that there was no wine.
"Abyssal depraved appear in the land of Count Lann in the north?"
"Is this the news circulating on the market that intelligence merchants think is the closest to the truth?"
"Yes, Father."
Among the dozen men and women standing in front of King Jinmu, one of the eldest came out and nodded.
"Hehehe." King Jinmu smiled eeriely, looking at his eldest son: "So, do you believe it?"
"Father, we certainly don't believe it!"
After the eldest son bowed slightly to salute, he also said with a chill: "We are the caregivers of the abyss in this land."
"The Father King was even appointed by the abyss lord!"
"Where is there an abyss monster in the realm of this kingdom? Others don't know, we still can't know?"
"Then... what do you think?"
"The Red Lion's action was quite widespread. He himself was jealous. I am worried that our layout will be discovered." King Jinmu nodded, but sighed again.
"Father, don't worry. The time starts with grandfather. We have been in this kingdom for 120 years."
"At least 80% of this kingdom's densely populated area has been secretly arranged by us."
"It just doesn't work, so start it in advance." The eldest son said, his tongue became thin and long and he licked his lips.
His eyes glowed strangely.
"The human body, we have worn enough for more than a hundred years, the father, destroying most of the kingdom in one breath."
"Masters who want to come to the Abyss Lord will also be satisfied with what we have done."
King Jinmu nodded slightly, but still a little unhappy: "For the time being, the next morning star wizard of the continent of Saints will soon appear."
"It's a pity that you can't harvest more souls while there is no Morning Star wizard in the continent of Saints."
"Well, once the layout is exposed, we will start the sacrifice ceremony in advance to make this Golden Wood Kingdom a ration for our Lord!"
"For the abyss!"
King Jinmu raised his hands, and the magic from the abyss permeated the palace, causing men and women who had already been stolen by the abyss monster to show their intoxicated expressions.
Far from Elder Red Lion works extremely decisively, not long after collecting intelligence from Wangdu and taking away their extraordinary.
Elder Red Lion saw all the secretly sent Wizard Tower.
They drove out the treasure of Zhenshan, which ordered the wizard tower, a floating spaceship about 25 meters long and more than 5 meters wide.
This spaceship looks very similar to a sailing sailing ship. The tall sails are still shining under the night sky, with tens of thousands of calculated floating runes flashing in it.
After the elder Red Lion led the crowd to the ship, he summed up the information with the mentors of the secret wizard tower.
Blessed by the large number of witchcraft wonders carried by the black wizard Jin Gu.
They got the message from the time when the singular thing that delivered the message in real time was destroyed, but they understood it a little bit.
There was indeed an alien invasion in the Earl's Collar.
It's just... this strange monster that invaded their saint continent actually claimed to be the supreme supreme, Emperor Nine Heavens!
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