Chapter 989: Invitation card

"Moligan, the great goddess of war."
"The great master of nature and death, the true goddess of detachment."
"We are here to pray to you and give you my heart!"
Nicaea, a densely populated county not far from the capital of the country.
General Amy stripped off her clothes and was covered with sheep blood. Under the accompaniment of thirty-six or elder women, she prayed reverently to the goddess of war Mori Gan carved out of black crystal.
In order to let the goddess of war Mori Gan show up.
General Amy did not spend less time.
Not only did he personally dance the Celtic dance for more than an hour every day.
He also dug freshly heated sheep's heart and other things to the black crystal statue of the goddess of war Morrigan.
Today, another busy afternoon of sacrifice ceremony.
General Ami looked at the black crystal statue of the goddess of war, Morrigan, who was still unresponsive.
I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and even more puzzled.
He was a little worried that he would be deceived by the mysterious extraordinary that appeared in the Kingdom of Sakura?
But soon he denied this doubt.
As extraordinary, what are the benefits of deceiving themselves to jump into the great gods?
And... the present Nicaea country, in addition to continuing to obey the orders and pray, there is no other way to break through the suppression and blockade of those evil powers against their own forces?
General Ami thought of this and looked at the eyes of the black crystal statue of the goddess of war Morigan, his eyes becoming firm again.
Behind General Ami, several indigenous wizards who were found to be bishops came over.
These indigenous shamans also did not wear clothes, but painted colorful oil paintings on their bodies.
Just like the ancient Celtic believers.
To please the gods.
"General, the commander over there can't resist the pressure."
An indigenous wizard whispered to General Ami: "Many local power figures are dissatisfied with our control of the statue of Morrigan, goddess of war."
"They also want to be able to pray to the goddess of war, Morrigan, and feel that maybe they are the beloved goddesses of the goddess of war, Morrigan."
"This group of borers really like dreaming!"
General Ami grunted, and was somewhat envious of the actions of the neighboring Filipino region over the past two years.
The great commander of the warlord's background, relying on the army, cracked down on a large number of opposition parties, killing local armed men and women!
Of course, this result looks beautiful, but things are not so simple.
The commander could do this and dare to do so, because he had to distribute the cake to the warlords, and sacrificed the future of the entire Filipino region.
Not surprisingly, the few warlords headed by their family warlords will split the entire Filipino after a few years, making it a geographical term rather than a concept of power.
This is a beautiful result that General Amy longed for.
Unfortunately, they have no such conditions.
The chieftain of Nicaea did not have the courage.
Coupled with extraordinary birth, chaos is coming.
It is already impossible to arrange from scratch.
General Ami sighed the word learned from the Ancient Kingdom of the East, when he planned to give the prayer ceremony to the indigenous wizards to continue.
There is at least 300 square meters of underground secret room, and there is wind!
"got windy?"
"How could there be wind here!"
General Ami shook his body, feeling the coldness of the wind, and he immediately got goose bumps!
Afterwards, the general Ami felt the eager look at the black crystal statue of the goddess of war on the altar.
Seeing this black crystal statue actually started to glow a little white light.
General Ami fell to his knees without saying a word.
"His Highness Morrigan, Goddess of War!"
"Your humble believer prays to you!"
When General Ami knelt down, the surrounding women and indigenous wizards also knelt on the ground, excited.
They have been performing these mysterious ritual prayer ceremonies these days, and it must be deceiving to say that there is nothing missing in their hearts.
Now finally found the goddess of war Molly Ganxian.
They couldn't help but relax a lot, and felt that the hard work during this time was really worth it!
They are not doing useless work!
They are valuable!
The black crystal statue of the goddess of war Morrigan serves as an admiration for believers.
Has become a node of divine power.
Such a node has the purpose of transmitting, and of course it is impossible to transmit the physical object.
But it is a breeze to instill part of knowledge or commands, or divine creation.
Under Xiao Yu's mind operation.
A group of cards as divine creations disappeared from Xiao Yu's hands.
But it appeared above the black crystal statue of the goddess of war Morigan.
It emits an attractive aura and attracts everyone's attention.
General Amy and others looked at the three divine cards floating above the black crystal statue of the goddess of war Morigan.
Breathing involuntarily increased.
General Amy stood up and, as the highest person on the scene, he shook his hand and grabbed the three cards.
Curiosity made him look at the front of one of the divine cards.
A miserable cry of pain shouted from General Ami's mouth.
Then he closed his eyes, trembling and curled up on the ground.
Seeing the moment of the abstract picture on the card.
A virtual appearance of a bronze throne is printed in his makes his soul seem to feel the unbearable horror and howl.
This is not pain, but only the power of fear itself.
That's why Xiao Yu didn't add any material.
Otherwise, the study of mystics and soulology is based on the villain.
An image that turns a mortal into a madman is not impossible!
"That's why the legendary gods and mortals are not visible."
The indigenous wizard looked at General Ami’s miserable situation and said with a lingering fear:
"Our soul is too fragile to look directly at the gods."
"Place them in a box."
The indigenous wizard took a delicate wooden box from a maid, and walked carefully to the card that remained floating.
As far as possible, the indigenous wizard who only looked at the back of the card with the remaining light picked up the cards, stacked them up and put them in a wooden box.
Then he loosened his mind and closed the lid, then stepped back.
Only a few steps back.
The native wizard immediately widened his eyes.
Unbelievably, he looked at the floating cards stacked in front of him, and then looked at the wooden box in his hand.
He shivered and opened the wooden box.
Sure enough, the wooden box was already empty.
Thinking back.
The indigenous wizard immediately realized the problem.
"These gods...all things are untouchable?"
All kinds of strange power cards.
The native wizards were shocked.
Instead, it had a positive effect.
It made them treat these divine cards more and more solemnly.
The compulsion of the divine card has also grown from a simple extraordinary invitation certificate. (https:)
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