Chapter 611:

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At this time, the more than 30 pterosaurs in the sky can be said to be in a glance, all of which are seen by everyone.
"The situation is assessed as S+ level, to prevent pterosaurs from attacking the people, the command headquarters ordered, free fire!"
Almost at the same time, both the missile force and the air force received orders from the command headquarters.
"Swish! Swish! Swish!"
A large number of surface-to-air missiles of the missile force were launched, and at the same time, fighter planes hovering in the sky also used radar to lock on relevant targets.
The air-to-air missiles on the J-20 fighters flew towards the target they were targeting, almost as if they had eyes.
Datang Technology's steel machinery made relevant countermeasures when the military opened fire, and a large plant of Datang Heavy Industry was instantly activated.
The roof of the large factory building slowly opened like a hangar, revealing something like a missile launcher.
A large number of triangular objects flew out of the missile launcher and quickly flew toward the sky, like a meteor in the night sky.
At the same time, more than 20 pterosaurs were directly hit by surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles, and a large group of fireballs fell from the sky with the smell of burnt flesh and blood.
"Electromagnetic defense array, start."
Ye Fan quickly issued the order, and the triangular objects flew directly towards the fireballs that had fallen from the sky.
The electromagnetic defense array was activated instantly in the air, and the light blue triangular barrier was unfolded in the sky, bursting out one after another in the sky.
The killed corpse of the pterosaur was directly hit heavily on the electromagnetic defense array, and the electromagnetic defense shield directly offset all the kinetic energy of the pterosaur corpse.
The corpses of those pterosaurs had been bombarded by anti-aircraft missiles to shreds. The missile's immense power even killed the monsters or obstacle-breakers that they were holding on to their claws in an instant.
Even if they were not powerful enough to kill those things in an instant, they were all dying, not far from death.
Datang Technology's steel machines, every three steel machines are responsible for a pterosaur corpse, and the monsters that its claws tightly grasp, directly take them off the electromagnetic defense array, and carry them back to Datang Technology.
Some large tunnel bugs, or barrier-breakers, were cut into multiple sections by the steel machine using the laser sword in their hands before they fell directly in the air.
Datang Technology's heavy transport aircraft was also activated in the first place, specifically responsible for loading these huge monster corpses.
In just the first round of attacks, more than 20 pterosaurs have been killed, thanks to the fact that this is Jiangcheng, and the headquarters of Datang Technology is here, and there are troops stationed around it.
Otherwise, when these pterosaurs appeared, they did not form an encirclement so quickly, enclosing these pterosaurs in the air.
If they are allowed to disperse and hide in the mountains or somewhere, it is not so easy to find these guys.
But once these guys are discovered, they will be as vulnerable as sheep in the face of modern thermal weapons.
If there are carbon-based life that thermal weapons cannot threaten, then it can only mean that thermal weapons are not hot enough.
Needless to say, it’s China, just use the Sun Empire, if it weren’t for their largest air base being raided, and the monster’s offensive was stronger than China’s, then an attack of this scale, in any developed country, All can be eliminated.
It just depends on the military strength of various countries, the time it takes, and the price that needs to be paid.
Seeing that most of his companions were wiped out in an instant, the other pterosaurs also made a harsh roar.
At the same time, they threw the monsters or barrier-breakers they were holding onto the ground.
Their exposure this time has completely disrupted their plans.
Because they know the military strength of Huaxia and the strength of Datang Technology, this time the Huaxia area is not a key target.
Their plan is to separate some of their forces, try their best to hold China and Datang Technology, and then launch large-scale attacks in other places.
As long as they can hold Huaxia's side, they will have the power to destroy all countries and forces except Huaxia.
At that time, they can recover a large amount of flesh and blood and spoils to prepare for the second attack.
Under such constant wheel wars, it can be said that no country in the world can persist for long.
Unless all of them are aware of the crisis and gather global forces to form a human alliance.
But according to their investigation and understanding, selfish humans will not form such alliances, and short-sighted humans will only kill each other on their own territory.
"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"
There are not many surface-to-air missiles. The first wave is equivalent to a saturation attack, using a large number of missiles to form a wave of coverage.
In the first round of missile shooting, a total of more than 60 missiles were launched, and only one-third of the missiles were hit. The pterosaurs that survived the field were the lucky ones who escaped the first round of attacks.
The second wave of attacks was a long-range anti-aircraft machine gun. A large number of firepower nets formed a dense array, almost torn apart all the creatures in the firepower net.
Datang Technology's steel machines are not afraid of these things at all, because their own liquid metal has the same function as an electromagnetic defense array.
Both can use their own powerful energy to directly offset all the kinetic energy of the attacking object.
Except for laser weapons, which do not rely on kinetic energy but on thermal energy, other weapons that rely on kinetic energy to kill are completely unable to cause damage to liquid metal armor.
The pterosaurs in the sky were flying in all directions, roaring and flying to the four directions. Some pterosaurs that had no time to dodge were directly torn apart by the firepower net that hit the air.
As before, the electromagnetic defense array of Datang Technology can be said to be a very good protective shield. Those big guys weighing several tons from the sky would have caused serious losses to Jiangcheng.
But with the electromagnetic defense array, the corpses of these monsters were nothing more than a lump of flesh that had lost their lives. One end fell off and was carried back by the steel machine of Datang Technology for research.
"Destroy the monsters that fell from the sky."
At the same time, Ye Fan quickly issued an order to Origin.
A large number of steel machines flying in the air instantly locked all the alien life that was dropped.
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