Chapter 567:

21.15 minutes on February 11, 2021.
Space Defense Council Guam Air Force Base.
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The defense forces of the Shengyang Empire suffered very heavy casualties. Except for the cities of Tokyo, Chiba City and Yokohama, the entire northern part of the Shengyang Empire was almost occupied by monsters.
This time, the number of monsters in the surprise attack reached more than 30, and each monster caused very heavy casualties to the city.
At the same time, there are a large number of creatures that humans can't understand, and they have captured the major cities of the Sun Empire.
As the attack gradually unfolded, the humanoid creatures that attacked the center of Chiba at that time have become a very common species, and a large number of terrorist creatures are challenging human sensitive nerves.
At this time, the Guam Air Force Base, everyone had a good spirit.
There was no training before the war, and no heated speeches. After receiving orders from their superiors, the soldiers rushed out of the barracks and rushed to the fighters.
Elite American soldiers are stationed here. It was once a very important military base with a large number of missiles and fighters deployed.
After the natural disaster day, with the rise of Datang Technology and the gradual decline of Amegian, the six major aircraft carrier fleets have been reduced, and the Guam base has also been weakened, and a large number of soldiers have been recalled.
Now there are only elite fighters selected from a hundred.
A minute ago, countries all over the world received a telegram.
【ここはChangyang Empire’s Supreme Commanderであり、地球に向けて Rescue Notice を発表し、Now Weird 獣がEmpire’s native landで violent abuseされ、Nuclear attack 撃Abilityさべつ國と噙力のすべべしべべしべべつつ噙力のすべべしべつ
Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Fukushima, Nagano, Mizuto どの都市に対して, Indiscriminate Nuclear Attack 撃を行い, 権威ある機機說課価を経て、
関連市では個生者が個戰する預計實を搖むため、皇の兵士はMax no possibilityを尽くしました
報対に対する大寶な核攻撃を要请します,升阳帝国镇はすべてのResult and legal responsibilityを负います。 At the same time に帝国の人民と一緒に最後の覺まで戦います!
(Here is the supreme commander of the Shengyang Empire. He issued a notice for help around the world. At present, monsters are raging in the empire, requesting all countries and forces with nuclear strike capabilities.
Indiscriminate nuclear strikes against cities such as Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Fukushima, Nagano, Mito, etc., after evaluation by authoritative organizations,
There is no longer a possibility for survivors in the relevant cities to survive. In order to further stop the monster’s footsteps, the soldiers of the Empire have tried their best.
I now request a large-scale nuclear strike against the mainland. The Shengyang Empire will bear all the consequences and legal responsibilities, and fight with the people of the Empire to the last minute! )】
The countries and forces that received this telegram immediately took relevant actions.
At the same time, the telegram of the Shengyang Empire brought a deep shock.
No one had expected that with the strength of the Shengyang Empire, even if it could not last for 20 minutes, it was a request from the world for support.
This is a very rare scene in history, and it is also the first country to declare a state of emergency since the monster threatened.
At this moment, at the command post of the Guam base, Commander Thompson is frowning, and his adjutant is reporting the situation to him.
"Sir, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense, approved the request for nuclear strikes against the above-mentioned cities of the Shengyang Empire, and at the same time let the first and second fleets go to Tokyo Bay to prepare for battlefield cleaning.
At present, according to the information provided by the Sun Empire, in the depths of the Tokyo waters, there are huge marine creatures, which have the ability to instantly destroy a fleet. "
Thompson is a man over half a hundred years old. Even a tough body can't stop the erosion of the years. His hair is gray, and his once strong back is slightly curved.
But it is undeniable that this guy was once an out-and-out hawk. He is known as a tough guy with iron and blood. Whether it is combat style or combat mode, he has quite a tough guy style.
However, today, after Thompson heard the news reported by his lieutenant, he hesitated a bit, which he had never seen before.
But this is also normal. After all, there are two aircraft carrier battle groups stationed at the Guam base and the nearby Hawaii base.
They can rush to Tokyo Bay as soon as Thompson issues the order.
But is it worth what Thompson is thinking now?
On the day of the natural disasters, Amecan’s homeland suffered a devastating blow. At the same time, the army was attrition severely, and an aircraft carrier fleet was annihilated, and the others suffered varying degrees of damage.
It can be said that every soldier was a lucky son who had survived the day of the natural disaster, and at the same time became the backbone of their current combat effectiveness.
These two aircraft carrier fleets can be said to be the only Pacific Fleet that Ameijian can now handle.
If these two fleets were torn down in Tokyo Bay, then Amegian and the Space Defense Council would completely lose control of the Pacific Ocean.
What the superiors issued is just an ambiguous order. The biggest decision-making power lies in the hands of and Thompson has already seen through these new recruits in the military department, these young bastards. Boy, he will only seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and do things that are beneficial, but once they cause harm to their own interests, avoiding one kilometer is considered as little.
So if you don’t get lucky this time, and the two aircraft carrier fleets fold in Tokyo Bay, then all the pots will be carried by him, and going to a military court is a sure result.
But if he "drove away" the monsters, and while "helping" the Shengyang Empire to clean up the battlefield, he captured the bodies of some monsters, preferably live and transported back to the local research institute, then he would also get Corresponding credit.
It can be said that this is a lot of risk. You may not make money if you do it, and it may overturn, but once you make it, you can get him to two ranks, and your record can add a finishing touch.
At this time, the adjutant looked at the intelligence and said again:
"Sir...Five minutes ago, the Tokyo Bay Navy was annihilated and no one survived. The military's instruction is that if the fleet encounters the super-giant marine creatures shown by the intelligence, please evacuate immediately."
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