Chapter 244: Kill ghosts and demons

After a while, the exhibition showed that Hu Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Lu Ziqiao were also on the Central Elevator.
Seeing that all the cars were slipping in front, like the parking lot, Zhanbo stopped the car slowly. Zhanbo put up the convertible. After about ten seconds of stopping, the black jeep that Zhanbo spit out appeared again. It stopped at the left of Zhan Bo and others.
Zhan Zhanbo glanced into the rearview mirror inadvertently, then turned his head and said to Hu Yifei in a crying voice. "Sister, you lied to me ..."
"What did I lie to you?" Hu Yifei was watching what was going on in front of him. He suddenly heard Zhan Bo's voice in a crying voice. He turned his head to look at him inexplicably, and asked in a fog.
"You said I would never meet that black jeep in my life ..."
At this time, Hu Yifei found that the black jeep was parked on the left side of Zhanbo. The window of the black jeep slowly rolled down, and saw a brawny man with yellow hair, gritted teeth, and a fleshy face, staring with a mischievous look. Look at the exhibition.
"Oh! Great, as long as they dare to provoke, we will let them taste our awesome, Zhanbo, go!" Zi Qiao took a picture of Zhanbo to see the excitement.
"No, don't be impulsive. We don't know the number of opponents and ourselves. I don't want to take risks." Excuses.
"There are four and a half men in our car, plus the master of Kun Shao's fighting ability, a dozen and a half-dozen masters, absolutely dominates." Lu Ziqiao feared that the world would continue to challenge.
Xun Zhanbo thought about it, it felt strange, and expressed his doubts. "Is it three and a half?"
"Zi Qiao means, I have one, Zi Qiao, and Fei are two. You count half, exactly four and a half." At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian spoke and explained Lu Ziqiao's words to Zhanbo.
"You, I'm not afraid of him, I tell you, but we can't move the car now, if it comes back to life ..." Zhan Bo's tone was tougher than three seconds, and at the end, he was suddenly discouraged. "We are inconvenient to escape."
"Cut!" Hu Yifei originally thought that the exhibition was stimulated by Zeng Xiaoxian's words to evolve into a real man with flesh and bones.
"Sister he is still staring at me?" "Ha ha, Zhan Bo is of course, it is your spit to him." "I know, Teacher Zeng."
Hu Yifei has a good strength in his hands, and he doesn't worry at all. He doesn't care who is in the black jeep next to him, but is interested in the detailed road conditions ahead. "Look, what's going on? Why did everyone get off?"
Zeng Xiaoxian saw the situation was not good, immediately folded his hands, praying to God to worship the Buddha. "Don't do anything, it's not a joke if you are late."
"Don't move, I'll see what's going on." With that said, Hu Yifei was about to get out of the car, but was pulled by Zambo. The idea of ​​Zambo is that the strongest combat power on this car is Going away, who will protect yourself later? Hurry up and say. "Sister, I'll go with you."
"No, you can sit down. Dealing with people is my strength." Hu Yifei got out of the car, expressionless, and then shouted very manly. "Hey, what do you guys look at one by one? Don't you know you can't park on the elevated road? Ah?"
Zeng Xiaoxian, Lu Ziqiao, and Lu Zhanbo glanced at each other. Is this what Hu Yifei calls the strengths of dealing with people?
就是 Is that how she deals with others? I'm not afraid of any grumpy, oh yes, with her fighting power, an adult man will not be her opponent at all. In case the other person dares to lose his temper, Hu Yifei will definitely let those who know what is Taekwondo Black Belt Nine strength.
Uh ...
"You are staying in the car, I will go to the front to see the situation." Luo Kun already knows what happened in the front, while unfastening the seat belt, at the same time told Xinling and Lin Wanyu two women.
"Dear, be careful yourself!" Both Xin Ling and Lin Wanyu showed a hint of worry, and said to Luo Kun.
"Relax, I'll just go and see." Luo Kun waved at the two women and rushed towards the scene of the accident after getting out of the car. The two women could only watch Luo Kun leave with worry.
I saw Luo Kun rushing to the scene of the accident, which is where Li Gui is, the stunning cat demon hidden in a white cloud, the light flowing in his eyes, quietly following Luo Kun, watching his every move secretly.
Luo Kun shuttled from many vehicles and ran towards the scene of the accident. However, he encountered a crowd of nearly a hundred people who escaped from the scene of the accident, grabbed a young woman, and secretly used the "Ningshen meditation" spell to make After she calmed down quickly, Luo Kun learned from her mouth the tragic accident.
A series of explosions in nearly 30 cars killed at least 20 or 30 people on the spot and injured more than 30 people.
These are not the most important. The most important thing is that on the viaduct, cars are messy and horizontal. Many people are lying on the ground because of injuries. Their families are asking for help, but no one is free. Go and take care of them, it's too late to escape, whoever has time to rescue strangers.
The chaos on the viaduct is now chaotic, and panic is spreading. Sometimes, disasters are often enlarged because of the irrational actions of human beings caused by fear.
各位 "Everyone, please don't stand idly by. Everyone helps out. Think about it. If you were injured in the car accident just now, you don't want others to lend a helping hand?"
Luo Luokun shouted loudly as he sent the injured and incapacitated to a safe place around the scene of the accident.
"Yes, everyone is picking up firewood and the flames are high. Let's help together and save people's lives to make a seventh-level floating slaughter!"
At this time, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face spoke in support of Luo Kun, and took the initiative to take over the wounded in Luo Kun's hands and help him to a safe place.
有人 When someone took the lead, the drivers around him also took action to find the injured, and then escorted the injured to a safe place.
When Luo Kun rushed into the scene of the car accident again to search for the injured, a misty cold and ghostly gas emerged from his feet.
When the misty cold and ghostly spirit appeared, the 100-meter-wide range was instantly darkened, and everything around it seemed to freeze. It didn't change, and there was a hint of dense misty and strange cold and cold ghostly spirit. This area is pervasive.
There was silence all around, all the voices disappeared completely, a red-faced ghost with a crooked face suddenly emerged from Luo Kun, a cold and ghostly spirit about to be liquefied from this red-woman ghost Permeated.
There was a dim sky between the heaven and the earth, and the space seemed to be distorted by it. This area seemed to become a weird, cold and distorted field.
A desperate and crazy weird breath permeated from this field. As soon as ordinary people enter this area, they will be eroded by that weird breath, plunged into despair and madness, and eventually they will be exhausted. And perish, the soul will also become the food that the red woman ghost becomes stronger.
The thing that those ghosts are best at is to create some weird and horrible phenomena. They are intoxicating, intimidating the subject, absorbing the negative emotional power of the despair and fear of the subject, and constantly strengthening them, eventually killing them.
In this weird and terrible realm, warriors who don't know how to fight against this kind of realm will be brutally tortured to death.
Luo Kun clearly felt that a trace of coldness and incomparable dead silence were strangely passed through his clothes, but was blocked by about 90% by the invisible magic shield on his body, and a trace of cold and incomparable death silence Guiqi still stubbornly invaded him, a strange cold power burst out instantly, almost freezing his blood.
If it was an ordinary person or a warrior below the level, it would have been eroded by this cold and lonely deadly ghost spirit, unable to move, and eventually fell into despair and died.
"It's a terrible ghost, it seems that you are about to change from a sharp ghost to a ghost cultivation, countless harm, the deity will destroy you today, and act for the sky."
Luo Luokun will never say that he chose the sidewalk because of the system's mission to destroy Ligui.
With a sigh of admiration, Luo Kun's eyes flashed with the icy killing intention, urging the vast vast force of the body to instantly transform into the elemental energy of fire, and a horrible fire elemental energy burst out from him, let him It looked like a little human-shaped sun, exuding endless light and heat, and instantly burned and purified the cold and incomparable deadly spirit that invaded his body.
Luo Kun flashed in his eyes, with five fingers on his right hand, a crimson flame that seemed to be able to burn everything spewed out into a sea of ​​raging flames, and the red ghost was drowned, crazy Burn and purify.
Under the raging flames of crimson flames that seemed to be able to burn all things, the red woman ghost's face showed a painful look, painful and sorrowful, and black mists flew from her. Out, condensed to form a personal face, screaming in pain, and then under the incineration of that raging flame, it was all burned and disappeared.
A total of 136 human remnants flew from the red woman ghost, proving that she had killed 136 humans and devouring all her souls to strengthen her own strength Food.
Then, after the 136 human remnants were burned and burned, the body of the red woman ghost was burned and burned away, and eventually the soul fluttered.
After solving the female ghost in red, Luo Kun immediately withdrew the crimson flame, converged her strength, and changed back to the ordinary person's state without the slightest fluctuation of her body.
That weird, cold and distorted realm also collapsed with the death of the red woman ghost, and Luo Kun's surroundings returned to normal instantly.
Suddenly, feeling that Luo Kun, who was spied on by himself, looked up at a white cloud in the sky, his eyes had transformed into a scarlet and singular eye-writing state, and it was discovered that the use of mystery concealed his power fluctuations. ~ ~ The stunning cat demon hidden in the white cloud.
"Cat demon! Still a stunning beautiful girl! Good!" Luo Kun flashed a fascination in his eyes, then flipped his right hand, [Soul King Seal] emerged instantly, [Soul King Seal] was enveloped by a layer of black brilliance, and looked extremely amazing. .
Under the control of Luo Kun's thoughts, countless black chains containing the power of the seal to slay souls burst out from the [Soul King Seal], as fast as lightning, pierced into the body of the beautiful cat demon beauty , Very strangely entangled in the soul of that stunning cat demon beauty girl, and dragged her in front of Luo Kun.
"From today, you are my slave, do you understand? Otherwise, I will suppress your wisdom and turn you into my plaything!"
Luo Kun glanced at the stunning cat-girl beauty, her eyes were cold, and she exudes a terrible overwhelming coercion, as if the demon was above the ground, and the [Soul Seal of the King] flashed, countless mysterious and strange The rune emerged in the body of the beautiful cat-girl beautiful girl, and changed into a weird six-mark star mark, which was engraved on the soul of the beautiful cat-girl beautiful girl. From then on, her life and death were all in Luo Kun's thoughts.
Luo Kun also broke through a small realm just seven days ago, training [Wo Wu Wu Xiang Jue] to the third level, the realm of incompetence, the strength has been increased by more than ten times, and he has more and more incredible and extraordinary abilities Today, he can even easily wipe out a person's spiritual intelligence and turn it into a blank, pure walking dead. The stronger the strength of a living body, the more difficult it is to erase its spiritual intelligence.
The beautiful cat demon girl Nyana just wanted to violently resist, and a burst of pain from her soul caused her to send a painful sorrow. In the end, she still succumbed to Luo Kun's powerful power.
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