Chapter 104: Demonstration Plan [5]

At this time, the powerful men outside were already feeling something wrong.
It's been five minutes.
There was no movement for five minutes. The ice war bear Prosov was the second darkest underground force in Russia, and the third strongest in the country of ice and snow. He was extremely powerful. He was once active in various battlefields and was still surrounded by armies. Out of the terrible strong.
In the snow and ice country, the masters are like clouds and the strong are like rain. There are more than 30 people in the S-level strong group alone and six in the SS-level strong group. There are six strong planners.
Including the SS-class powerhouse, Frosf Bear Bear, there are two SS-level powerhouses and four S-level powerhouses.
不 "No, Prosf's crazy bear shouldn't have been killed so easily. Let's go."
Hidden in the dark are five Russian men, each wearing a super-strong body armor first developed by the Russian Secret Scientific Research Office, headed by a man with short blond hair, handsome appearance, and pair of sky blue eyes. Man of the year, SS-class strong war machine Vicos.
Vickers launched his own ability, mechanically controlled, and controlled thirty small drones, flying continuously around the Fuji Hotel as a scout.
没有 No gunfire sounded in the Fuji Hotel for five minutes, which made Vicos, who knew Prost, feel something was wrong.
Suddenly, after feeling the slightest mistake, Vicos gave a command in a deep voice.
"Yes, sir."
The remaining four S-Class powerhouses, responding to Vicos' order, immediately responded.
The twenty-five people all wore super-strong body armor, carrying assault rifles, grenade rifles, and anti-equipment rifles on their bodies, exuding a terrible breath, quickly rushing out of the darkness and into the Fuji Hotel.
维 It was less than ten seconds after the five of them had rushed into the Fuji Hotel. Seven teams soon rushed out of their hiding places. Following the five of them, they rushed into the Fuji Hotel.
These seven teams, each team has more than five people, the leader of the team has the strength not less than Vicos, the weakest of the team members also have A-level strength.
Around the Fuji Hotel, all the streets and high-rises are filled with gunfire and explosions. I don't know how many people are fighting.
Thousands of soldiers in black are fighting fiercely in the dozens of streets and more than twenty high-rises against the original Black Dragon Club and other gangs.
One party received a death order, and the enemy was prevented from approaching the Fuji Hotel at all costs. The other party also received a death order and rushed to the Fuji Hotel for rescue at all costs.
Both sides have received a death order, and neither can flinch, but can only start a fierce fierce battle.
Walking on a street, a dozen superpowers with various superpowers are fighting madly with hundreds of soldiers in black.
I saw that in this area of ​​100 meters, a man who was nearly three meters tall and had a black metal-like color on his skin. Like a robot made of steel, his hands held a car weighing several tons. The truck lifted up and threw it vigorously, smashing hard at a fire point composed of ten soldiers in black with submachine guns and grenade guns.
"Fire a grenade and kill him."
A black soldier, headed by a scream, yelled loudly, and two black soldiers with grenade guns immediately aimed at the small truck hitting themselves and fired grenades.
Two rounds of grenades hit the small truck precisely, blasting it out, countless steel parts and debris scattered and scattered, and shot like a bullet.
Soon after, ten soldiers in black opened fire at the same time, firing wildly at the super-talent like a giant who was nearly three meters tall.
Ding Ding Ding Ding!
Dense rifle bullets hit the superpower like a little giant, but they were blocked by the black skin on him, as if hitting an extremely hard super alloy steel plate, even his skin could not be broken. open.
"Damn, you all die for me."
The super-talent like a little giant was more than twice as fast as the average person. He stepped on it hard as if it were a galloping car. He rushed into the black soldier squad and grabbed his hands. Lived in the head of an ordinary soldier in black, squeezed the head of two ordinary soldiers in black with a pinch.
Seeing the enemy so fierce, the morale of the Black Warrior Squad collapsed instantly, and the eyes of five ordinary black warriors flashed with terror, and they quickly lost their guns and fled.
"Don't run away, fight back, fight back ..."
The captain of the black soldier squad was sullen with anger and roared loudly, while holding two assault rifles and firing continuously at the superpower like a little giant.
It's just that none of the five black soldiers who have fled and listened to his orders, only two black soldiers standing beside him, obeying his orders, holding submachine guns and light machine guns, facing the name almost invincible. Superman like little giant is shooting.
A round of bullets struck the black skin of the super-giant like a little giant, and all of them were instantly blown away, unable to penetrate his skin.
Even the two black fighters who are directly under the captain of this black fighter squad are full of fear of the superpower like a little giant. They stood here to continue the fight only because the captain did not issue an evacuation order. As soldiers, they must not be able to evacuate.
The captain of the black soldier squad didn't look at the ordinary members who fled, touched his hand, a high-explosive grenade appeared in his hand, opened the ring, and threw the high-explosive grenade at That superpower like a little giant.
"High explosive grenade!"
The super-powered man, who looked like a little giant, saw the high-explosive grenade flying towards him, his face changed, and he quickly slapped it back.
Suddenly, the high-explosive grenade exploded in the air, less than two meters away, from the desperate eyes of the captain of the black soldier squad and the remaining two soldiers in black.
A fiery flame mixed with numerous fragments scattered and scattered, engulfing them all.
Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out of a troubled world, and his body flickered, as if appearing in a teleportation in front of the superpower like a little giant, holding a faint blue dagger, A fierce stab.
With a brief sound like a cowhide, even if the attacker is more than five times stronger than an ordinary adult man, and the sharpness of the superalloy dagger that can cut gold and jade and iron like mud in his hand, only Being able to pierce the skin of the other's right thigh was blocked by the other's muscles, not even the bones were injured.
Alas, this is enough.
After the attacker stabbed the prey, the attacker flickered, and quickly walked away from the target like a ghost. Standing at a distance of tens of meters away from the target, he looked at the super-giant like a giant with his dead eyes. Capable person.
"Little mouse, you also want to kill me with this nail clipper? It's too much for you."
The superpower who was like a little giant pulled out the dagger tied to his right thigh at once, waved the dagger, looked at the attacker, and teased.
"Hehe, big man, you die hard and you talk hard."
The sneak attacker smiled coldly, watching the target almost twice as tall as himself, playing with the taste.
The super-man like a little giant heard the words and felt uncomfortable immediately. When he just wanted to do it, he was shocked to find that his body was unable to move. He took a look at the gloomy blue dagger in his hand, his eyes gradually dissipated and lost Be enchanted, fall slowly, and die without staring.
"The dagger is poisoned ..."
偷 After seeing the target falling, the assailant still didn't step forward to look at the target, but waited for a minute before walking towards the target.
Looking at the dilated pupils, his face was abnormally black, and the attacker smiled proudly.
"Even if you are a mammoth, I missed the one that I specially prepared for chasing life, and it won't last a minute."
When the attacker who just wanted to search for his body was about to hit the target's body, the body of the super-giant like a giant giant burst into a sudden burst, and the terrible big explosion enveloped Fangyuan 30-40 Mi ~ ~ also engulfed the attacker.
Let's all die together!
Similar situations continue to occur in the streets around the Fuji Hotel. Thousands of superpowers originally belonged to different gangs in Japan and East Japan joined forces at this time to work in unison to the black men who surrounded and blocked the Fuji Hotel. Launched a crazy attack.
Thousands of people have the weakest strength and also have a D-level level. The strongest of them is a superpower who is close to the SS level. The attack is not afraid of death. .
Almost every second, more than two soldiers in black die. In just three or four minutes, the defender ’s black men ’s troops have already killed four hundred or five hundred soldiers. Compared to the attack on the Fuji Hotel, The casualties are much greater.
If the commander of the Black Men ’s Force sent a group of superpowers with more than 300 people in time to quickly support the front line and block enemies from all directions, they would have been overpowered by this group of thousands of superpowers The troops broke through the blockade.
维 "Vicos, you have to complete the task as fast as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."
"Hurry up, hurry up, be sure to complete the task as soon as possible, otherwise, once the demon knows and rushes back, we will all have no place to die."
In the ears came the words of a high-level member of his own power. Vicos' face changed, and he shouted at the four members who were temporarily under his command.
"Yes, Captain."
I thought that if I could not complete the task in time, and after the demon rushed back after learning the news, I was afraid that not only my own life, but also my family, friends, and the motherland would be strongly opposed by each other. Retaliation, the killing of the nation and the country were not done by the other party.
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