Chapter 931: Titan giant?

The world wonder bronze necklace has been preliminarily fused by Xiao Yu.
At this time, the start-up can be described as a matter of course. Soon, in this deep seabed, a three-meter-high metal giant was already covered with a dazzling blue light.
Under the blue light, the giant seemed to be slowly growing.
Those marine creatures in the British Strait gradually felt the unknown fear, and instinctively chose to leave.
In panic, they even lost their basic reason, and they often failed to avoid the first time they encountered artificial structures under the sea.
Therefore, the observation instruments arranged on the outer wall of the section of the cross-sea highway passing through the British Strait soon discovered these anomalies.
"God, what's going on under the sea, are these fish crazy?"
A middle-aged uncle sitting in the security room of the British cross-sea highway touched his completely bald head and stared at the shark that swam away after fainting when he hit the wall on the video and looked at it again. School of fish like moths fighting fire.
The first time he saw such an anomaly, the first time he thought of extraordinary events.
No way, during this time, the hottest events in the news media, on the Internet, and in the social circles are extraordinary events.
The heated discussions about extraordinary events and official conspiracy theories have almost become a great weapon for a large number of people to spend their time.
The middle-aged uncle security quickly called the emergency phone to report the situation.
More than ten minutes later, Britain’s newly established administrative system in recent weeks has played a good role, allowing senior executives to obtain front-line information no later than the news media.
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom immediately convened a meeting of cabinet ministers, and prior to the meeting, exceeded the authority to order the Royal Royal Navy nearby.
One hundred years ago, the Royal British Navy, which made the world shocked, was still able to move on the British Strait, leaving only one royal submarine.
This royal submarine is the only maneuvering force that Britain can deploy at the moment.
In this connection, it was only after two years of high-ranking British high-ranking by the Mosca navy that they had been ridiculed by the Mosca navy, and after gang-banging with countless members of the gang of parliamentarians, they were able to regain their glory.
Otherwise, this royal submarine should be still being repaired in a shipyard half-dead.
After all, a few years ago, when the warship sent by Mosca Emperor was close to the British waters.
The great Britain, once the sun never sets, but even a dynamic warship cannot be transferred!
When the British military hurriedly hurriedly dismantled the aircraft from the other side of the ocean just after spending huge sums of money, the new aircraft was still in tears, and the cruiser with weapons and equipment under repair was transferred, the warship of the Mosca emperor had been around the island for a day. After breaking through Britain's armament foam, Yu You left happily.
Therefore, it is quite capable of maintaining a standing submarine in the British Strait today.
No way, this is an old-developed country with more generals than tanks, more military office managers than soldiers, and the cost of dismantling old equipment more expensive than buying new equipment...
Don't force too much.
Can only sigh, the glory of the empire is no longer years.
The bottom of the British Strait.
The sailors in the Royal Submarine looked seriously and stared at the instruments in front of them.
The captain is a stable old man, and his subordinates are all elites from the previous generation of the British Navy Department.
Technically, it can be said to be in the first queue.
It is the succession of no one that always makes the old captain always sad.
Once the navy is broken, it will not be able to catch up in two or three years.
It is a pity that no one can do anything deep in this period of national decline.
Perhaps the big change that has been mentioned by the upper class recently can effectively change this decadent trend?
The old captain thought about the changes in the atmosphere he felt these days, but inexplicably rekindled a ray of hope in his heart.
After a while, the old captain's thoughts were interrupted.
But they saw the anomaly in the seabed through the observation equipment.
Not only did they report abnormal behaviors such as the school of fish, but they also discovered the blue light hidden deep in the seabed.
"Found unknown light source!"
"The detector found a metal reaction! The other party did not move!"
As the reports came together, the old captain hesitated and gave the order:
"Slow down."
"Send underwater robots to approach each other."
Speaking of which, an adjutant in the old captain's ear whispered for a while.
After making him stunned a little, he snorted coldly: "Unexpectedly."
But the British reaction fell in the eyes of the French region.
So the fleet of one research ship and two destroyers ended their preparations at the nearby port and was transferred over urgently.
At this time, he has entered the radar detection range of the Royal Submarine.
When the deep-sea robot approaches its destination.
On the surface of the sea, the staff of the French scientific research vessel also threw a circular submersible after a busy schedule.
The submersible quickly sank to the bottom of the sea and continued to dive.
Considering the danger, there are no people in the submersible, but a lot of observation equipment is used instead.
On the research group of people gathered on the deck and watched the deep-sea images appearing on the remote control panel of the submersible.
"Found unknown objects... well, this is a British diving robot. It seems that their submarine came very fast this time."
An officer looked at the photographed robot and joked: "I thought it would take at least a week for their navy to be ready to drive."
"Well... it seems that our allies have made great progress this time."
"Just hope that their weapons and equipment will be installed this time."
After the officer vomited a few times, his eyes were attracted by the deep-sea vision.
It was a large group of blue light that was buckled on the bottom of the sea like a cover.
Revealing unparalleled mysterious beauty, attracted them mortals.
For a while, they were a little bit uncertain about whether to continue to let the submersible descend, so as to get in touch with these blue lights.
Just when they hesitated.
The robot of the Royal Submarine rushed straight past without hesitation, and instantly fell into the blue light.
"Quick, let's go in too!" Several officers shouted as soon as they saw the scene shock.
The submersible quickly descended again, but before reaching the water level shrouded by the blue light, the blue light suddenly shrank.
Then, a tall, giant bronze sculpture full of majestic temperament and sculptural artistic beauty was displayed on their knees half-kneely.
And as the blue light disappeared quickly, he started to stand up slowly.
On the scientific research ship, the experts compared the observation data and learned the height of the bronze giant.
"What monster is this?"
"Is the legendary Titan giant?"
"It... its height exceeds fifteen meters!"
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