Chapter 856: Debut

The octopus monster instinctively sensed danger.
It's just the ultra-long-range attack method just now, it can't do continuous shooting.
And after being bombarded, the body of the octopus monster can be said to be full of holes. It relies on the super fast recovery and top toughness of the talent skills to brace the opportunity to obtain recovery.
At this time, the body has actually lost its ability to move.
However, as the foundation of the holy Lord family, even if it is just a failure, it still gains a lot of capabilities in the inheritance of the artifact, including many extremely useful talent skills.
I saw this octopus monster blinked quickly with one eye, and there were more than ten gray silhouettes on its body.
These figures are five or six centimeters high in Xiao Yu's eyes, but they are like giants in the villain.
These peculiar gray silhouettes come to life very quickly, even a group of elite powerful men wearing elaborate armor and holding various weapons, at first glance.
After they formed, they jumped up and rushed to Xiao Yu's position.
"Huh, do you have more than a dozen breaths at pseudo level 3, do you seem to have extraordinary skills?"
"I don't feel the wave of summoning witchcraft. Is this the octopus monster's talent skill?"
"It really makes me a little envious."
Xiao Yu thought to himself, his left hand waved, and suddenly the third-level witchcraft, phosphorus fire, appeared again in Xiao Yu's hands.
The ghost servants of the dozen or so octopus monsters flying in the air immediately appeared a green phosphorous fire in the center.
This phosphorous fire was released by Xiao Yu in a concentrated manner, so that the burning range was extremely large, and the area wrapped in an instant formed a volume no less than a normal indoor swimming pool.
Such volume and mass immediately made those extraordinary servants feel the pressure from all directions.
Suddenly, two extraordinary servants flew out of the area covered by the death fire with special acceleration skills and serious injuries.
The rest of the extraordinary servants disappeared in this phosphor fire.
The two who flew out had not had time to adjust their flying posture.
The body of the earth element giant who had risen up like a hill was already in front of them, and after hitting the two of them, he punched it into the depths of the earth from top to bottom.
The two extraordinary servants were seriously injured by phosphor fire, and were hit again, and the whole body immediately faded into phantom.
Then, a bang made a loud noise as if a black hole appeared at the location of the giant fist of the earth element.
Most of the arms of the earth element giant, as well as the nearby mud rocks, disappeared without a trace.
"I knew these guys would certainly explode."
Xiao Yu whispered complacently, manipulating the super-large phosphor fireball that defeated the extraordinary servant, and pressed it towards the area where the octopus monster was.
Wow, wow!
Several thick tentacles that the octopus monster can move hurriedly bounced up, opened his mouth to the phosphorus fire group, and seemed to be attracting the attention of the element of the undead witchcraft with his talent.
However, these tentacles have just bounced.
Xiao Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, had launched a talented witchcraft, summoned the hand of the earth, emerged from the rock layer below the tentacles, grabbed most of the tentacles, and hit the octopus with a punch. The monster's head.
When the fist smashed, the octopus monster's head was instantly recessed by more than half, but it didn't work much.
The toughness of the octopus monster works, and with the sunken movement, it offsets the massive impact of the earth hand.
Then, with the sudden appearance of a large number of spikes on the meat ball, it plunged into the surface of the earth's hand.
Xiao Yu hummed, and found that the witchcraft model of the Earth's hand collapsed invisible with a strange shock.
However, when the phosphorus fireball is like the pressure of Mount Tai, it is unstoppable.
The octopus monster cried out in despair.
Its body kept shaking, countless tiny tentacles and spikes emerged.
Then in front of the phosphor fire, tentacles and spikes quickly turned to ashes.
The size of the octopus monster is not inferior to that of the real world. It is definitely a super giant monster in the Little China.
However, when he met Xiao Yu, who was the same size and could open more equipment, he could only admit it with hatred.
As the phosphorus fire sank into the big pit where the octopus monster was, creating a deeper pit bottom, it also completely wrapped the octopus monster in the body.
Although he could not hear the internal sounds, Xiao Yu thought of the squid grilled in Teppanyaki.
Think of this.
Xiao Yu suddenly realized that he was hungry...
Just when Xiao Yu felt that the octopus monster's breath was declining rapidly, and he was about to disappear and he was slightly relieved.
The octopus monster's eyeballs that had been shrunk and dried by phosphorous fire suddenly shot a golden light, and flew directly out of the huge fire mass formed by the phosphorous fireball, and fled towards the distance.
"Artifact is far away?"
Xiao Yu could feel that the golden light had no breath of life, and immediately guessed that this was the artifact of the Holy Lord family that caused the great elder to mutate.
As a son of the gods of the Yan and Huang clan, who strive for the liberation of the whole continent with justice.
How can Xiao Yu let this thing go?
"This thing is destined to me!"
"How can you let it go away!"
Xiao Yu exploded with amazing extraordinary aura, as if wrapped in a fiery flame.
Then he took a footstep and slammed in a hundred-meter running posture. After landing directly, he rushed all the way to chase the disappearing golden light.
Of course, Xiao Yu did not forget the aftermath of the octopus monster.
The Andean Condor stayed at the scene to prevent accidents.
At the same time, a team of wizards led by the Uturu wizards also assembled urgently, riding a modified drone, and quickly flying to study the remains of the octopus monster.
Um...if there is still wreckage.
Boom Boom Boom Boom!
Xiao Yu's running sound galloped on the Saint Continent like an earthquake.
The villages and towns along the way are all apprehensive.
The city owners of some big cities even urged the city defenses to strengthen their defense while quietly packing up their belongings and preparing for the road.
The Holy Continent, except for the Holy Lord Empire, the king of Nanya, the second strongest country in the central rich zone.
His Majesty the King, known as the wise king for decades in the Kingdom of Nanya, is taking his ministers and princes and princesses to inspect the field harvest in the manor near Wangdu.
The wise king, who has the blood of an elder in the holy Lord family, knew all the abnormalities in the south.
It was also learned from several private friends that the abyss sneaked into the arrogance of the Holy Lord's family.
This gave him a strong sense of crisis and was ready to dig deep into the wall to accumulate food.
The Nanya Kingdom is a granary on the continent of the Holy One, supplying half of the continent's grain.
In a critical moment, there is nothing to lose!
"I intend to issue an announcement to let people receive grain in advance."
After the king inspected the nodded with satisfaction, most of the farms near the king's farm harvest were good, at least to ensure that the kingdom needs one year.
The Sacred Lord's requirements last month, after being satisfied, still have a part left for trading.
"In addition, the finance minister is shown. Take all the money from the treasury to buy weapons and food. Don't care about the price."
"As many as you want."
Several ministers quickly lowered their heads after hearing the words, and their small eyes flashed nonstop, as if they realized something.
Then, just when they all spoke out to praise the king.
A loud noise in the sky!
But a golden light roared and stopped in front of this team.
A silver-white coffin appeared!
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