Chapter 361: Public opinion control

Chapter 365: Public Opinion Control
At that time, he inspected the Bosnian Sun Pyramid in detail and the energy changes of the surrounding electromagnetic field.
At first, no abnormalities were found in the surrounding area. The surrounding energy was very gentle, but when it reached the pyramid area, it suddenly became three-dimensional.
Then he even detected a 28 kilohertz energy flow at the top of the tower.
At this time, Origin used holographic projection to project the data at the time onto the living room. Ye Fan could clearly see that there was no horizontal electromagnetic field above the pyramid, only vertical electromagnetic field.
And this energy flow is continuous, continuously emitted from the top of the tower, and there is no similar radiation at that location, and there is no electrical conductor, so it is even more unlikely that there will be anything that can generate this energy flow.
So there is only one possibility, that is, there seems to be some kind of energy device inside the pyramid, which is still in operation to this day and has never stopped.
Although nature is so miraculous, it is absolutely impossible to produce such advanced things. It can only be a masterpiece of intelligent life forms.
And the pyramids are not only found in Egypt or Europe. According to conservative estimates, there are at least thousands of pyramids that have not been discovered.
For example, in China, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, the possibility of pyramids is very high.
Some pyramids have been completely covered by soil because of the passage of time, just like the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, hidden in the jungle.
Why would anyone do such an incredible project on such a huge scale, and in that era, it was impossible for the Egyptians to have the ability to travel around the world and build huge pyramids all over the world.
For the past 200 years, mainstream culture has always wanted us to believe that the main purpose of the pyramid is only tomb, but it is interesting.
No matter how hard some science academies or independent research scholars strive for, the Egyptian leadership group does not allow anyone to try to prove the function of the pyramid, not its function as a tomb.
And this situation has continued to the present, why is Egypt so taboo? Shouldn't these magical things be worthy of scientists to study?
Of course, this kind of thing must be known to the senior management of China. After all, Egypt cannot refuse the Wuchang. Maybe it has already researched some results, but it has not been announced to the public.
There are also pyramids in China. For example, most of the tombs in the Han Dynasty show the appearance of pyramids, and in Henan and Hebei and other areas, there are these pyramids, but they are not large in scale and are regarded as mausoleums.
"Is there any valuable information?" Ye Fan asked after listening to the origin deduction.
"The existing Internet data can only allow me to make such a report. Only more data can make a more reasonable deduction."
"Master, there is breaking news about the pyramid."
"At present, the top of the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt and 90% of the top of the pyramid in Egypt have all been destroyed. Amecian unilaterally claimed that it was because the missile launch system on a destroyer failed.
As a result, cruise missiles destroyed the top of the pyramid three hours ago. At present, Amercan has settled with Egypt. In addition to active compensation,
Amejian will also send a large-scale team of experts to the Pyramid of Khufu and other places to repair and compensate. "
"Mistakenly exploded?" Ye Fan frowned suddenly.

You must know that this is not a good word, and it happened that the top of the pyramid was blown up at this time. Isn't this the deduction of the origin?
If the pyramid is really a mysterious energy tower, then its top should be some kind of device for sending and receiving signals.
"It seems that we have to go to northern Xinjiang to know what the pyramids in our country are like." Ye Fan waved his hand, let Origin stand by, and lay back to sleep in his luxurious bed.
During the period when Ye Fan was sleeping, a summit composed of more than a dozen countries was urgently held. Almost all countries with rocket launch capabilities and space delivery capabilities participated in the meeting.
It's just that the senior management was very mysterious about this meeting and did not allow any reporters to enter the venue at all. Even some reporters who wanted to sneak in were all arrested for spying.
At the same time, the public opinion about the top of the pyramid being blown up was not unexpectedly fermented, as if there was an invisible hand controlling it, and it couldn't make any waves at all.
Some people vaguely think that something big will happen. After all, this abnormal performance of the towns and governments of various countries has never happened before.
Some foreign bloggers want to try to reveal all this, and even bring cameras to take pictures of the pyramid after it was blown up.
However, the person who claimed to be the CIA soon took him away. Not only was the video deleted, the account was inexplicably cancelled, and the blogger lost contact with the outside world.
Such scenes have taken place in various places in Egypt, but for the country that is blocked by high walls, it is peaceful.
At this time, they are all discussing the same thing, and that is about the outrageousness of spending a lot of money in that show.
However, there are more people who suspect that Ye Fan is only advertising for his own Datang Technology, which is a fraudulent donation behavior. Therefore, the fans of Datang Technology and some black fans have started a crazy exchange.
At 8 o'clock the next morning, in front of Datang Technology Headquarters.
A large number of reporters have gathered here. They have been waiting here for a long time, and their target is Ye Fan, who is facing their camera.
"Mr. Ye! Why do you spend so much money on science and If this money is invested in the financial world, using financial leverage can make a lot of money!"
"Mr. Ye! Do you really want to donate? Is it a one-time donation or instalments? If it is in installments, how many years do you plan to do, Mr. Ye?"
Hearing the questions of these reporters, Ye Fan was also full of black lines, his hands pressed down and everyone was quiet.
"What's so bad, the reason why I called you over today is to be a testimony." Ye Fan said.
"This is the Minister of our Finance Department." Ye Fan pointed to Feng Baoer, then pointed to another middle-aged man holding a donation box. Behind him were a dozen people in suits.
"These are the presidents of major banks. With such a large flow of funds, they also come here to be a witness and help us deal with the bill."
Ye Fan's words fell, and those people waved at the reporters.
(End of this chapter)
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