Chapter 41: No wind belt! 【I am back! 】

After conquering the three of Courville, Remte, and Mentelo, Luo Kun and his subordinates, including Courville, returned to the pirate ship they were on.
Then, Luo Kun and his subordinates formally began the journey to the sea ...
After seven days in a row, Luo Kun stayed lazily in the cabin, the vast and changeable sea, the scenery is beautiful.
However, even if you look at the beautiful scenery for a long time, you will be tired.
The eighth day!
On this day, Luo Kun had breakfast together, and the boring day at sea began again.
Luo Kunkun hung up in the air, tirelessly and diligently, and worked tirelessly, while Bick and others watched Luo Kun work hard.
For Bick and others, their foundations are relatively solid, and their own potentials have been tapped. If there is no great opportunity, their strength will be dead, as it is now.
The potential of Rails and others who have obtained the fruit of the devil has greatly increased. They have continued to tap and develop their own potential through the unique cultivation method inherited from BAK. Every day, their strength will become stronger.
Kuvil and others are more to continue to develop and tap the demon fruit ability that they have, and to improve their combat skills and experience through practical training with Bick and others.
After all, fighting is not simply more powerful than anyone else. Skill and mind are also important.
Although Luo Kun had ambitions at this time, and wanted to make the world turn upside down, he didn't have a detailed plan to achieve his ambition step by step.
Therefore, Luo Kun held his natural mentality, wherever the ship went, he went to do it.
Anyway, with Luo Kun's strength and power at this time, even if he meets the current three naval generals, he is not afraid!
If it really happened, Luo Kun would be too late to be happy!
If you kill one of the three current navies, I don't think it will be famous!
Luo Luokun's idea is not crazy, kill one of the three current navy generals?
Even as strong as Carmen, Courville, and others, they can't even think about it.
三 Since the establishment of the Navy by the World ZF, the three major navies have been superpowers that have shocked the sea. Each of them has the world's top terrorist force, and each is a monster-level power.
Although there are no examples of the defeat of the general, the examples of the death of the general are absolutely rare.
Except for the fact that the naval generals who are old and weak and whose strength has fallen drastically are besieged by a group of strong men and cannot break through, leading to death. In the centuries of history since the establishment of the navy, no navy general is at its peak Died during the war.
Of course, poisoning and other tricks are not useless to the admiral, but who has the ability to poison a general?
The only person who can poison a naval general is the one whom the naval general trusts, except for the enemies who fight with it.
His Majesty poisoned an assassin? This success rate is so scary that even if it succeeds, the drug users will never end well.
Unless, those who want to poison the assassination of the admiral are the great men of the world ZF!
"I found that in the southwest direction, a large sea beast in the sea is rising towards the sea surface. It is suspected of Neptune ..."
Mentero shouted, holding the telescope, pointing southwest.
Remute, who was originally sitting on the deck and practicing sword meditation, opened his eyes rarely, and there was a faint chill in his eyes, and he said lightly.
"I haven't started in a few days, just use it to practice a knife."
Remte stood up, walked to Mentero at the bow, and looked southwest.
Soon afterwards, a huge dark shadow emerged from the sea in the southwest direction less than a hundred meters from Luo Kun and others' ships.
巨大 A huge garland sea snake emerged from the sea. This garland sea snake is 40-50 meters away from the surface of the sea. It is conservatively estimated that its body is at least hundreds of meters.
The garland sea snake's body was too large, which caused it to appear. The surface of the sea within a few hundred meters was suddenly choppy. A big wave almost overturned the ship that Luo Kun and others were riding on, and Lemute stayed on the deck. Everyone turned into a falling chicken, and the whole body was soaked.
"Damn! Give me death!"
Remute yelled and slashed with a knife.
A hundred-meter-long red swordman with the terrible power of cutting off the mountain shot, and immediately cut the huge garland sea snake into two. The power was not diminished, and the sea was cut directly into a huge crack that was thousands of kilometers long. .
Leimte retracted the sword, held the knife in his chest with both hands, stood proudly, and the strength of Jianhao's master was no doubt at a glance.
巨大 The vitality of that huge garland sea snake is also very strong, the body was cut into two, and it did not die immediately. After twirling the body frantically for dozens of seconds, it died.
Because of the huge wreath of sea snakes struggling before death, another wave of waves was caused, pushing the ship out of its original orbit.
About ten minutes later, a three-meter-tall Demon warrior with a dinosaur-like head and two wings on his back emerged from the cabin and shouted.
为什么 "Why is the boat not moving?"
呃 "Uh ... this ... we seem to have entered the windless zone!"
He Menteluo held the telescope in one hand ~ ~ and wiped his sweat with a white towel in one hand, explaining that he was very disturbed.
Windless zone. In this world, even a few years old child who knows a little about the ocean knows what a windless zone means.
That is the Jedi known to everyone on the ocean!
It is the sea of ​​death that any pirate and navigator must bypass!
It is precisely because the windless belt is sandwiching the great route, that the pirates who go to sea for various reasons in the four seas have to find another way. Even if they go a long way, they must try to bypass the windless belt. One of the junctions of the Great Fairway upside down into the Great Fairway.
的 People who live in the four seas understand and understand the windless zone, which is a Jedi that can only enter and leave.
The windless sea area is like an abyss beast that has opened its mouth, devouring those who dare to break into its territory.
I did not go to the Jedi, and no one would take the initiative to enter the sea without wind.
Windless zone, a sea area without wind at all, is the Jedi of all ships that rely on wind to move.
What's more terrible is that there is no wind belt, or the nest of Neptune.
After about ten seconds, a strangely shaped and huge Neptune appeared as if it had been agreed, emerged from the sea, and appeared around the ship where Luo Kun and others were riding.
Unconsciously, more than a dozen giant sea kings, each of which had a body of more than 300 meters, surrounded the ships that Luo Kun and others took.
Although the boats that Luo Kun and others take are not small, compared with these huge giant sea kings, they are almost two meters big and one cockroach.
[Maybe updated! 】
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