Chapter 160: Artificial intelligence deduces and restores the dream background

"Boss." A dozen security guards standing guard at the entrance of the headquarters saw Ye Fan get off the car and bowed to Ye Fan.
"Yeah." Ye Fan nodded faintly. Origin passed the identity verification, and the basement door was opened from the inside. When Ye Fan walked into the basement, the basement door closed.
"Origin, I will give you a story background and story fragments. You automatically retrieve the big data of the entire network to see if you can find clues about the background of these stories."
Ye Fan sat in front of the console and entered the story fragments in his mind into the origin database in text.
For an entire hour, Ye Fan was busy turning stories into words. Various story fragments and various story backgrounds were all input into the computer.
The origin at this time is also automatically controlling an intelligent robot, which is a robot that has just been assembled and walks on a crawler. It is about one meter and five meters high. The unique assembly style makes it look stupid and cute.
"Master, this is the latest tea-making technique I have learned. You can try it." At this moment, the robot spoke, and at the same time manipulated the mechanical arm to make a pot of tea.
"Oh? Did your consciousness run into this robot?" Ye Fan was also taken aback, looking at the silly robot in front of him, and said.
"No, in fact, I only have one consciousness, but my multithreading ability is very strong, so I can control 30,000 me at the same time, as long as it is a robot controlled by me, the owner can think it is me." That robot uses electronics. The synthesized voice spoke.
"Oh, like this, it seems that your learning ability is pretty good, and the taste of tea is also great. It seems that some tea masters' experience and heat have been learned by you." Ye Fan took a sip of tea, too. Nodded lightly.
"Thank you for the compliment, as the number of quantum computers increases, my learning ability will become stronger and stronger." The electronic screen on the robot's face showed a happy smiling face.
"Okay, after typing, you help me analyze the things in this story and see if you can find some words in the story of modern society.
It would be better if they could be connected together to form a complete story. "Ye Fan pressed the Enter key and sent this document of almost 30,000 words to the source database.
"The whole network is being screened by keywords, the story fragments are being rearranged and arranged, and the intelligent substitution is being carried out..." At this time, the big screen in the basement showed row after row of progress bars.
"After the search and intelligent analysis is completed, based on the story fragments and story background provided by the owner, the overlap rate with the story content of Chinese traditional myths and legends is currently 70%. Except for the timeline does not match, the storyline is similar." Origin said.
"What?" Ye Fan was taken aback for a moment, to know that he is a relatively rational person, true is true, false is false, and what mythical story is clearly an event made up by the ancients.
"According to the story background provided by the host, part of it is consistent with the myths and legends of'Chang'e Flying to the Moon' and'Gonggong's Angrily Touches the Mountain'
"Let's talk about it." Ye Fan put down his teacup, his brows frowned tightly.
After all, this matter is completely illogical.
On the big screen at this time, Origin automatically listed an analysis report form.
According to the master’s story background, the information integrated by the story fragments:
It is a large celestial body. According to your description, the ‘home’ usually reflects a light yellow light, which coincides with the moon’s light, and can basically be identified as the moon.
According to NASA’s scientific report, it can be concluded that ten thousand years ago, the distance between the earth and the moon was not 380,000 kilometers as it is today. In fact, the moon is also moving away from it by two meters per year due to an unknown force. Earth.
The current inference is that "home", that is, the moon, is a large man-made celestial body. There are many pits on the surface of the moon. These pits are caused by some asteroids hitting the moon.
Through computer simulation, when a planet of the same size hits the earth, the destructive force generated can penetrate the earth, but only a not very deep crater is formed on the moon.
According to data, in November 1969, during the Apollo 12 lunar exploration, the lunar module crashed out of control on the lunar surface, causing an explosion equivalent to 1 ton of TNT.
Then, the earthquake recorder set up by the American Space Agency on the moon actually recorded a 15-minute shock, which seemed to be like the sound of a drum and gong we hit with a big hammer.
Later, according to the astronauts who landed on the moon, Armstrong recalled that after they left the spacecraft and set foot on the moon, they could vaguely smell a special smell, which they didn't care about at the time.
However, when they finished their activities, returned to the spacecraft, and took off their spacesuits, the smell came to their faces. It was a strong smell of gunpowder, which was the same as the smell of gunpowder burning.
In your background story, the host describes the "home" being affected by the war, and the "smoke of gunpowder" recalled by the astronauts.
Therefore, the presumption this time is that the moon is a large colonial spacecraft and an artificial celestial body, so it is called "home".
2. The code name of the space elevator is "Zhou", which is highly consistent with the mythology of "Buzhou Mountain". After the space elevator "Zhou" is destroyed, its role of fixing the moon with centrifugal force has disappeared.
The moon that has lost the control of centrifugal force, the reverse thrust engine is destroyed, and the moon is captured by the gravity of the earth, and there is a scenario of "home" falling to the ground.
According to the information provided by the owner, "Zhou" is a direct connection between the ground and the moon. According to data analysis, the moon, which can cover most of the sky in China, is much closer than it is today.
3. Driving a transport boat, using the thrust formed by the anti-matter explosion to push the girl who "home" away from the surface, according to the owner's information, it is shown as "e", which is highly consistent with the "Chang'e to the moon" in the myth.
4. The explosive shock wave produced after the annihilation of antimatter is enough to destroy all traces of artificial structures on the surface of the moon, and at the same time, all traces of civilization in this area of ​​China on the surface of the earth are all evaporated in an instant.
After the moon was pushed away, the catastrophic flood caused by the tides is highly consistent with the "Great Yu governing the water" in the mythology and the "Noah's Ark" in the Western mythology. The timeline is also consistent, and the legendary civilization The timeline of "Atlantis" being submerged by the flood is highly consistent.
5. According to the background information, before detonating antimatter, "E" once broadcast their stories and legends to the compatriots in the shelter for the last time.
The transportation boat uses electromagnetic waves to propagate. The host you show is that the electromagnetic waves are transmitted to the refuge within 0.001 seconds. According to the position of the unearthed energy particle beam ray gun, it can be inferred that an event of 10,000 years before history occurred in the A7 area of ​​Datang Heavy Industry. This land.
According to the information provided by the owner, the transportation boat driven by "E" is an anti-gravity engine, which means that "E" rises vertically on this land.
According to the distance from the A7 area to the top of the atmosphere, the location of the last broadcast of "E" can be inferred. With it as the center of the circle, the position that electromagnetic waves can reach within 0.001 seconds, and the birthplace of civilization happens to be the "Yellow River Basin".
6. According to the information provided by the host, the characteristics of homeland "gold" and "fire" basically coincide with Venus and Mars in the solar system.
Among them, the homeland "Jin" was destroyed because of the destruction of the star destroyer docked at the surface of the starport. The ecological environment was extremely bad. So far, it has been acid rain for thousands of years, which is consistent with the "corrosion" in the background of the story.
The "fire" of the homeland, because of a fierce war, caused all traces of human existence on the surface of the homeland to be erased, and it became what human beings see today.

Ye Fan opened his mouth wide astonished as he looked at the large amount of information listed by Origin, and he took a breath.
Ten thousand years before history, there was a terrible space war on Earth?
Venus and Mars, are they called "gold" and "fire" in their dreams?
The moon is the "home" in the dream?
The so-called space elevator "Zhou" is the mythical "Buzhou Mountain"?
At that time, the only refuge in human civilization was in the Yellow River Basin?
"Is there only so much?" Ye Fan couldn't hide his shock after reading the data listed on the big screen, and continued to ask.
"Master, the information you provide is limited. I can only query and substitute so much information. There are some other information that cannot be studied.
If the host can provide new information later, you can re-substitute and calculate, if possible, you can also overturn the current calculation. "Origin continued to analyze rationally.
"If there is more accurate information, your analysis can be more accurate, right?" Ye Fan asked, seeing this.
"Well, currently based on the entire network data retrieval, the only stories that can be analyzed are these." Origin replied.
"But I still feel a little illogical. Since an anti-matter bomb exploded above our heads 10,000 years before history, logically speaking,
The traces of civilization in the entire Huaxia region have been eliminated in an instant, so there is no possibility that the energy particle beam ray gun that is not deeply buried will be preserved. "
"If there really is a prehistoric civilization in our China region, there is no reason why Datang Heavy Industry can unearth energy particle beam ray guns.
But other places have not heard of precedents for discovering this stuff. If it is substituted into myths, some things can be explained.
However, there are some logical problems that cannot be justified. "At this time, Ye Fan frowned and fell into deep thought.
However, the analysis of the origin is unreasonable. If you substitute your dreams into various stories in real life, it can be explained theoretically.
Maybe there is a prehistoric civilization!
And our existing human beings are the new-generation civilizations reborn from the ancestors who survived the catastrophe of 10,000 years before history.
If analyzed based on the available data, the origin of mankind is too illusory.
After all, any existing hypothesis about the origin of mankind cannot justify itself.
Anyway, Ye Fan didn't want to believe Darwin's "Evolution" at all.
The ancestors of human beings are monkeys? Is the birthplace of mankind in Africa? Uncle Hei is the ancestor of mankind?
Throw Lei Lou Mu!
He would rather believe in metaphysics, that humans are people created by God, than believe in the things described in the theory of evolution.
According to the existing human database, all kinds of evidence point to aliens from the sky.
After all, according to the explanation in The Theory of Evolution, if humans evolve with the earth, they should adapt to the environment on the earth.
But the fact is that humans will be harmed by the sun’s ultraviolet rays, hate natural foods, and get sick more easily than other animals. These weaknesses have not evolved at all, and do not conform to the "survival of the fittest" in "Evolution" which is the most important one. The argument.
According to another hypothesis of contemporary scientists, "Theory of Extraterrestrial Origins," many things that cannot be explained by "Theory of Evolution" can be fully explained.
If inferred according to "Evolution".
If humans have been on the earth from the beginning, then our ancestors should continue to live like lizards under strong sunlight.
However, the fact is that humans cannot be exposed for 2 weeks at all, but lizards can be exposed to the sun every day.
The scientists who support "Theory of Alien Origins" analyzed the rules of the genetic code: this is a set of rules that translate DNA into protein without changes in inheritance.
The scientists found that the number 37 often appears in experiments.
One example is that the molecular nuclear masses of the existing 20 amino acids are all 74, which is exactly 2 times that of 37.
According to the information provided by the origin, another example appears in "Rumer Transformation".
Yuri Rumer first discovered in 1966 that the genetic code can be divided into two halves ~ ~ half are "complete family" codons (each codon occupies three structural units in DNA).
The other half is the "split family" (amino acids used to make proteins), which does not contain AC bases.
There are 28 codons in total, the total atomic mass is 1665, and the atomic mass of the side chain combined with it is 703, and the masses of both are integral multiples of 37.
The probability of the number 37 appearing randomly in the genetic code is only one in 10 trillion.
The human genetic code obviously has a non-random structure, and it is not simply ‘non-random’, at least with some characteristics that are difficult to attribute to natural processes.
Neither "Evolution" nor "Alien Origins" have found any relevant evidence to support their hypothesis, and "Evolution" is more easily accepted by the public.
Ye Fan is a pure nationalist. He would rather believe that his ancestors came from aliens than he would accept that he shares the same origin with the in Africa.
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