Chapter 259: Frieza angry, Kinut

After occupying the entire Mangallon star, countless robots frantically searched for and exploited various resources on the planet of life. After the completion of various machinery factories, they started to operate at full capacity and frantically create various wars. Required weaponry.
On a flat and wide plain, densely packed engineering robots, such as ant colonies, have a clear and orderly division of labor, and began to quickly build interstellar space portals. Millions of mechanical troops are guarding here, and six ships are suspended in the sky. The 10,000-meter star-level star warship is prepared for enemies that may appear at any time.
And this KJ124 star-struck star fleet successfully destroyed all the soldiers of the Frieza legion on the Mankaralon star, and occupied this life planet. At the same time, throughout the distant universe, one The star-fleet star fleets have also arrived at their destinations one after the other, and the soldiers who are willing to surrender will not die, and those who resist will die.
Under the threat of horrific artillery fire from the star-struck Star Fleet, those who dared to resist, weak, were all directly bombarded by energy guns.
On a very few life planets, there are powerful life entities with tens of thousands of fighting forces. Some of these powerful astronauts chose to resist, and then were bombarded by the guns of Star Warships, and some were extremely ferocious. It is enough to attack the planet where it is located, which is enough to destroy the core of the planet and cause the planet to destroy and explode with powerful energy attacks.
For this ruthless cosmic man who would rather be buried by death, Reids responded in a timely manner. In its data database, similar war examples are recorded, and naturally there are ways to deal with it.
That is, let the biochemical soldiers with teleport ability intercept the jedi's counterattack of these ruthless universes that would rather be buried, and then an energy cannon would completely kill the ruthless universe.
With the annihilation of the star-fleet star fleets occupying the planets of life and resources, the portals of interstellar space were also quickly built, and the force of his troops was increasing at a terrifying speed. The movement of troops is faster and more convenient, and the speed of capturing the planets of life and resources is getting faster and faster.
In just one month, Luo Kun's troops laid down more than a thousand planets of life, dozens of resource planets, and a range of influences of nearly a thousand light years. Numerous and rare resources were mined by countless engineering robots. Come out, endlessly delivered to Luo Kun's hands.
Luo Luokun was very happy, and then let Redders continue to intensify the manufacturing of weapons and equipment required for various wars, ready to lay down a galaxy, and feel how it feels to be the master of the interstellar.
Luo Luokun was happy, but some people were very upset about it.
On a huge dark red planet, there are countless buildings full of science fiction. On one side, the flag with the logo of the Frieza Corps is fluttering in the wind at the top of the countless buildings. Here is the Frieza Army. The headquarters is also the base of the Frieza Legion, Frieza Star.
A cosmic man like a lizard standing upright ran into a room and shouted in panic.
"King Frieza, we have lost contact with thirty-three branch bases, and our territory has lost almost one-tenth ..."
Without waiting for the Lizard Cosmopolitan to finish speaking, Frieza, who was already in a bad mood, became even more angry, and angrily, Frieza sent a dark red energy light backhand at will, running through the Lizard Cosmos instantly Head, kill it easily.
"Waste, all waste ..."
Under the anger of Frieza, killing dozens of men standing indoors in a row, the terrible breath emanated from his petite body, making the whole Frieza star shake and tremble, as if the end of the world had come .
"King Frieza, the highest combat effectiveness members of the bases in all branches are only 10,000 or 20,000. It is not surprising that they will be completely destroyed when they encounter enemies with combat effectiveness of more than 20,000. How about letting the Kinute team handle it? "
A beautiful man with soft green hair, braided and tied behind him, handsome, slender, and almost the same shape as a human, wearing a uniform armor of the Frieza Legion and wearing a white cape One of Frieza's capable subordinates, Shang Bo, suddenly spoke.
"... Well, Shangbo, go and immediately transfer the Genius team. The highest-level transfer order, these ants who dare to offend my universe emperor Frieza must be crushed to death!"
Frieza heard the words, looked at Shang Bo, and after a moment of silence, the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a cruel, dangerous smile, and said lightly.
"Yes, King Frieza." Chambord ordered and immediately arranged for someone to execute Frieza's order.
On a planet of life far from the star of Frieza, five members of the Kinut team are fighting in blood, a three-meter tall, burly man with a wolf head and a blue pointed horn on his head. Astronauts generally have a combat effectiveness of more than 20,000. They have followed suit, and have never feared death with the five members of the Kinut team.
纽 Jinu, who has the highest fighting power, hurled a pale energy ball flying towards him and landed a kilometer away with a loud noise and a mushroom cloud rising from the ground.
"Damn ..." A unicorn wolf-headed cosmic man saw his attack easily hit by the enemy, and just scolded two words, a basketball-sized energy ball flew from the hands of Kinu, as fast as a shooting star In general, he was hit by a bang, and the terrible big explosion swallowed him instantly, turning it into a dazzling firework, and the fire light from the explosion reflected the cold face of Kinou.
"Bastard, let me die ..." The cosmic people around the one-sided wolf-headed person saw his other companions easily killed by the enemy, one by one, extremely angry, waving his hands quickly, throwing hundreds of thousands of pale The colored energy ball launched a carpet bombing attack on Kinu.
轰轰 轰轰! Successive big explosions completely engulfed Kinu, and his figure was covered by fire.
"This time, should that enemy be dead?" Dozens of unicorn heads have hit nearly 10,000 energy in a row. The carpet bombing lasted for nearly ten minutes, they stopped, one of them was a unicorn head. The cosmic person looked at the area that had turned into a sea of ​​fire in front of him, and he was a little surprised to himself.
Huh! There was a lot of pain. The unicorn wolf-headed cosmic man looked down and saw his chest was pierced by an arm. I just wanted to look back and see which enemy he was dead in. The light wave of energy with terror energy instantly swallowed his entire body, flesh and bones, all under the impact of this terror energy, and turned into nothingness.
Kinew appeared unscathed among dozens of unicorn wolf-headed cosmic people ~ ~ and easily killed an enemy. He smirked proudly and took the initiative to strike, a wave of energy light was like Reaper's sickle-like, harvested the life of a cosmic man with a single wolves head, no dead body.
"Captain Kinu has just received the latest order from Champo to convey King Frieza. King Frieza ordered us to return to Frieza immediately, which is the highest order transfer order."
After killing dozens of enemies around him, when he wanted to continue to kill the Quartet, a dwarf with a green head and four eyes, Guldo, flew anxiously towards Kinu, while flying. Shouted aloud.
"Damn, as long as three days at most, we can lay down this planet of life. Forget it, let these guys live a few more days."
After hearing Guldo's words, Kinou's face changed. In three directions not far away, screams and explosions continued to be heard, but it was his three subordinates fighting the aborigines of this life planet.
Their Kinut team has been fighting on this planet of life for more than a month. The aborigines have been destroyed by them about 90%. Seeing that they are about to complete the task, at this time they received the highest order of King Frieza. Really upset.
Although unhappy, Kiniu chose to temporarily let go of the aboriginal peoples left on this life planet. For himself, the order of King Frieza is the most important. Those who dare to disobey King Frieza are all only There is a dead end, but Kinu doesn't want to die.
With the help of Kinew and Guldo, Likum, Gis, and Bart quickly solved hundreds of enemies, summoned their respective single-person spaceships with a remote control, and sat in their respective single-person universes. The spacecraft quickly left the planet of life that had already attacked nearly 90%, and returned to Frieza at the fastest speed.
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