Chapter 892: Wrong blessing

Bronze Dragon Bleu just stepped back a few steps and came back to know that he was out of luck.
Bronze Dragon Bleu doesn't need to look with his eyes to know the companions around him, and the subordinates are looking at themselves with what surprised expressions.
He couldn't help but burst out of anger and burned into his brain, making him even more resentful of the giant who made him ugly.
"Elder Pus, go ahead, don't continue to waste mana!"
Bronze dragon blue groaned at Gulumps.
Gu Lumps narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yu's position. He merged with the world wonder in the Dragon Kingdom. He also had a little sense of Xiao Yu who used the world wonder of the majestic throne.
This feeling is fleeting, but it makes him seem to have grasped something intuitively that it is important to himself!
Perhaps his further here!
Gullops suddenly had another reason for the giant.
He no longer hides himself. The dragon claws lifted his chest and patted his chest gently. The two bottles of high-level potions hidden in his stomach shattered suddenly, and the mana smell overflowing from Gulumps suddenly became stronger.
Then with Gu LP's head raised, a melodious dragon chant sounded through the battlefield.
On the three-headed dragon-shaped statue, a colorful halo emerged and spread across the entire circle of the magic circle.
Suddenly, the strong aliens or the young giant dragons, the Yalongs were shocked to feel that their strength almost all had a qualitative fly-by!
It seems to have endless strength, not to spend the endless mana.
Some alien strong men with insufficient spiritual cultivation even have a feeling of fluttering. They only think that the enemies in the front are nothing more than chickens and dogs. As long as they rush to the past, they will win a big victory!
"This is the magical blessing of the Dragon God. It is really powerful. It has more than doubled the strength of more than 100,000 creatures at once!"
Far away from the battlefield, the imperial dragon hiding from the peeping of the palace made a group of people sigh, and the blue-eyed and white-eyed dragon immediately pointed.
He frowned slightly, looking at the dragon knights of the Saint's continent whose eyes were red, and instinctively felt sick.
"I found this blessing technique a bit strange, right." Yu Longshen perceived the expression of the blue-eyed and white dragon, and whispered: "Although it looks like a magnificent atmosphere in the majestic, but look at the aliens that have worked, especially It is those human races with fragile flesh, but there is a wicked spirit."
"Speaking of the Dragon God blessing, I am more biased towards the power from the abyss."
The red-eyed and black dragon stunned slightly, and her whole body was numb. She knew that the magic circle was from the hand of the old Elder Pus.
If this is the power of the abyss, doesn't it mean that the high-rise of Shenglong Island is also penetrated by the abyss?
Although the power of the abyss is permeable, in these thousands of years of historical records, the number of adult dragons of the fallen young dragons of Shenglong Island is not small, and the ancient dragon level... but it has not yet appeared!
Or maybe it was actually concealed by adults?
The red-eyed and black dragon brain made up, and it actually felt like a vortex that I might be caught in somewhere.
"That... I make a suggestion, are we going further?"
"Ah... I agree." Yulong raised his hands in approval.
The blue-eyed and white dragon looked at the two, and then looked back at the dragon clan army that had acted after the blessing was strengthened. The more he saw the blessing, the stranger he showed, and nodded and agreed.
So the emperor and ministers who were entangled suddenly discovered that a white, black and two-headed dragon suddenly flew behind them, and quickly drove away from the palace.
"They are dragons, why didn't they go to war, instead they moved away from the battlefield?"
A big-bellied minister asked curiously.
The general from Marshal Shuma looked at the black dragon with a look of consternation: "The black dragon is a noble with the blood of the holy dragon."
"The identity of Bailong seems to be not simple, maybe this gives them the privilege not to go to the frontline in person."
"Just looking at their direction, this is away from the battlefield."
"Far away from the battlefield?" The ministers were all vulgar and giggled.
Some anxious people even started to tell them to let the slaves help them clean up and move into the ground.
As a veteran Morningstar powerhouse, Bronze Dragon Blue also felt for the first time that the blessing technique attached to his body was not right.
The wonder of the world inside him, the bronze body necklace reacted even more, so that his dragon body shook slightly, breaking the blessing technique.
But time does not allow the bronze dragon Brudo to think about it.
The Dragon Clan, blessed by the blessing technique, has already poured out of the nest and killed the mountains.
Knowing the indispensable bronze dragon dragon in his heart, the dragon tail disappeared as soon as he threw the whole body.
It appeared to be teleporting again, and came to Xiao Yu in front of him, and a breath of dragon breath sprayed on the top of Xiao Yu's head.
This dragon breath just spewed out, and the bronze dragon Bleu saw a fiery figure flashing in front of the giant, crushing his dragon breath with a punch with flaming flames.
This figure is naturally the most powerful sage in Xiao Yu's hands. Relying on the state of heaven, it is enough to fight against the morning star dragons of the same realm.
"The legendary rock holy sage in the stone ape family?"
Seeing the glittering Great Saint and the phantom behind him, the bronze dragon Bleu remembered the legend. After his face changed slightly, he roared with the Great Holy War.
In the air, the Dragon Kingdom was driven directly by Gulumps and flew over, relying on its size advantage to try to hit Xiao Yu’s miraculous Star Battleship.
Naturally, Xiao Yu would not be so stupidly waiting to be hit, although Xiao Yu was very confident in the material strength of Miracle.
But the size of the two is really too far apart.
Xiao Yu just let the miracle star battleship full horsepower to conduct guerrilla warfare, and continued to use that rapid-fire gun to shell.
The Dragon Kingdom is driving the star-class battleship Miracle, and it seems that it does not intend to support its friends on the ground.
After all, on the ground, the momentum surged out of the dragon army who didn't want to be suffocated as a tortoise, just rushed out.
Then the artillery from Xiao Yu brought a fire-covered shelling to the fire!
Suddenly, the entire plain was almost enveloped in the flames and dense fog produced by the artillery fire.
Although this wave of shelling had little direct casualties, it also greatly consumed the shield energy they obtained by blessing.
Then they waited until they were close to the mountains in the thick fog and high temperature.
On the top of the mountain were undead giants armed with a Gatling gun in both hands.
These unremarkable undead giants easily used the Gatling Vulcan as a single-handed weapon with their strength, without aiming, and directly fired.
As a result, the army headed by Yalong and aliens on the ground instantly tragedy.
Bullets that were longer and thicker than ordinary people ran rampant in their formation, and for a time, the ground troops of the Dragon tribe screamed and lay down.
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