Chapter 549:

Fuyuki sneaked up to the fifth floor with a spear.
This was once a high-end community in Tokyo. Even if people go to the empty building, they can vaguely see the glory of the year from its layout.
It's just that because of the death of the local rich and the evacuation, the place was looted before the big evacuation.
Basically, except for the floor tiles, even the gate was removed, and the gate was pryed down and thrown aside.
On the day of the Tokyo evacuation, it can be said that it was chaotic. The Metropolitan Police Department’s people were satisfied with the guarantee that there would be no large-scale riots. They were too lazy to take care of such trivial matters.
The more Fuyuki went to the upper floors, the more he felt something was wrong.
Because he smelled the smell of blood, the smell of blood was not animal, but more like human blood.
Is there a large-scale murder here?
Fuyuki slowed down, and gently touched the room on the fifth floor in his memory, and immediately found the wrong place.
The life detector in his hand has been adjusted to a silent mode by him. From the time I just touched it all the way, the red dots on the life detector have gradually disappeared.
After the terrifying sound of the silencer resounded, the sound of the silencer gradually rang again for a while, and then there was no sound of the silencer.
However, the red dots on the life detector are still disappearing!
It's as if something is harvesting their lives invisibly.
On the fifth floor, screams began to sound gradually, as if some terrible tragedy had happened here.
At this time, Fuyuki's heart had already mentioned his throat, and he walked forward quietly, almost holding his breath, trying to keep his footsteps from being exposed.
Fuyuki had quietly touched the door, and the shotgun in his hand had been loaded when he went upstairs. Holding the shotgun tightly in his hand, even the palm of his hand could not help but sweat.
"Ah!!! Ah!!!"
He had just hid in a corner next to the door, and the screams came again, as if a person had seen something terrifying before he died.
At the same time, Fuyuki heard something that seemed to be there, chewing meat in secret.
It's like a big beast tearing the meat of its prey.
In the dead city of Tokyo, there are many people who were killed by large beasts, and at the same time, they are basically completely unrecognizable.
When Fuyuki and several residents joined forces to hunt down large beasts, he had already lurked not far from the tiger, and heard the sound of bones cracking and muscles being torn.
For a week afterwards, Fuyuki couldn't eat.
Today, this voice is exactly the same as it was then, but it is obviously more violent than the Tiger at the time.
"Bang! Bang!"
Fuyuki rushed in directly. In the dim night, he seemed to see a man in a white coat standing in the middle of the house. Without asking a question, he shot two shots together.
In an instant, the man in the white coat was beaten and flew out. The white coat on his body was stained red with blood, and he was almost beaten into a sieve.
Fuyuki was also a person who withdrew from the barracks that year, and his combat experience was also very rich. Of course, it was not the life and death experience of going to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but was trained by instructors on weekdays.
If he meets the kind of person who has actually been on the battlefield, then Fuyuki is probably not the opponent's opponent, but if he meets an ordinary person, then he can guarantee that he will not die and can kill the opponent.
Without the slightest nonsense, Fuyuki simply pulled the bolt, quickly took out two shots from his pocket and loaded them into the barrel.
At the same time, the flashlight tied to the barrel was turned on at the same time, and the whole room suddenly became bright.
Fuyuki took a quick glance. It's okay if he didn't look at it. When he saw it, his whole body was shocked.
What the is this?
Almost the entire room is full of unrecognizable corpses, and the smell of blood here is even more terrifying than a slaughterhouse.
For a while, there were only four words in Fuyuki's mind.
Purgatory on earth!
Isn't this the purgatory on earth? There are people who have been shot by rifles everywhere. There are men and women, old and young. People who don't know where they came from, almost all died here.
The word flashed through Fuyuki's mind.
This place in Tokyo has indeed become a place outside the law, and the outside world basically rarely cares about this place.
But it does not mean that no son of man will be active in Tokyo!
Some people who are unwilling to leave are wandering around, and some scavengers with nowhere to go, scurrying around to see if the rich and powerful are missing something.
Such things are not uncommon.
At that time, I was in a high-end community in central Tokyo. Maybe it was because the residents at that time had forgotten, or something happened. A safe was left out on the day of the big move.
At that time, a person who owed a debt fled to Tokyo. At that time, that person was ready to take care of the elderly in and lived in this place all his life.
After all, he has become an old man outside, and even if he wants to go back, he will kill others for a lifetime.
However, he found the safe in that high-end residential area. After he tried to open it, there was a large amount of gold in it, which was three million dollars in cash.
At that time, the man who had nowhere to go and fled to Tokyo suddenly became a rich man. He not only paid off all his debts, but also opened a company and started a comeback.
Suddenly, many people were attracted to explore these high-end communities, which is why some communities even had their doors destroyed.
So, even if this place looks desolate, it is not inaccessible.
Some treasure hunters may appear at any time.
If it is to kill people, throw the corpse in these places, it is very likely to be found.
It's better to dig a hole in the yard of a random house in Tokyo and bury it all.
For a while, all the possibilities were eliminated by Fuyuki, after all, it was unreasonable to think about it.
How did this man keep so many victims in this place, and why did he choose to slaughter them tonight?
What purpose does this man have? Is he a hidden perverted murderer?
Fuyuki didn't care about these things, and quickly checked the surroundings, and walked step by step along the red dot indicated by the life detector.
This place is really weird. Fuyuki grew up so big and had never seen such a scene before.
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