Chapter 543:

Unless Datang Technology sells aircraft and artillery to the military behind its back.
And this income is not known to everyone, but anyway, China is not a military and military country, and military expenditures are not high.
Among them, there will definitely be expenditures for equipment purchased from Datang Technology, but it will only cost more than 50 billion yuan.
All of Datang Technology's industries are counted, and it can barely be supported.
And this is just the beginning of the national scientific research plan!
There are many people behind the scenes, and they cannot help feeling a little fanciful for this seemingly whimsical plan of Datang Technology.
It is important to know that the wave of unemployment caused by technological upgrading may happen no matter where it is.
Under normal circumstances, Western powerhouses directly issue unemployment benefits for a few months so that they will not starve to death after being laid off.
But looking at the situation of Datang Technology, it is even more exaggerated than the unemployment subsidy they paid.
This is the rhythm of directly helping people to provide for the elderly.
If there are no problems with Datang Technology, then this is indeed a very terrifying project. Scientists with more than half of the total population, there are a large number of battle corps composed of robots, and the material is extremely rich with the participation of unlimited energy. .
No matter where it is placed, it is properly the number one power.
However, the problem is that if Datang Technology crashes, all these things will become very interesting.
After all, when people's own interests are harmed, they won't tell you so much.
"At this point, please don't worry about this. Datang Technology can still afford this point. In the future, we will launch more high-tech products to bring convenience to everyone's lives. So I hope everyone Support a lot."
Ye Fan did not directly disclose the income statement in exchange for trust or something, as some people expected.
Ye Fan didn't need to do such a thing at all.
No matter how turbulent they are, as long as the unemployed people can come in and take a look, even if they come with a woollen mentality, it doesn't matter.
As long as they can come in and take a look, most people will definitely be reluctant to leave.
When it's okay, just open the holographic projection at home to do a task, and do research on the platform for a while, that's enough.
The data inside have all been strictly reviewed by the origin, and the error rate of the research results can reach less than 0.000000001%.
Even the most high-end laboratory in the world, using the most rigorous methods and the most accurate data measurement, cannot achieve such a high degree of accuracy.
As for where to make money, there is no need for others to worry about this.
The platform provided by the National Research Program itself has good profitability.
To build a high-end laboratory, at least hundreds of millions of billions of expenditures are required, and the preparation of experimental materials is an astronomical figure, and accurate results cannot be obtained immediately.
But what if you rent a scientific research platform from Datang Technology?
Ye Fan only needs to tap a few pieces of code and open a separate port to these scientific research institutions, which can make a lot of money.
There are also some smaller research institutes, because of their own equipment limitations, they need to use some of the equipment of the advanced research institute, not only waiting for the number, but also paying a large rental fee.
But what if the money is invested in the national scientific research plan?

This saves a lot of money, and Datang Technology can also make a lot of money.
With the capabilities of Datang Technology, it is too easy to make money. As long as you master your own core technology, is it not easy to make money?
In the following period of time, many reporters raised their doubts.
Some reporters asked their own questions, and some reporters were released by certain forces to inquire about intelligence. Ye Fan satisfied their doubts.
The days to come will certainly not be calm. The transfer of the earth from the solar system to other galaxies will only happen within twenty years.
There is no need to think about some intrigue, intrigue and so on.
When the time is right, we will announce the event that the sun is about to be hit. At that time, it will be the real united front of all mankind.
When the time comes, anyone who wants to do anything will naturally help him decently.
As for the national scientific research plan, it is very beneficial to China as a whole. After all, scientific research is the core of a national core.
Up to two bombs and one star, down to a fingernail-sized chip, all results cannot be separated from the word scientific research.
The strength of scientific research capabilities can directly determine the strength of the entire country.
There are as many as thousands of scientific research laboratories in Ameijian, including major companies and laboratories funded by the town government.
There are even tens of thousands of people working on various projects in Silicon Valley. This is still publicly available. UU reads the information that can be found on www.uukā
If there is no scientific research, it means that the progress of science and technology is stagnant, and even backwards!
Today's Ye Fan wants to provide the best possible knowledge in his mind to today's humans.
Because in any case, it is impossible for anything to be taken out of one's own hands.
Once or twice, he can be said to be exceptionally talented, a peerless genius, but whether it is an interstellar battleship, or the kind of liquid metal with strange properties, or a more magical anti-gravity engine.
These things, he can use artificial intelligence research and development capabilities to prevaricate the past.
But what about more things in the future?
It's impossible to take it all out by yourself, right?
Therefore, the establishment of the national scientific research plan is entirely to use another thing as a big cover for oneself.
And he can select a group of people with extraordinary talents in the scientific research platform through the deduction of big data, and then he only needs to sit in the background and give so little hints to let them dig out everything by themselves.
For example, for the anti-gravity engine, he can divide the data of the anti-gravity engine into one hundred parts. Everyone "accidentally discovers" something, and finally spends a little money to buy it, and it naturally becomes his own thing. .
Datang Technology will also have a good reputation for "supporting scientific research", "valuing talents", and "discovering talents".
The most important thing is that these things will not doubt Ye Fan's head.
Therefore, the national scientific research program has many benefits for Ye Fan.
Whether it is to appease those who have been laid off due to technological changes, or to act for others to watch, it has become feasible to launder the technology in a manner similar to money laundering.
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