Chapter 69: Slaughter!

At the moment when the missile was about to hit Luo Kun, a flash of cold mang flashed in Luo Kun's eyes, and an instant flashed out a hundred meters away.
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A terrible big explosion rang from Luo Kun's original location. A cloud of mushrooms composed of flames shrouded hundreds of meters, and huge air waves spread out in all directions.
Luo Luokun was wrapped in the mature body of Su Zuo Neng Hu, and burst out of the explosion range. His eyes were cold and he looked in the direction of the surface-to-air missile.
The dozen or so ground-to-air missiles launched just 10 kilometers away. When Luo Kun relaxed his body and recovered, although he released the arrogance of domineering, he used the arrogance of his domineering to repair. At this time, at most only It can cover a thousand kilometers, so it is too late to catch the supersonic surface-to-air missiles. At the last moment, we have to use the ring to avoid the explosion core of more than a dozen surface-to-air missiles.
As long as he was half hesitant, he would be hit by a surface-to-air missile.
Even if Luo Kun has super-recovery ability such as undead body and wooden cymbals, he might smash this powerful and horrible modern weapon, and he may be seriously injured.
Although it won't die, it will never be easy.
The speed of such supersonic surface-to-air missiles can reach two or three times the speed of sound. It can cross hundreds or even kilometers in one second. Luo Kun's sense of domineering envelope detection range is only square kilometers, which can only be sensed about one second in advance. .
他们 "They are too far away, this distance, ordinary attacks can not hit each other."
Xu glanced around and found no trace of the Yue army within three kilometers, Luo Kun frowned slightly.
Obviously, the ground-to-air missile attack just now was the performance of high-ranking Vietnamese soldiers before seeing him using virtual bombs or flashes, so he was determined not to get too close to him. The most terrible thing in modern warfare is beyond-horizon combat.
What is trans-horizon?
I was ten kilometers away, and you could n’t see it. I locked you directly with a radar and then released the missile. Before many people were killed by the missile, I did n’t even know where the attack came from, and I could n’t fight back.
However, others cannot fight back, which does not mean that I cannot fight back.
Luo Luokun's body flickered continuously, and he continued to use the ring, and suddenly disappeared into the forest within a few seconds.
怪物 "Monster! What a monster! He couldn't even kill SK surface-to-air missiles."
"This is the case. He ran away. With his strength, if he rushes into the big cities in our country to kill and kill, we can't use powerful weapons like SK missiles to attack him."
"It's better to die with him than to be killed by him."
"You mean, use a lot of SK missiles to bomb him and civilians together?"
"Do you have a better way?"
"Okay, just deal with General Ruan."
Uh ...
In the clouds at a height of ten thousand meters, after Luo Kun and Dr. Gallo converged, after a few words of conversation, the two soldiers split into two paths and flew towards the big cities of Vietnam.
Walking over the top of a Vietnamese city, Luo Kun overlooked the city below. Seeing people coming and going below, the bustling city, the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a smile full of evil.
"Just disappear in this world with Yue Guo! Thunder Gun!"
A lightning gun like a thunderbolt spear instantly formed in Luo Kun's right hand and made a strong shot. This lightning gun shot like a lightning bolt to the cities below Vietnam.
Stuck in the eyes of some Vietnamese people in surprise, the thunder gun fell on the ground in an instant like a thunder, and then ...
With a loud sound that seemed to be falling apart, everything within three or four kilometers of the circle was completely swallowed up by the horrible big bang.
Within the explosion range of that Thunder Gun, almost everything was smashed. Flowers, trees, earth, bricks, and car humans were vaporized by the terrible high temperature when the Thunder Spear exploded. Nothing left.
"What's wrong? How could there be a sudden big bang over there? Was the Chinese army coming over?"
"Run, the army of China is coming!"
On the ground, thousands of Vietnamese people looked at the direction of the place previously hit by the Thunder Gun, and their hearts were filled with shock and fear.
They never imagined that someone would launch such a devastating attack on them at an altitude of more than one thousand meters.
With their limited knowledge and thinking about it, only the Chinese army's attack on Vietnam is the most likely.
I was fleeing insanely among countless Vietnamese, trying to escape to their own nest to avoid the disaster, but did not know that their fate was already doomed.
"All ants, let's all die!"
Luo Luokun's face showed a crazy, violent smirk, holding his hands, two Thunder Guns condensed in his hand, and made a single shot, and two attacks like lightning fell on the ground.
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Luo Kun kept condensing the gun of thunder and bombarded the city below. The horrible big explosion kept sounding. The terrible energy waves like the destruction of the sky spread wildly. The earth shook and cracked the huge trees with different length and width. A crack, an apocalyptic scene.
Suddenly, on the ground, the 100-square-kilometer Vietnamese city was wiped out by the endless bombing of the Thunder Gun, and all life in that city, including the near Millions of Vietnamese were turned to ashes under the bombardment of the Thunder Gun.
The power of each Thunder Gun is enough to destroy everything within a radius of 3-4 kilometers. There is nowhere to escape within the range. Those Vietnamese who ran to all directions sent out when the Thunder Gun fell. After a sorrowful sorrow, it was instantly evaporated by the high temperature generated by the explosion of the Thunder Gun, leaving no residue.
They are just ordinary people. In front of Luo Kun, who has destroyed the city, they are almost vulnerable, as weak as ants.
Thousands of Vietnamese people and a part of the land turned into flying ash under Luo Kun's blow, and the area was transformed into glass-like crystals for several miles ~ ~ This shows how terrible his power is. .
Not only is Luo Kun alone killing the city and killing people, Dr. Gallo is the same, but he is even better.
As long as Dr. Gallo finds out, whether it is a city, town, or village in Vietnam, all energy bombs will destroy everything.
In this way, Luo Kun and Dr. Gallo bombed from north to south and east to west, killing countlessly, on the one hand, to complete the task, and on the other hand, they were a little jealous and couldn't stop.
At the speed of two people, in just one day, there were dozens of cities and hundreds of cities and towns in Vietnam. Thousands of villages were erased from the map by the two of them. Millions of Vietnamese people died. Under their hands.
The mad slaughter of the two also did not attract the attention of the Vietnamese army. The Vietnamese army also tried to launch an attack on the two, but was easily killed by the two. As a result, the Vietnamese army did not dare to make two more hands. I can go to the international platform and cry, saying that the two more devastating demons are killing the people of the country, destroying the cities of the country, and asking countries to rescue Yunyun as soon as possible ...
For a while, the whole world was shaking.
If two people are killed, they will have no choice but to seek help from other countries. How powerful are these two people!
It is not that the great powers of China, Russia, China, Britain, France and other countries did not know that a massacre took place in Vietnam, but that the high-level officials of these powers were also horrified after seeing the terrible power of Luo Kun and Dr. Gallo .
If this two people run to their country for a massacre, who can stop them?
Therefore, the top leaders of the world's major powers all contacted the first time and decided to form an alliance to deal with the two super-terrorists of Luo Kun and Dr. Gallo who slaughtered the city.
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