Chapter 84: Accident [2]!

Facing Luo Kun, Minako felt like an ant, and Luo Kun was a human.
The gap between the two parties can be said to be the difference between Firefly and Haoyue.
With Luo Kun's strength, it only takes a moment to kill Minako.
Aya Minako doesn't understand why modern society can actually breed true dragons like Luo Kun?
In a modern environment, in this age of last law, the strongest man Minako has ever seen is just the pinnacle of heaven and earth.
The strong in the world of heaven and earth can communicate the vitality between heaven and earth, and have the terrible ability to exert a very strong force or a hundred force with one force.
The former Kimura Tianyi was a terrible powerhouse at the peak of the world. He was also a kendo master. When he was besieged by heavy soldiers in the rice country, he showed amazing power. Exploding missiles, helicopters, and tanks is as easy as searching for capsules.
If it wasn't for the last Mi Army using ten fighters and twenty helicopters, and rockets and air-to-air missiles consumed most of Kimura ’s power, he would eventually be bombarded into slag.
At the same time, the senior members of Japan ’s ZF at that time were also very dissatisfied with the unruly Kimura Tianyi, and secretly contacted Mi Guo, and together they killed Kimura Tianyi.
If this was not the case, then Kimura Tianyi would not be sieged to death.
No matter what price I pay, I must seize this rare opportunity to reinvigorate my fox demon family ...
Aya Minako's eyes flashed with fine light, and she thought inwardly.
Uh ...
At this time, Luo Kun and Chennai were on their way back to the hotel while passing a street.
Suddenly I heard a sound of gunfire in the distance, which was mixed with the exclamation, crying, mourning sounds of many people, and some screams of desperate popularity.
"Fuck the mouse, chase quickly, you must not let him run away ... [Japanese]"
"Yes, hurry ... [Japanese]"
Uh ...
Listening, Luo Kun's face changed slightly, covering the thousands of kilometers of sight and domineering feeling, and he felt a group of more than 300 people armed with rifles, pistols and other firearms, from all directions in the direction of where they are Surround it.
好像 What kind of people are they pursuing?
Alas, what happened? Actually, there will be more than 300 armed men hunting someone down in the city in the daytime?
Did the person being assassinated and assassinate a big man in Japan?
Is He Prime Minister? Or general?
However, judging from the breath of those people, those people will never be soldiers. Each one has a atmosphere full of violence and evil, which is clearly a brutal man with at least a few lives on his hands.
A group of murderers with guns appeared in the city, and the presence of police within a kilometer has not been detected yet ...
怎样 Behind this group of people, what a huge network and dark forces they have!
Thirty-three armed men with live ammunition who have undergone strict training are not weak. They are S-class killers or superpowers. They will also find it difficult to deal with 300 heavily-armed armed men who have live ammunition.
Alas, it has nothing to do with me.
罗 For Luo Kun, let alone three hundred people, just one hundred times, one thousand times based on this number, are also a group of ants that can easily be killed.
As long as these ants do not hinder or provoke Luo Kun, Luo Kun is too lazy to follow his general knowledge.
If these ants really don't know how to live or die, if they want to die, Luo Kun can only show mercy and send him to hell.
Based on Luo Kun's experience at this time, he can sense the breath and strength of the existence of creatures of cat and dog size and above within a kilometer.
In Luo Kun's sense of domineering power, a breath of life stronger than the three hundred armed men combined, just like the fireflies in the night, is so distinctive and so conspicuous.
However, the fireflies in the dark are all good, just the fireflies.
As Luo Kun hugged Chennai and crossed the intersection, a man in black with agility and a black pistol rushed out of the sidewalk at a speed of 20 meters per second. Weird did not hit any passers-by.
The people on the sidewalk were originally surprised by the agility of the man in black. The subsequent sound of gunfire made the passers-by screaming, one by one screaming and fleeing, the scene was very chaotic for a time.
While the scene was confusing, the man in black got into the crowd at once, seeming to follow the current, but actually fled to the northwest with great skill.
Shortly after the men in the black suit got into the crowd, a group of armed men wearing black suits and holding firearms rushed out from all directions, surrounded the entire intersection, fired warning shots and shouted loudly.
"Squat all, hold your head with both hands. [Japanese]"
"Squat down, or I'll invite you to eat bullets. [Japanese]"
Uh ...
In addition to Luo Kun, who was holding Chennai, hundreds of people, including the man in black, crouched down in fright, and clasped his head with both hands.
Luo Kun looked at his flock. A armed man with a pistol quickly walked in front of Luo Kun. He held a black pistol in his right hand, pointed his muzzle at Luo Kun's head, and grinned.
"Don't understand what we're saying? Slag. [Japanese]"
Wu Wenyan said, Luo Kun flashed a touch of cold mang, whispered angrily.
The armed man only felt that Luo Kun's eyes flashed a red light, then his eyes were dull, he turned his muzzle, aimed at his temple, and pulled the trigger directly.
There was a gunshot, and this brave armed man who dared to attack Luo Kun was very strange and broke himself and fell into a pool of blood.
"Nani, Baga ... [Japanese]"
The rest of the armed men around him saw this weird scene. They were shocked at first, and then all looked at Luo Kun angrily. They aimed their guns at Luo Kun and wanted to shoot Luo Kun directly.
"Stop! [Japanese]"
With a feisty man drinking, the armed men were very reluctant to remove the muzzle from Luo Kun's body.
A man wearing a yin-yang division robe, handsome in appearance, with a feminine atmosphere, giving a cold feeling, stepped out from a group of armed men, and said to Luo Kun politely.
"Sir, we are the Super Dragon team of the Black Dragon Society. I am one of the team leaders of the Super League. Kondo Toshiaki, who is your Excellency? [Japanese]"
Jun Kondo Toshiaki is a yin and yang master, who can control some of the gods with special abilities such as wolf spirit and so on.
I was so proud of Kondo's arrogance that he would never be so kind to a stranger.
However, just when Luo Kun used the pupil technique of the writing-wheel eye to control the armed man's self-determination, Kondo felt a vast wave of terror from the sea.
Although the fluctuation of the terror force just passed away, it also caused Kondo to feel a sense of terrible oppression.
The sense of horrible oppression was ten times more terrifying than when he faced Nobita Kuroi, the leader of the black dragon superpower group in anger.
Therefore, Kondo knows that Luo Kun is definitely not an ordinary person, but a terrible strongman who has tens of times more power than himself.
The strong will be respected when they go there, and the weak will be oppressed when they go there.
"This is the treatment that can be enjoyed only by the powerful. If you don't have the power at this time, how can others be so respectful?"
Luo Luokun looked at the look of respect and respect, and there was a hint of pleasure in her heart.
I used to think that even if he became the general manager or boss of a small company, it was impossible for Kondo to be so respectful.
Unless he is as rich as Li Fuhao, the owner of a small company has been killed by Junki Kondo for a few minutes.
现在 Now, without relying on any identity and wealth, the strength he currently has alone is enough to make people awe-inspiring.
This feeling made him a bit insatiable and extremely happy.
"You are not qualified to talk to me, get away. [Japanese]"
Luo Luokun glanced at Kondo Junming, reprimanding his subordinates in a general tone, and said lightly.
As one of the nine team leaders of the five major groups of the Black Dragon Society, in addition to his immediate boss, Nobita Kuroi, Jun Kondo has not remembered how long, and outsiders dare to speak to themselves in this tone.
However, Toshiaki Kondo is not the kind of rough man who immediately explodes as soon as he is oppressed ~ ~ The people of the Japanese gang who believe in the spirit of the Bushido value their face more than their lives.
Isn't Luo Kun talking like this, right in front of everyone in the group headed by Toshio Kondo, in the presence of his own face, to show his tallness?
Even if this was the case, Toshiaki Kondo did not immediately jump off, but responded very respectfully.
"Okay, you all give way, let this gentleman and his girlfriend go. [Japanese]"
"Yes, Lord Kondo. [Japanese]"
Although he was very reluctant to let Luo Kun go, he and his armed men still had to follow Kondo's instructions and actively gave up a path.
When Luo Kun lifted his leg to leave, suddenly, he frowned slightly, feeling a sense of murder in the northeast, and stepped back instinctively.
At this moment, a murmur of "嘭" sounded, and the ground made of reinforced concrete suddenly burst into a bowl-sized hole.
Luo Kun, who played various firearms to a certain extent in the system space, how can he not tell which firearm can cause such lethality?
Anti Equipment Sniper Rifle!
In the face of such horrible firearms with a range of 1,200 meters, even ordinary armored vehicles must avoid their sharp edges.
Luo Luokun himself was not afraid of such firearms, but he was still holding Chennai, so he had to dodge to avoid hurting Chennai.
After the sound of the anti-equipment sniper rifle, Kondo made a strange gesture.
Bang bang bang!
A rush of gunfire rang from around before and after Luo Kun.
Faced with a sudden bullet, Luo Kun sneered and said lightly.
"A bunch of ants dare to shoot at me, all it."
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