Chapter 77: Drunk horse

When Qi Yang and Lu Qipei returned, everyone at the dinner party had already arrived, and they were the last to appear.
It was almost noon, it was just time to have a banquet, and everyone gathered together and sat down. There were guards in the distance and separate guards, and there were servants who took care of them in the distance. Then, when they raised their eyes, Princess Xiangcheng and King Liang had even prepared singing and dancing, which was no worse than having a banquet in the mansion.
Qi Yang and Lu Qipei took their seats, took the kerchief handed by the servants and wiped their hands, and only then took two sips of tea on the table in front of them. Someone on the side laughed and said: "Qi Yang and the horse are so affectionate. It's just that you came back for a feast today, and you two are alone and come back late. Drinking two glasses together is counted as a fine wine. Why do you two only drink tea? "
It was Princess Nanping who was talking. She and Qi Yang have never dealt with each other. Today, she deliberately brought her husband to watch Qi Yang's jokes, only to see that the two of them are as loving as ever, and they are very unbelieving and disdainful, so they want to find fault.
However, Qi Yang was too lazy to care about her, and only replied faintly: "I and my husband and I are too strong to drink, so I replaced it with tea."
When Princess Nanping saw her perfunctorily, she was a little angry and wanted to say something, but she was stopped by her side.
Before the banquet started, the atmosphere was not so good. Princess Xiangcheng invited Qi Yang to come. Naturally, it wasn't for her to have a bad relationship with her, so she hurriedly came forward to make a round. This was not a big deal, and it was quickly revealed.
Immediately after the banquet began, everyone was scrambling, and the kings and princesses who had good or bad relationships all gathered together to talk.
Sitting near Qi Yang was the fifth prince who had sealed the king of Chu. He drank a few cups and leaned over to Qi Yang to ask her: "Father's birthday is approaching. I wonder what kind of birthday gift the emperor sister has prepared for this year?"
Two months later is the Longevity Day, the emperor’s 50th birthday, and it will be held in any event. Only today I don’t like extravagance. In previous years, gifts that were exceptional, must be reprimanded. But the whole life is different this year. Everyone knows that it must be done in a big way. Of course, the gift given should be heavier than in previous years, but everyone is not sure how much heavier.
Only Qi Yang and the prince were the only ones who had been favored since they were young, and they were happy with whatever emperor they gave. Over time, the brothers and sisters seemed to have found a weather vane, but when they needed to prepare a gift with the emperor, they were all based on the two.
Only in recent years, the Princess Mansion has become more and more strict. The news in the Princess Mansion is not easy to inquire, so I have to bite the bullet and ask.
King Chu’s question was obviously something other people wanted to ask, so everyone stopped talking and looked over.
Qi Yang thought it was boring, but there was nothing to hide, so he casually said: "I want my father to be a hundred years old, so I went to the Huguo Temple to fast and pray for some time, and I asked the Bodhisattva to plan on the Longevity Day. Shi offer."
There is nothing wrong with this gift. The emperor will never condemn extravagance. He also showed his heart when he asked for it sincerely. The emperor's preference for Qi Yang would probably be happy. In this way, she has no reference for this gift. Everyone can't just like her, put aside their affairs, all ran to Huguo Temple to fast and pray, and then invite all the gods and Buddhas in the temple back?
King Chu was inexplicably embarrassed. Under the gaze of the others, he bit the bullet and asked, "The emperor sister is very good. Then, I don't know the emperor sister, what else did the prince and emperor brother prepare for this time?"
In the case of ordinary people, it is common for brothers and sisters to prepare gifts for their fathers and exchange news, lest something goes wrong and embarrass each other. But the Heavenly Family was different. There was competition everywhere, and it was fortunate for the King of Chu to ask this question again and again.
Qi Yang wasn't a kid who didn't know how serious or serious. He frowned and said, "I don't know."
These words aroused some displeasure from everyone, especially the gaze from King Liang's eyes was undisguised. Qi Yang just didn't realize it, took the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, just to block the ridicule of his lips.
In fact, she had seen the change in people's attitudes a long time ago. In the early years, even if these princes and princesses were jealous and unwilling, they also covered up in front of her, but now they are so straightforward to show their feelings, and even find fault and provocation, the root is nothing but the prince.
Three years ago, in the battle of Northern Xinjiang, the three princes were condemned for conspiracy, but the prince returned with victory in Northern Xinjiang. The only opponent in the DPRK killed himself, he still had his military merits, and the prince's position should have become more stable. However, the world is unpredictable, but the prince Beijiang and his entourage were hit hard by accident, and the half-waste of their right hand can no longer be kept secret in the DPRK. In addition, the two days of fleeing in the ice and snow while dragging his injuries for the past two days seemed to have left him with troubles. In the past two years, he has become pale and sickened.
A prince who was physically disabled was a bit less convinced, not to mention that the prince's body seemed to be in bad shape. Over time, the remaining few declining princes gradually became contentious, and even Qi Yang was despised by the ambitions.
But Qi Yang was proud of herself, even if the prince's body was deteriorating, she was also worried. But in all fairness, none of these crooked princes won her eyes, let alone made her surrender.
It is said that there is no good banquet, and this banquet really made Qi Yang unhappy.
During the banquet, everyone first inquired about the emperor's birthday gift with her. After unsuccessful, the topic always inquired about the prince. Qi Yang didn't know it, and when he turned around, many people came to toast. Qi Yang didn't drink it himself, so he shied away in a few sentences, so the kings and other horsemen turned to Lu Qipei to toast. The latter couldn't refuse so stiffly, and drank a few more or less.
The wine cup prepared for the banquet is not small, not like an ordinary wine cup, one cup of wine can be worth four or five glasses. Qi Yang was only entangled by Nanping for a while, and when he turned around, Lu Qipei had three or four drinks, his face was already thin red.
Seeing this, Qi Yang felt two anger in his heart for no reason. He was too lazy to lie to everyone and said: "The horse is drunk, I will take her to sober up." Then he pulled up Lu Qipei and left the table.
Lu Qipei was indeed a little awkward, and when Qi Yang took him a quick step to leave, his steps staggered a bit. But in fact, her drinking capacity is much better than three years ago. The reason is that the princess has not "exercised drinking" with her in the past three years. I am much drunk, and I am naturally good at drinking.
The two quickly left the place where the singing and dancing were uplifting. Lu Qipei grabbed Qi Yang and said to her: "Aning, don't go so fast. I can't keep up with walking too fast, and I feel dizzy."
Qi Yang only stopped when he heard the words. When he looked back, he saw that Lu Qipei's cheeks were flushed, and even the clear eyes of the past also added two points of haziness. She knew that she was still a little drunk, so she turned to hold people back, and said dissatisfied: "Those people, what do you care about them?"
Lu Qipei just laughed. In fact, how can you get along with people as you please?
Qi Yang didn't understand, she just felt sorry for her.
The two walked for a while, and Qi Yang looked back at her again and asked, "Are you drunk too much today?"
Lu Qipei blinked at her, pointing out, "What do you think?"
In the past three years, Lu Qipei has been drunk by Qi Yang, and no one knows her drunken state better than Qi Yang. Hearing this, Qi Yang stared at her for a moment, and then snorted: "The amount of alcohol used by the pack horse is getting better and better."
Lu Qipei bent his eyebrows and chuckled lightly, the laughter softly and straight into the human heart.
Qi Yang looked at her slightly drunk before, but now he felt that she was drunk again. He helped people to walk to a clean boulder and stopped, and said: "Sit here and rest for a while, wake up the bar, I see you Still drunk."
Lu Qipei didn't argue, but after a clever response, he sat on the rock. Not long after sitting down, she looked up at Qi Yang, then stretched out her hand and pulled her into her arms, causing her to sit on her lap. The slender but powerful arms encircled Qi Yang's slender waist, and her slightly hot cheeks pressed against her neck, occasionally rubbing against her, making her blushing intimacy.
It seems that the stamina of the drink is not small, she really is still drunk.
Qi Yang has always been bold, but in this large crowd, God knows what a drunk can do. As a result, she was rarely embarrassed. She glanced slightly, and saw that the accompanying servants had already turned their gazes quite interestingly, and winks helped them open visitors.
This made Qi Yang a little relieved. Even though she felt the head between her neck rubbed again, she pushed it away a little helplessly, and discussed with her: "Ape, you are drunk, how about we go back home?"
Lu Qipei's arms around her waist tightened a little, and his speech was still clear: "I don't want to go back, I want to sober up the wine."
Qi Yang was funny when he heard the words, and felt that the two of them were really rude in this way, so he discussed with her: "Then how about you let go of me?"
Lu Qipei didn't say a word, and answered with a tighter arm, almost strangling Qi Yang out of breath. In the end, Qi Yang slapped his arm and called to loosen it, but without the princess's cuddling horse, he seemed very wronged. He looked up at the sky and did not look at Qi Yang.
Qi Yang really finds the drunk cohort very interesting, and his reaction is different every time. She was not afraid that the other party was really angry. After leaving Lu Qipei's arms, she simply sat on the rock and huddled with her. Then just a moment later, a hand was secretly wrapped around her waist again, with great strength, as if afraid that she would run away, and afraid that she would refuse.
With a smile at the corners of his lips, Qi Yang turned his head to look at his husband, who still looked up at the sky, pretending that nothing happened.
Qi Yang knew that Lu Qipei's appearance was obviously waiting for her to coax. But she didn't coax her today, she just held back the smile on her lips, and looked up at the sky with her.
I saw a clear blue sky above my head, dotted with white clouds, and there were many large and small figures underneath. Upon closer inspection, it was a paper kite.
Qi Yang had just looked up at random, but he was a little lost looking at the paper kites. She had also played with paper kites when she was a child, and the mother concubine made it with her. Unfortunately, she flew away and the concubine died soon afterwards, so she never let go of the kite.
Thinking of losing her mind, Qi Yang's fingers on her lap were hooked. She looked back subconsciously, but saw Lu Qipei frowning and saying to her: "Don't look at it, I will do those things, next time I will How good is it to give to Aning?"
Qi Yang looked at her for a while, and couldn't help but laugh when seeing her serious and stubborn eyes.
The drunk horse is so cute, even the vinegar of the paper kite!
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