Chapter 126: 6 alien signals and solar system wall of fire

Ye Fan clicked on Weibo casually and found all kinds of news everywhere.
[Groom Technology: Datang Technology has a shocking explosion last night, the flames of the explosion can be clearly seen two kilometers away. 】
According to the reporter's report yesterday, Datang Technology had a big explosion. According to the video returned by the live live broadcast, the explosion site was located in the industrial area of ​​Datang Technology.
Datang Technology responded to the incident after the explosion last night. According to the official Weibo of Datang Technology and the current CEO of Datang Heavy Industries, Lin Wei revealed that the explosion was caused by the refining of a new type of steel. , So far no casualties have been caused.
There is still no relevant department involved in this matter, and the groom's technology reporter will follow up and report on the matter.
[Gather in a gang fight? Shengshi Security Group, a subsidiary of Datang Technology, gathered more than 800 people at the entrance of the Central People’s Hospital at 12 o’clock yesterday evening]
According to the security personnel of Datang Technology, they came to visit the injured security colleague and denied the gathering of people to fight.
Was the security guard injured in the big explosion? Or is there another secret?
Why do we need to mobilize more than 800 people to visit colleagues?
Regarding the reporter's existing doubts, the current CEO of Shengshi Security Group, Wang Fugui, did not show up for any interview.
[Security is not equal to workers? Lin Wei, the current CEO of Datang Heavy Industries, responded to the incident of the injured security guard. 】
Lin Wei claimed that security is not equal to workers. There is no conflict with the official WeChat account of Datang Technology and his previous response that no workers were injured.
The other party said that Datang Heavy Industry and Shengshi Security Group are two different departments under Datang Technology. I don't know what happened in the other department.
The reporter is still following up and reporting.
"These reporters are really troublesome." Ye Fan kept swiping down on Weibo and shook his head helplessly.
Anything the size of a sesame mung bean would have to be taken out for a long time, just as if I really wished him something happened to Datang Technology.
If it wasn't for the ignition process last night and the reactants were just a few rocks, they would explode when the heavy nuclear fusion actually started to react, and so many reactants would be able to directly blow up the entire Datang Heavy Industry.
I don't know how long it was, some unpopular posts began to appear gradually, until a news item caught Ye Fan's attention.
[According to NASA's disclosure, the Voyager 2 probe found a huge wall of fire on the edge of the solar system. Someone is protecting us in the dark? 】
The area of ​​the solar system is very large. Although scientists can already observe the universe 93 billion light-years away, the universe we observe is only the tip of the iceberg.
It is well known that the universe is constantly expanding, and human beings cannot even fly out of the solar system and know nothing about things outside the solar system.
To explore things outside the solar system, scientists launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes. At present, when Voyager 2 was flying to the edge of the solar system, they discovered a huge wall of fire. The temperature of this wall was as high as 49427 degrees Celsius.
This wall of fire seems to hinder humans from flying out of the solar system, so is this wall of fire good or bad for humans?
Who created this wall of fire? Many scientists have guessed that alien civilization is "covering" the solar system, but some scientists have put forward different views.

Some scientists believe that alien civilizations cannot protect us for no reason. It is very possible that they are observing human beings in the dark and taking every action of human beings in their hands, so human beings have not been able to fly out of the solar system.
Some scientists even bluntly said that we humans are a race raised by a higher civilization, but there is no relevant evidence to show whether this statement is true.
However, this view has been recognized by many people, because Voyager 2 had some malfunctions when it flew out of the solar system.
Voyager 2 once sent back some strange and difficult signals to the earth. At that time, even the space agency's scientists could not do anything about it, so some people speculated that it was a ghost of an alien civilization.
We must remain in awe of the unknown. Human beings have not stopped in their exploration of the universe.
[Don’t answer! Don't answer! Don't answer! The "Three Body" prophecy came true? Gama University captured mysterious radio signals from 170,000 light-years away six times. 】
Recently, after the explosion of "Seven Stars Connecting Pearls", a piece of news about humans capturing radio signals from alien civilizations has aroused considerable international response.
The radio telescope of the Canadian Observatory received a mysterious signal 170,000 light-years away. The source of the signal was initially confirmed to be near the star 1987a. In a short period of time, there have been six supernova explosions in that place, which is extremely abnormal. .
Some scientists predicted that a fierce cosmic war occurred near that planet, and the black hole that appeared for no reason was also a product of the cosmic war.
At present, America and several major powers established the Space Defense Council yesterday, bringing together a large number of experts to conduct a focused investigation on the matter, and to stop and arrest several experts who wanted to answer the source of the signal.
Some optimists have strongly condemned the actions of the Space Defense Council. They believe that even if the signal is replied, the information transmitted by electromagnetic waves will not be received until at least 170,000 years later.
By then, even if an alien civilization receives information and wants to launch aggression against the earth, it will take at least 170,000 years to arrive at the speed of light, which means that the earth has at least 340,000 years of safety.
The experts currently trying to answer the source of the signal have all been arrested, and the Space Defense Council will try these experts for crimes against humanity.
"1987a star? The word has appeared a lot Is there really an alien in this world?" Ye Fan also touched his chin at this time, lost in thought.
In fact, Ye Fan had always suspected one thing.
His own system, with the strength of today's human technological level, is absolutely impossible to create a system for him.
In other words, the existence of the system was originally the most magical secret in the world. Even if he is the owner of the system, he doesn't know the origin of the system.
For Ye Fan, this system is a vast encyclopedia, which contains a large number of black technologies. It is the most important thing for him to lead the global mankind towards the Galaxy Age.
But now a terrible question emerged in Ye Fan's mind. .
Is the appearance of the system man-made or accidental?
If it is man-made, who did it?
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