Chapter 505: Wreck (3)

"Approval of the interception, the Ministry of National Defense has issued an order, let us do our best to intercept the spacecraft of alien intelligent life, it is best to be able to shoot down one.
As long as a spaceship of alien intelligent life can be shot down, all of our names will be recorded in the history of mankind! Anthony spoke in a tone that extremely motivated his subordinates in a state of extreme tension and excitement.
Under Anthony's words, everyone seemed to be beaten in blood.
Human beings are a race full of creativity, especially the creation of war and lethal weapons, almost endlessly.
A large number of various weapons have been created continuously. Basically, the weapons of each generation are more lethal than the weapons of the previous generation, and at the same time, the lethality efficiency has shown an exponential increase.
With each generation of weapon innovation, the killing efficiency is almost doubled.
The history of mankind is a history of war, and the genes of war have been deeply imprinted in everyone's genes.
As long as it is not strong enough to crush all enemies, people will have an idea of ​​defeating each other deep in their hearts.
Everyone has the idea of ​​being competitive, it's just a question of who is strong and who is weak.
This time, the top power of Western science and technology has been assembled, and the weapons produced are intended to respond to threats from outer space and to create a certain degree of nuclear deterrence on the interior of the earth.
Nowadays, the threat from outer space has come quietly, and the cutting-edge weapons of mankind are like children's toys in the eyes of others.
Anthony and every expert behind him are basically the dragons and phoenixes among the people, and every one of them was an invincible, superior existence back then.
They would rather their designed weapons be destroyed in a vigorous war than would be ruthlessly destroyed by "walking a dog" as if they were under such circumstances.
Although the final result is the same, everyone is often only willing to choose the former.
A violent death is completely different from a humiliated death.
But when the generational gap in technology comes, under the crush of absolute strength, often waiting for the weaker party, but there is no possibility of even vigorous death.
Science and technology are the primary productive forces, but also the most important thing in battle.
In the second Gulf War that year, Saddam had nearly one million troops, thousands of tanks and artillery, and built layer after layer of defense in the desert, which can be described as invincible.
The other party is fully prepared to fight a protracted battle, but in the face of the generation of technology, everything is so pale and weak.
At the beginning of the war, multinational forces used two helicopter detachments to attack two early warning radars and opened up air corridors. EF111 carried out full-spectrum electromagnetic suppression on the entire territory of Iraq.
The F15 won the battlefield air supremacy in a short time, and the F117 stealthily attacked Baghdad at night. The end of the war was already seen at the beginning of the war. In the last 38 days of air strikes, the ground forces ended the battle in only 100 hours.
The battle loss ratio is also a very terrifying figure. The defense has paid more than 100,000 casualties. The list of confirmed dead personnel alone is as many as 20,000. It is not known how many people are missing. found.
As the offensive side of the Second Gulf War, countries around the world originally predicted that their casualties would reach as many as 15,000. Even the
number of casualties proposed by the offensive’s own commander was More than five thousand people.
However, because of the huge technological gap, the apparent casualties of the offensive have been reduced exponentially.
In the end, the attacking side easily won the second Gulf War at the cost of 146 people killed and 467 injured.
Among the 146 people killed at the same time, 35 people were killed by friendly fire accidentally, 28 people were killed by an incoming Scud missile from the Dhahran base in the rear, and they really faced the firepower of the defender. Only 83 people died in the battle.
The casualties of more than 100,000 on the defensive side, and the casualty ratio of more than 600 on the offensive side, can be said to be a shocking figure.
The defender's tank had not even seen the opponent's face, so it was destroyed by the Apache helicopter remotely. At the end of the countless soldiers, they didn't even know how they died.
At that time, no one would have thought about why a missile could fly vertically against the building and finally hit the target accurately.
At the time, the fighter pilots of the Air Force didn't even understand why their radar turned into scrap iron at the last moment.
And all this is only less than 30 years of technology generation gap.
In less than 30 years of technology generation gap, a battle loss ratio of 100,000 to 600 has been achieved. What about the higher technology generation gap?
The answer is obvious.
The extraterrestrial intelligent life came to the earth not far away tens of millions of light-years away. What they lead will be more than just 30 years of technological generation gap.
In their eyes, human weapons are as ridiculous and harmless as children's toys. For them, people on earth will not even have the opportunity to die for the honor of their race.
No matter how excited Anthony and his party were, how they tried to change their course, how to squeeze the last drop of the supercomputer's computing power to simulate the strike of an "alien spacecraft," the effect was far from satisfactory.
"Do not!"
When the nine "alien spaceships" once again broke through the interception net of the nine nuclear missiles, Anthony roared and slammed his punch on the table.
This means that the space defense weapons they built with all the technology and a lot of effort have become children's toys.
They can't even do it within a thousand kilometers of each other. The orbital changes of the nine "alien spaceships" can be called abnormal, and they even have some maneuvering movements that they don't understand. What kind of material is it? Withstand such a strong overload.
The generational gap in technology is in front of them, even if they are stubborn, they have to accept the reality in front of them. After all, their skills are not as good as people, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
However, after a lot of effort, the final result was still a failure, and everyone felt a sense of emptiness.
Suddenly, a line of large characters began to appear on the screen, and Anthony almost fainted with fright.
[The countdown to the nuclear bomb has started and the track is being corrected]
[Target change, Gungnir missile launch platform in high-synchronization orbit]
[Target changes, Space Defense Council Space Telescope, Space Defense Council Space Unmanned Database]
[Target change, orbital defense equipment A1A6 of the Space Defense Council]
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