Chapter 111: News

"Rookie Pirates? Impossible, is there such a strong rookie Pirate?"
"Yes, and the name of this pirate group is actually a demon, aren't they all demon fruit abilities?"
Uh ...
Just as people in this tavern talked, a rippling ripple suddenly appeared in a space of the tavern. Luo Kun stepped forward from it, and a mountain-like horror momentum filled him. Come on.
All of a sudden, the people in the tavern were all crushed by Luo Kun's horror, and they were all unconscious.
握 Holding with a right hand, a suction sucked a newspaper over.
I took a serious look at it, and Luo Kun's mouth slightly tilted, instantly launching the mighty power, disappearing from its place, leaving no one unconscious.
"Butler One, head southeast."
When I returned to the yacht, Luo Kun ordered the housekeeper No. 1.
"Yes, Master."
Butler No. 1 still answered with a cold voice.
管 Under Steward's control, this yacht, which has surpassed the decades-old shipbuilding industry in the current Pirate World, has been sailing towards the southeast at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour.
Uh ...
When Luo Kun returned to the Pirate World, Bick and others felt that due to Luo Kun's return, his soul connection with Luo Kun was restored again, and the eyes flashed with light, and a flash of light flashed in his heart. joy.
However, it has been a day since Luo Kun returned to the Pirate World, but none of the Demon Warriors came to find Luo Kun automatically.
This surprised Luo Kun a little, and thoughts turned in his heart.
According to Li, Bick and others who sensed their return would definitely come to meet with themselves in the first place.
With the strength of Bieker and others, even if they meet the current three naval generals, plus ten naval generals, and dozens of naval generals, there is a battle force, and it is impossible to all die.
Moreover, in Luo Kun's spiritual sea, there is no disconnection between the souls of Bic and others, which shows that they are still living well.
Under the contractual power of the master and servant in the soul, Bic et al. Do not have any possibility of betrayal.
Remove the factor of internal betrayal, there is only one possibility.
That is, Bick and others were surrounded by a group of people and fell into a hard fight, unable to escape.
However, with the strength of Beek and others, unless all the strong men in the naval headquarters, including the Marshal and the three major generals, are dispatched, it is possible to surround them and have the strength to wipe out Bick and others.
Either way, Luo Kun is back. With his current strength and power, plus Dr. Gallo, the horror power with the power to destroy the planet, Luo Kun is convinced that he can walk sideways in the Pirate World.
Uh ...
前 In the first half of the Great Channel, on an island with an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, there are patches of virgin forests, swamps, mountains, plains, and many beasts with amazing fighting strength.
For example, the body is like an elephant, covered with gray-brown scale armor, and has a thick tail with a spike, a violent scale armor.
The violent scaled pig looks like an enlarged version of the wild boar. What is different from the wild boar is that the pig is more violent, more aggressive and aggressive than the wild boar, has amazing power, and the scaled armor is harder than the rock. General sword and gun attacks are difficult to break.
岛屿 This island is one of the famous wild islands in the first half of the Great Channel. It is also a very dangerous island. It has many primitive species and was named Jelam by the adventure team that first discovered the island.
A large pirate with a bounty of more than 300 million wanted to occupy Jelam Island. He mobilized more than a dozen pirate ships with tens of thousands of troops. After landing on the island, he had to evacuate.
The reason is that many primitive species on the island are too powerful and ferocious, plus a variety of poisonous insects, as strong as a pirate who is not weaker than the Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, but also by some kind of poisonous insects on the island Toppled.
Without the strength of the Rear Admiral, it would be difficult for a person to survive on this wild island.
At this time, dozens of large warships were moored on the seashore in the east and west directions of Jelam Island, and tens of thousands of navies were led by two naval generals and ten naval generals to search wildly on the island. All obstacles blocking the road were violently crushed by a group of navy strongmen, which made the island jump for a while.
In addition to the severely wounded Admiral Black Eagle Odd Ridge who fled back to the Navy headquarters, the other two generals, Steel Skeleton and Magic Fox Bona Garrant, led ten Navy Generals, twenty Major General Naval Headquarters, thousands of captain-level navies, and more than 30,000 naval soldiers, after more than a dozen days of crazy pursuit, finally besieged Beck and others on Jelam Island.
Two days ago, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Steelbone Kong and Galante couldn't believe that the body was scarred, and there was almost one more up and down in the whole body, which was a good Old Ridge, who had worked with them for more than ten years. Comrade.
Two days later, Steel Skeleton and Galante still can't forget that Odd Riche fled thousands of miles because of his injuries, causing his mental and physical strength to approach the critical point. .
"It hurt me ... it was ... Devil ... Pirates ..."
At the beginning of the puppet, Steel Skeleton, Garant, and the rest of the navy felt confused.
Devil Pirates? Is there a Pirate Corps? Why never heard of it?
Is it the rookie Pirates?
But will the rookie Pirates have a strong man who can seriously wound the admiral and have to flee?
Although it ’s not clear where the so-called Demon Pirates came from, from the record of the other party ’s possession of Black Eagle Od Rich, one of the three current navies, who was seriously injured and had to flee, It is by no means an ordinary pirate group, let alone the weak.
Under the command of the current Navy Marshal Overlord Oschila Caesar, Gangue Kong and Garant were dispatched together, and brought nearly half of the troops in the Naval Headquarters, forty large warships, must be Destroy this group of demonic pirates that poses a major threat to the navy, the world ZF, and countless civilians.
At the beginning, Gang Gukong and Galante thought that they should have disappeared long after they injured the Black Hawk general.
Who knows, when the Navy ’s huge fleet arrived at the location of the battlefield described by General Blackhawk, they found that the other party not only did not run, but also seized a navy warship, stayed in place, was having a banquet, and a group of green-skinned The geek talked about his bravery on the deck.
The act of not paying attention to the navy made the navy extremely angry, and directly fired at the warships where the weirds were located. The overwhelming shells smashed the warship seized by the opponent, and then ...
Then, all the navies saw the green weirds floating in the air one by one, as if they were flat, and none were injured.
After a while, the navies fought a fierce battle with the green weirds and the three human powerhouses.
The battle was frightening.
For a dozen miles, the sea was cracked into unpredictable cracks and the waves were rough.
In less than an hour of fighting, thousands of people were killed and wounded on the navy side, eighteen large warships were destroyed, and eight major generals were also killed. Three admirals were seriously wounded, steel skeletons, and Garland. He was beaten by the opponent's four strong men, almost everyone was injured, but the opponent did not even have a serious injury.
What shocked all the navies was that there were more than one hundred people on the other side. Everyone actually had the strength of the major of the navy headquarters. There were more than twenty junior generals, six brigadier generals, and three generals. .
Such a powerful group of pirates has never been encountered by a group of navies, and has never heard of it before.
A group of pirates with so many powerful people has been obscured. If the other party has no ambition, the navy will never believe it.
If it wasn't for the other party's initiative to retreat, maybe all the navies, including Steel Skeleton and Garant, would be killed in that battle.
把 After reporting this information to Marshal Caesar, as expected, Caesar, under shock, ordered that the pirate group must be destroyed, and at least half of the opponent's personnel must be killed to weaken the opponent's overall strength.
I did not want to continue to chase the opponent's steel skeleton and Garant. Under the death command of Marshal Caesar, I had to continue to lead the army to chase the opponent.
However, the other party seemed to have no intention to engage with the navy, and scrambled all the way, causing great trouble to the navy's pursuit. The person who can track the fruit, as long as it is someone who has been seen by the person with the ability, he can follow the target's location all the way through the ability.
It is also because of the ability of this person who can track the fruit, that the Navy and other naval forces can catch up with the target staying on Jeram Island.
Jelam Island in the central area, a mountain peak of more than 1,000 meters above sea level, Bick and others are resting here.
Yan Gangkukong waited for the navy to sweep the island all the way, the search and movement was extremely great, and it was naturally discovered by Bick and others.
"The annoying navies are catching up again."
Carmen suddenly appeared beside Bick, faintly.
"Did they dare to catch up, do we think we dare not kill them?"
Bicke grinned, exposing his white teeth, and grinned angrily.
"The master is back, and just happened to give the host a gift."
Carmen also smiled, smiling.
"The two naval generals gave them to me and Rays, and the three of you and Porea dealt with the rest of the navy."
Bicke flew up in the air, faintly irresistible coercion.
"no problem."
Carmen smiled slightly. With his strength, the general admiral in the navy was always killed by him. Even if he was a general, he was not afraid.
In addition, Holmes, Otto, and hundreds of Demon warriors who have at least the strength of a major in the navy headquarters, the overall combat power is extremely strong, and can even fight tens of thousands of navy.
However, since it is a gift, the party cannot kill or injure one person.
In order to defeat tens of thousands of navy without damage, in addition to frontal rigidity, he must fight mobile warfare.
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