Chapter 140: That is our sky

"Dr. Macato, you keep saying that for humans, but now you are exposing humans to the most dangerous unknown universe. Now that you have confessed your crimes, then you have to pay for your mistakes!" The trial at this time Long said.
"Do you have anything else?" The judge sat back in his seat and looked at the gray-haired old man.
"I have nothing good. You have seen the results now. If there are really extraterrestrial intelligent life near the 1987a star, then you have to think about countermeasures.
In this regard, my mission has been completed, even if you sentence me to death, I will accept it. "Dr. Macato still looks calm, and Ye Fan wants to beat this guy.
Because Origin has a real-time translation function, their conversations with Ye Fan can be heard clearly.
This old man, in order to prevent human beings from being destroyed by unnecessary civil wars, so he wanted to establish an external enemy for humans?
And it's the kind of enemy that human beings don't know anything about, hiding in the dark, but this old guy has dug a big hole in today's earth.
If there is really no extraterrestrial intelligent life on the 1987a star, what if there is an extraterrestrial intelligent life?
Since the other party has the condition to send six consecutive signals, it means that the other party is definitely not a vegetarian. If the other party has the ability of interstellar navigation, the consequences will be even more disastrous.
Fancy that the other party is here to communicate with you friendly and help yourself to prosperity?
Want to fart!
When Columbus discovered the American continent, the Indians thought so too.
"It seems that when the time comes, the Starlink Project will also speed up the steps, so at least we still have room for resistance." At this time, Ye Fan was also thinking in secret.
Finally, he once again focused his eyes on the picture of the Supreme Court of Armageddon displayed in the glasses.
"Sentencing in court! Dr. Macato and four students were sentenced to life imprisonment for committing crimes against humanity, and the sentence can never be commuted!" At this time, the judge looked at the information in his hands and declared in court.
"Hehe, I thought you would send me to the gallows. This is beyond my expectation." Dr. Macato said unexpectedly at this time.
"We will not send you to the gallows. We want you to continue to live and let you spend the rest of your life repenting for the crimes you committed!" the judge said righteously.
When the sentence was over, Dr. Macato and his four students did not choose to appeal until they were taken away and held by several soldiers.
And the verdict of this scene ends here.
Ye Fan took off the glasses and put them in the glasses case, frowning.
At about one o’clock that night, Ye Fan’s motorcade returned to the villa. Because Ye Qingcheng had already gone back to chat, everyone except Zhao Bao and Chen Jia who wanted to protect Ye Fan in secret, everyone else drove to the Datang Technology Headquarters.
After a brief shower, Ye Fan lay on the luxurious bed, with many thoughts in his heart.
"Origin, analyze and calculate, how likely is the presence of extraterrestrial life in that place?" Ye Fan put on his glasses, facing Origin.
"Analysis and calculation are in progress."
"Near the 1987A star, there are six other stars. Although the calculation trajectories of the six stars are not related to each other, they will interfere with each other within a certain period of time."
"Every one hundred years, seven stars will appear similar to a kind of "seven-day volley", "flying stars" and other scenes. Even planets cannot survive such stellar activities."
"Moreover, there have been 7 supernova explosions near the star of 1987A, and black holes are also generated nearby. Although the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life is not ruled out, the probability of their existence is 0.0000000001%."
"Even if there are extraterrestrial intelligent life, they can survive in such a harsh environment, and their technological level has surpassed the existence that humans can understand today.
The big data deduction believes that they will not have much interest in our civilization that has not yet stepped out of the home planet. "At this moment, data streams flashed on Ye Fan's glasses, and paragraphs of text flashed quickly.
"Well, I hope so." Ye Fan nodded, took off his glasses, and placed them on the bed.
Compared to these illusory threats, it's better to care about the present.
Now, as long as the materials are all delivered back, a steel armor can be built, and when eating tonight, I also said hello to Yu Chengdong.
Yu Chengdong said that they will fully support the development of Datang Technology, so they will spare no effort to arrange factories to produce 5G chips and supply them to Ye Fan.
So in about 3 working days, more than 10,000 5G chips will be delivered, and their engineers will install 20 base stations for Datang Technology within two working days.

On the "Top of the Gods" side, a new version will be updated at 12 o'clock tomorrow, which will attract a large number of players, and they will also perform krypton gold, so the daily flow will be up again. Some.
With the three BTA companies, the alliance with Huawei, and the sale of use rights, Ye Fan received 60 billion yuan in funds.
All the high-level officials of the "Huangheifang" have been beheaded, and Guoan is now starting to purge the remnants of the "Huangheifang" organization overseas, and basically all domestic spies and agents have been arrested.
Except for a mysterious leader who has never shown up, other forces who want to take action on Datang Technology will basically be monitored by Origin for the first time.
It stands to reason that the development of Datang Technology has been foolproof.
But I don't know why, Ye Fan always feels unreliable in his heart.
Is it an illusion?
Ye Fan fell asleep.
In his dream, Ye Fan was standing in a bustling super metropolis. He stood on the sidewalk, looking up at Kong.
Surrounded by a sea of ​​people coming and going, magnetic levitation cars, various vehicles that are incomprehensible to human beings are constantly flying through the air.
The large-scale holographic projection, various intoxicating urban decorations, and punk-style sci-fi architecture shocked Ye Fan.
However, this was not what shocked Ye Fan the most, what shocked Ye Fan the most was the full moon in the sky.
Why is it so huge?
As if it were a void, it almost occupies the entire void of this continent.
Not only did it not block the sun's light, but it also used an incredible method to make the sun softer and more comfortable.
At this moment, Ye Fan even had an idea in his mind.
Is the moon within reach?
And under the full moon, a huge steel building towers into the clouds. The area and scale of the building are even higher than Mount Everest, and it is even larger, as if it were a mountain range.
That huge steel building is directly connected to the huge full moon, like a giant standing on top of the ground, propping up the entire space.
"Man, what are you looking at? That's the latest space elevator, Jiangzhou. With it, we can go home as easy as going upstairs." An old man walked by Ye Fan with a cane.
"Space elevator? Home?" Ye Fan suddenly turned and found that besides the pedestrians coming and going, there were no elderly people on the sidewalk.
The surroundings became dark again and turned into a huge war scene, with countless civilian casualties and loss of life.
All the buildings were destroyed in an instant, the so-called space elevator was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, turned into shards and disappeared, and the sky got farther and farther.
The surroundings are broken like a mirror.
All scenes turned into glass shards, falling into the endless abyss Zheng
Countless lives, countless people fell on their knees, looking at Kong sorrowfully, shouting hoarsely:
"Our emptiness!"
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