Chapter 179: Never retreat

Star Destroyer Bridge, Star Destroyer, Tacheng Star Harbor.
The person who just walked in was Yi, and he was covered with blood at this time. It seemed that he had bought a lot of time for the bridge.
"We have gone through the battle and have lost a Star Destroyer. Now we are heading to the pre-determined location. Thank you for the gift from our hometown. We will carry your hopes.
Rebuild a new home and say hello to General Wang for me. At this time, the last word came from the "Supreme" Star Destroyer, and he started the engine and began to march towards the target location.
"Lan, our mission is complete."
At this time, Yi was covered with blood and looked very weak. He had already shot a laser beam on his body. The fist-sized skin on his chest had been roasted into coke, and the flesh and blood inside could even be seen.
Although he was wearing individual armor, this thing was completely useless in the face of dozens of hundreds of lasers.
Being able to get out of the siege of dozens of people and kill all the opponents is enough to prove his strength.
"Yes." Lan also nodded at this time, and tears fell from the corner of her eyes.
Now that the Resistance Army has basically been wiped out, the anti-matter bomb was activated at the headquarters, which caused a huge earthquake there.
If you are flying in the sky and overlooking the earth, you can even see the universe through the floor. That is the passage through which the small spaceship escaped after the explosion of the anti-matter bomb.
Under the explosion of this scale, there is basically no possibility of surviving the 10,000 people there.
And the 10,000 people on the Tacheng Star Harbor side had already lost a lot of manpower when attacking Tacheng Star Harbor. Now the resistance inside the Star Destroyer will not last too long.
After all, two fists are harder than four hands. The opponent is a regular army, an ace army, and it can be said to be able to deal with ordinary resistance forces.
The opponent completely crushed their troops in terms of training and equipment.
So there is no suspense in this war, they will lose.
But in a sense, they were successful, because they kept the complete technology tree of the current human continent and sent it out.
She shed tears, not because she was afraid of death, after all, the reason why she joined the Resistance Army had already put her life and death out.
The reason for her tears was that before she died, she still did not see the real sky as she wished.
"I remember, this Star Destroyer has fuel in it, it has already been refilled last time, and is waiting for the slave to take over." At this time, Lan seemed to have thought of something and also said.
"Although there is fuel, we can't make it move at all. It can also be said that we can turn on the anti-gravity engine and lift it up high.
But it can't control its changes as you want, because we are completely short of manpower. "Yi shook his head, he knew what Lan was thinking.
"This is enough, Yi, let's try it. It's better than sitting here and waiting for death. Let's see the real sky." Lan was also cheering for herself at this time, while saying to Yi.
"Okay, I support you." Yiqiang stood up with his body supported, opened the operation manual, and began to check the complicated operation passwords and operation methods.
Today, the degree of automation inside the Star Destroyer is still very high, but some things still need to be done manually, but there are not many steps. Generally speaking, it is still a relatively automated Star Destroyer.
But anyway, they have no hope of survival.
After the pinnacle of the gods descended on the human continent, mankind hadn't tried to fly into the sky, but whenever human aircraft flew high in the sky, without exception, they were all destroyed by the death ray from the pinnacle of the gods.
If nothing else, they are the same.
In the vast universe.
Five star destroyers, two planet cruisers, and a large Titan-class battleship are carefully searching for something.
At the forefront is a star destroyer called "Supreme". Its hull is about the size of Guangchuan City, and its hull is shaped like a sharp sword.
Soon, a small spaceship galloped toward this side, which was the last kind of fire to take off from the human continent.
"Captain Zhang, it's there!" At this time, aboard the "Supreme" star destroyer in Cambridge, an operator manipulating the radar said excitedly.
"Capture it, this is our last hope. As long as it is there, our human heritage will not be cut off." The captain also couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes and ordered.
Although they have not returned to their hometown for two hundred years, they are all gifts from their hometown anyway, and they absolutely cannot give up.
His name is Zhang Beihai, a tough hawk, and also the commander-in-chief of this fleet. After all, after leading the last few Star Destroyers to defect last time, the rest of the people regard him as the savior.
Although he looks like he is over half a hundred years old at this time, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon, and it seems that any evil spirits will recede in front of such eyes.
"Captain Zhang, we have sent the corresponding shuttle to bring the small spaceship back." About ten minutes later, Captain Zhang's men spoke.

"Yeah." Captain Zhang looked at the picture displayed on the screen. It was the small spaceship, which was towed by a small shuttle, and slowly followed the trajectory into the interior of the "Supreme" Star Destroyer. .
"Captain Zhang, I am Xu Yan, the captain of the Titan-class battleship'Supreme Glory'. I have been passing radar and found that a large number of warships are coming to our side through time and space.
That is the battleship of the slaves. After our ship is in charge, you should leave here as soon as possible. The farther you go, the better. "At this moment, the bridge received an access signal.
"Captain Xu..." Zhang Beihai's voice was also choked.
According to the original plan, after a Titan-class battleship was broken, it would give a few star destroyers a chance to escape.
As long as they can hold them for half an hour, for them who have dismantled all the positioning devices, even if they fled to the end of the universe, the chasers of the human continent cannot catch them.
Why do you want the Titan-class battleship to be broken?
In fact, the post-breaking is only a better way of saying, and the worse is to die, but even so, the people on the Titan-class battleship have no regrets or regrets.
Because for them, this is a battle related to the survival of mankind, and it is also an honor.
This is a glory that regards death as life.
Almost all the supplies on the Titan-class battleships have been removed, and some essential parts that can be used on the Star Destroyer have basically been removed.
It can be said that the Titan-class battleship is a spaceship no different from an empty shell, and it is also a huge living coffin in flight.
This is a suicidal action, but they are also the same, exuding the breath of seeing death as life.
Because at present, only the Titan-class warships have this ability to break, because the Titan-class warships have the strongest firepower, and the defensive capabilities are also the most powerful warships.
According to the original plan, he should drag the Titan-class battleship to pursue the soldiers for ten minutes, and then detonate the anti-matter engine in the Titan-class battleship.
The metal jet after the explosion of the antimatter engine, as well as the electromagnetic storm, can almost ban the temporal and spatial transition in this area within the next twenty minutes.
In other words, if you go and leave, you will never turn back.
"I know what you are going to say, Captain Zhang, here are only the parts of your Star Destroyer ships that are universal. The parts of this Titan-class battleship are unique.
Even if there is a problem, there is no way to supply it, so we are the best choice after we stop. Now that you have got the fire, please leave here quickly. "
At this moment, a picture came from the bridge of the "Supreme" Star Destroyer. It was from the "Supreme Glory" Titan-class battleship.
In the square inside the Titan class, many of the staff on the Titan class battleships have been evacuated to other star destroyers by small shuttles.
At this time, except for the necessary combat positions and the control personnel on the engine side, everyone else can go, and even the people responsible for damage control have left here.
Before they boarded the shuttle, they all had tears in their eyes, watching Captain Zhang and more than ten thousand people still staying on the Titan-class battleship, and solemnly paid a military salute.
This is a silent farewell, which also contains sadness and passion.
"Captain Xu, thank you for dedicating your life to the continuation of mankind. Your glorious deeds will always be praised by us."
Zhang Beihai sighed and looked at the white hair on the screen, but Captain Xu, who was still standing straight, spoke.
Xu Yan is an old leader. Whether in terms of qualifications or ability, he is qualified to leave here. As long as he has a little idea of ​​giving up, the captains and soldiers of the other Star Destroyer will take over without hesitation. This post-breaking battle.
However, Xu Yan gave up all this and chose to embark on this tragic journey with the remaining 10,000 people.
"It doesn't matter, it's the same." Xu Yan shook his head and said.
"There is no real victor in this no matter who among us can survive, the one who survives will be, and must set foot on a battle for,
Continuing the long and difficult journey of human hope, you, before setting off, I wish you all the best. "
"Leave, children, the stars and the sea is your best destination."
Two minutes later, after the last group of evacuated staff from the Titan-class battleship boarded the rest of the Star Destroyer, the remaining Star Destroyer immediately started their engines, and the two sides left here after the final brief communication.
"Everyone, fight."
At the bridge of the Titan-class battleship, Xu Yan watched the rest of the Star Destroyer leave, and looked at the large number of time-distorted traces in front of him, knowing that the chase had arrived.
"Swear to the death!" the rest of the staff shouted loudly.
The tragic and passionate BGM sounded. After a dozen battle scenes were interrupted, the cutscene ended.
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