Chapter 182: Experiment "Successful"

At the same time, American Chicago, far away on the other side of the ocean.
"Hey, Mr. Tang, our experiment was very successful." Dr. Kingsley said happily, and patted Mr. Tang on the shoulder beside him.
At this time, in this cold-looking laboratory, a cylindrical instrument was filled with water-like liquid, and a beautiful girl was still immersed in it.
She just floated in the water motionless, no matter who came, she would not regard her as a living person.
However, if you look closely, you can find that although she was soaked in water, there was no trace of decay on her body, which was exactly the same as a normal person.
Even the ropes and chains can still see the elasticity of the skin on her body, telling others that she is alive, not a corpse.
Is she sleeping now?
This is impossible, maybe others don’t know, but as the leader of the experiment, Dr. Kingsley knows very well that she will not have the slightest drowsiness under the immersion of the liquid medicine, let alone use deep sleep to kill time. .
So at the moment she is unconscious, she should have entered the world of the Internet. Of course, the current laboratory has only opened the internal network connected to Mr. Tang's supercomputer, and it is impossible for her to connect to the outside.
"Dr. Kingsley, did you call it a success? According to your plan, her brain waves will be analyzed into data that can be run on a supercomputer, so that it can be used by us."
"So by then the ontology will have no effect on us, and it can be destroyed humanely at any time, but in this situation, our supercomputing base cannot be separated from ontology consciousness at all!"
"Do you know, as long as you take off the helmet from her head, the artificial intelligence on our supercomputer base is scrap iron!" Mr. Tang was also a little angry at this time looking at Dr. Kingsley.
"Hehe, Mr. Tang, it is very good to have the result now. Her genes can be said to be unique, and I can achieve this level.
I’ve tried my best. I’m not to blame. If you want to, you’ll have to blame your consortium’s poor strength and can’t provide me with many experimental samples. "
Facing the angry Mr. Tang, Dr. Kingsley also shrugged, and then hung up on his own.
For now, his experimental project can make artificial intelligence truly intelligent.
As we all know, the artificial intelligence on the market now relies on high computing power + artificial learning logic to have emotions and other things.
In other words, it is possible to research new learning logic on the basis of computing power by relying on powerful computing power.
However, Mr. Tang has the most powerful supercomputing base in the world in his hands. However, even this way, it is still not enough in terms of computing power, so in terms of learning logic, it is still limited by computing power, and learning is still very slow. .
But this project is different. This is artificial intelligence with its own learning logic, and computing power is only a supplement to learning logic.
Why people have emotions depends on strong learning logic, learning ability and memory ability.
However, the human brain is very poor in terms of computing power, not even comparable to the most common calculators.
If the computing power of the human brain is fully utilized, it is not impossible, but it may cause a fever due to direct high temperature and overheating, and a physical cooling mode must be adopted.
So the human brain is also a biological computer, characterized by low computing power but good computing logic and architecture.
In terms of computing, electronic computers are very powerful, but in terms of learning logic and computing logic, humans are still required to write and upgrade, so they have high computing power, but they don’t have much IQ. It depends on later learning. .
Therefore, the artificial intelligence on the market, no matter how powerful it is to learn, there will always be the day when the knowledge is completed. All of their abilities are completed under the support of the existing database.
They will not try to create, even if they have the ability to create, it is only limited to the existing scientific system and database, not to mention innovation.
And they are more like a mirror, others will imitate whatever they do.
For example, if a person is beaten, his first reaction is to get angry, and then beat back.
However, if they are placed in artificial intelligence, after they are beaten, if there is no "angry" step in the big data and database, they will not be angry, but will directly fight back.
If there is no "fight back" step in big data, then they will not fight back in the same way.
So why high computing power, because high computing power can reduce the learning cost as much as possible, and make corresponding adjustments and changes in response to the situation.
This is why even though they have high computing power, they still do not have the characteristic of "smart".
Because they are like a mirror, it will learn what others do, and if others don't, it will not at all.
No matter what level of artificial intelligence is, it cannot escape this most basic logic. After all, relying on the 0 and 1 digits of electrons, it is impossible to give birth to true feelings.
Of course, you can also add specific instructions for specific situations to make the artificial intelligence make specific responses, but in this way, the workload will greatly increase.
You can't make adjustments and additions to various situations in order to make artificial intelligence "smart", right?
This is unrealistic.
And Dr. Kingsley’s artificial intelligence is different. His plan is to have
first and then
intelligence Now his experiment has been successful, although it is not so perfect, but In any case, he also successfully researched artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence with low computing power + efficient arithmetic logic.
Many people now fall into a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence, that is, high computing power is the real artificial intelligence.
But the actual situation is that efficient calculation logic is the main body. A human being without a thought, even if his brain is more powerful, can he still be called a human?
Is that still smart?
This is simply impossible.
"Dr. Kingsley, so we have to keep this body here? Now, Huaxia Guoan has sent a large number of people to Chicago to investigate her sudden disappearance.
Once our plan is exposed, our consortium will be destroyed instantly! You need to know the seriousness of the matter! The results of your experiment are completely different from what you promised when you patted your chest! "Mr. Tang is still unresolved at this time.
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