Chapter 977: Scarlet Wings

Chilong Audustin realized it was wrong.
As soon as he thought about it, the venomous flying dragons who were family members immediately spread their wings and flew up, and spread to the surroundings, trying to find the back of the bronze dragon.
However, these poisonous flying dragons are still a step behind.
With the Bronze Dragon Bleu, the space circle at the height of 10,000 meters was activated.
All the creatures on the plain suddenly felt their bodies sink, and it seemed that the gravity became a lot heavier!
In the building community where the original imperial capital was located, the people who secretly lived there, even though they were only affected by the magic circle, also snorted, all lying on the ground.
Dragon puppets are worthy of being the natural enemies of the dragon. This gravity witchcraft seems to have never appeared before it.
But those highly venomous flying dragons are miserable.
They screamed that they had fallen from high altitude, and the speed of the decline was significantly faster than when they flew up.
Boom Boom Boom!
The venomous flying dragons were in close contact with the earth. Although they did not fall into meat patties, they also created potholes of shallow depth. They broke their wings, and their internal organs were also severely damaged.
"Gravity circle?"
This doesn't affect me at all... eh? "
Chilong Augustin looked up at the sky.
Seeing the strange appearance in the air after the release of the magic circle.
Chilong Audustin noticed that it was a roll of parchment that did not have its smallest scale to hold the entire gravity circle.
This volume of yellow-colored parchment exudes amazing space power.
This... is a world wonder, a precious space wonder!
Xiao Yu also saw this sheepskin roll.
As it appeared, Xiao Yu, who felt the breath in it, immediately realized that this was a world wonder in the space system, and could be fused by his ring of time and space transmission!
"This is my friend, is the bronze fusion dragon new fusion world wonder?"
Xiao Yu said indifferently: "When this battle is over, I may have to have a pleasant new deal with him."
Upon hearing Xiao Yu's words, the Emperor Long looked in the distance and secretly felt a little sympathy for the bronze dragon.
Then he took a deep breath and said to Xiao Yu:
"His Royal Highness, the arrangement made by Master Bru has started."
"The space lock under the cover of the gravity circle has been completed. Those messengers of Saint Dragon Island can't leave the Saint's continent for at least one hour."
"Even if you use the wonders of the world... you can't leave within an hour!"
"Because, the sheepskin roll that is the core of the lock of space is also a world wonder!"
Xiao Yu nodded when he heard this, and felt that the bronze dragon, Bruce, was quite thoughtful, preventing various details from the source.
Next, it's your turn!
"All military orders!"
"Follow me!"
Xiao Yu opened the space-time door behind him with enthusiasm.
After letting the miracle star battleship slowly out of the crack, he jumped up.
Then with Xiao Yu's order.
Below the battleship, in the compartments of dozens of electric tricycles, hundreds of extraordinary phalanxes lined up neatly, raised their weapons, struck their shields, and burst into cheers.
"For the glory of the Son of God!"
"For the supreme joy!"
Among them, those who chanted the supreme supreme slogan were mainly the extraordinary soldiers who were enlisted in the army from the mainland of the Saint.
They believed that Xiao Yu was the incarnation of the emperor of the Nine Heavens and regarded Xiao Yu as the incarnation of the walking on the ground.
The average level of enthusiasm is second only to those extraordinary barbarians who chanted Bazaar.
As the electric tricycle was launched by the undead giant.
The sound of the motor sounded.
Electric tricycles began to run past Xiao Yu.
While attacking.
Xiao Yu decided to first present the Red Dragon Giant's gift to Chilong Audustin.
So with his order.
The new self-propelled artillery produced by the two Yingdu military industries moved from the carry-on realm had just been installed and opened fire.
One thousand kilometers of the villain is equivalent to ten kilometers of the real world.
This distance is already an extra-line-of-sight strike, and the accuracy of the artillery is a challenge.
However, the shield made by Chiron Audustin is quite large, covering almost the size of a normal-style gym in the real world!
Even those who operate the artillery are giants of undead.
Don't worry about hitting the target.
A few seconds later, beautiful flame flowers appeared on the red shield.
The accompanying explosion bang, it gave those poisonous flying dragons on the ground secondary damage.
Let them bleed seven holes, miserable.
"Abyss? Or Canyon of the Dead?"
Chilong Audustin also felt the blow from thousands of miles away!
Forcing him a moment, he was about to swing his wings to launch a counterattack.
Suddenly realized something, quickly urged a space wonder hidden in the body.
The red dragon Audustin's eyes flashed a bit of surprise, turning his head to look at the bronze dragon Blu: "You used the space lock?"
"This is a trap?"
Chilong Audusting whispered, and then roared angrily: "So what?"
"Meet the horror of the Crimson Wings!"
"Blood Moon Void!"
Chilong Audustin spread his terrifying wings.
In the sky, illusions began to appear, as if a blood moon was slowly rising into the sky, preparing to replace the setting sun that would not fall.
This is also the time.
Xiao Yu has arrived outside the shield.
And started the attack.
This attack, in addition to artillery support, mainly relied on the rapid fire gun of the miracle star battleship.
The shells have been modified, and each round has built in about ten grams of metal nitrogen shells are therefore named as nitrogen-type shells by Xiao Yu.
The ordinary 150 mm caliber shells failed to break the red shield, and under the metal nitrogen shells, there were violent ripples.
Obviously, the local explosive power has increased tenfold, which has exceeded the upper limit of local absorption of this shield!
As Xiao Yu found it effective, he simply threw a metal bottle of nitrogen from a crystal bottle received by Professor Marov for research and detonated it.
A huge noise like a volcanic eruption swept across the plain with the appearance of a fire.
So much so that the army of electric tricycles has to stagnate.
The venomous flying dragons approached, even the dragon and the dirt were lifted together and blown away into the distance.
The shield began to crack, just like a glass curtain wall, and began to collapse piece by piece.
The illusion of blood moon in the sky also disappeared.
The red dragon Austen, who had open wings, was forced to look at Xiao Yu in front of him and the army behind him.
"My crimson wings..."
"Why has it failed before it was launched?"
Chilong Audustin shuddered for the first time, knowing for the first time that the launch of Crimson Wings can be interrupted by force!
Under his claws, the bronze dragon Bleu was equally surprised, only after seeing the fully equipped giant Xiao Yu.
He also felt that for such a super hero.
It is not impossible to break the shields and fields created by a replica.
I just don't know...then the dragon puppet, can he solve it?
That monster's speed is not that those powerful alchemy weapons can aim at! ()
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