Chapter 908: shocking

The glasses man, who was a reporter, was finally released after 48 hours.
Then they were sent from the military base to the police station in the nearest small city, and they were reprimanded for a while, and they were asked to sign a guarantee, which returned all the confiscated things to them.
The glasses man turned on the phone for the first time, and soon showed such an expression.
Their mobile phones and computers have been checked by professionals, and all the contents related to Huang Jing Laolin have been deleted.
As for whether they will talk nonsense online...
The glasses man looked at the tourists who gathered in front of the phone to report the safety, wondering if they would say it.
Not even adding a wave of oil and vinegar, I'm not sorry for the time and energy they have wasted for so long.
Just because there is no evidence, there is a wave of rhythm on the Internet, I am afraid that even their relatives and friends will only doubt it?
Thinking of this, the glasses man pushed his glasses against the bridge of his nose and opened his phone to search for news.
Immediately, he showed a stunned expression, but he saw that an announcement came out, and Huang Jing Lao Lin's poaching was serious. The official announced that he would not condone the criminal behavior, and would launch a month-long crackdown action, asking criminals to take care of themselves...
"It seems that my initial instincts were correct!"
"It must have been a big deal in that old forest!"
"If I can get first-hand information, it must be a big news!"
The professional impulse of the glasses man made him almost ready to take a taxi.
Fortunately, a police car drove past, reminding him of the painful memories of this period of time and waking up again.
"Yes! This place can't stay any longer, it's better to travel to another place."
When the glasses man made a decision.
The members of the official investigation team sent here are due to Xiao Yu's fooling sentence that has not changed in a thousand years, and he is so busy that his hair is grayed out!
This sentence is too informative.
The connotation is too scary.
Especially when it comes to saying that the young Taoist has been hit hard, it has to make experts tend to think about the bad things.
So, after some intense discussions.
The Doomsday Theory and the similar Great Tribulation Theory were brought up by an expert and have been recognized by more and more people.
There is no way to do this. There is indeed more and more evidence that is pointing to this point!
The most obvious is extraordinary or non-natural disaster, if distributed according to years.
It can be noticed very, very clearly that the entry into the world of Qingxian Jianxian representing his teacher, Jianxianmen, is the key time node!
In the time before this node, there may have been extraordinary traces, but there are certainly not many, at least the impact is so large that their extraordinary people can not hide the events, absolutely rare!
Otherwise, it may not be so long for their officials to receive the wind, right?
After this time point, extraordinary events that could be detected by the official immediately occurred frequently!
If many of these were the swordsmen gates of the WTO that were deliberately made for contact with the official, it is justifiable.
The clues opened, starting from the domestic chicken farm changes, the slaughterhouse blood cloud incident, the Zhenwuguan gluttonous world incident, and the larger scale of the country, which also affected the more terrifying cherry blossom country. The feast of the cult of the country, the angel of Europa descends, and the flaming phoenix of Mosca’s steel city.
To the most recent horror monster attack by Citigroup...and the appearance of sea beasts, the monster monster headed by Dasheng appeared.
This piece-by-piece event is connected in series with the words of the young Taoist priest.
The mystery that has plagued the research team for a long time has been solved.
They suddenly realized.
The reason why extraordinary events appear so abnormally during this period is really because the whole world has a big problem?
Great changes are coming, so extraordinary events will happen frequently!
This answer is shocking to see everyone.
Can't help but ask what's wrong with this world!
Which one dares to ask himself, what kind of big changes will happen in the future!
This drastic change... Will humans who have already reached the peak of the world's souls be taken down the throne?
"A big change that hasn't happened in the millennium, I'm afraid it's not going to be alive again?"
In the conference room of the investigation team, an old white-haired expert took off his glasses and squinted at the photo collection on the desktop.
"We now have a military force armed with modern technology, which is no different from thousands of years ago."
"It's just that because of the information asymmetry, we all have no idea." A senior investigator next to the old expert said sadly: "And according to the previous few foreign extraordinary events, those who are obviously malicious and full of human beings , Seems to be immune to most of our weapons."
"Especially the giant beast that appeared in Citigroup was able to be resurrected as if it was hit by a nuclear bomb."
"Yes, the current extraordinary events can be solved perfectly by relying on the support of the extraordinary on our side." An officer also expressed his views: "If there is no extraordinary power on our side such as Jianxianmen. "
"It's just that these two waves of cultists and hundred ghosts traveling at night have already messed up the world?"
"Yeah, just hate those martial arts who don't know what they are thinking?"
"Like that Jianxianmen must know something, I just didn't tell us!"
An investigator mentioned Jianxianmen, who kept him up all night, said with red neck: "They have been ignoring us all the time!"
"I am afraid that those who cultivate immortals have long lost their sense of identity." An expert groaned at the short whiskers: "After all, we are just passing guests, and spiritual practice is everything for them."
"They are willing to help out while fixing immortality. Although the purpose is not necessarily simple, it is already a blessing in misfortune!"
"We have been working hard to improve the exchange of information. From the perspective of a group of disciples being admitted to outsiders, it is also somewhat effective."
"At least I believe that when those outside disciples who have received modern education become inside disciples, they will not treat us as ruthless as they are today."
"Yes, contact with Jianxianmen can't be anxious." On the remote video, a senior official nodded his head in recognition of this view: "But we can't just sit back and wait."
"Do you have any suggestions?"
As the official questioned.
The white-haired expert put on his glasses again, and after a cough, at least a dozen experts and scholars stood up behind him.
They looked at the official and opened a document with a dignified expression.
"This is the proposal we submitted to our superiors after the meeting was adjourned."
"Oh?" The official became interested and whispered a few words, and he was immediately able to see the text of these expert proposals through the remote screen.
He opened his mouth slightly and immediately looked at the experts sharply: "Is it necessary?"
"Preventive measures."
"We always felt...this is necessary."
"Okay, I will sign and submit it." The official gasped lightly and was a little uneasy: "Hoarding supplies, building new underground cities, expanding and strengthening civil defense facilities in all cities, and carrying out a new round of armaments Expansion."
Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly: "If only one year ago, I submitted such content to go up."
"It must be considered a war fanatic, or a speculator?"
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