Chapter 139: Inside the whirlpool, mysterious stone house, crystal ball

Qifeng continent.
This day is destined to be recorded in history.
In Jingfan Temple, a total of forty-six combat teams were dispatched to launch a major counterattack against the Crystal Palace, Tianxin Valley and the Long Family! Among the forty-six battle groups, there are forty groups, led by a war king and four war kings as members; there are also three fortification teams, each composed of four war kings; in addition, There are also three teams composed entirely of warlords, and each team has three warlords! These three warlord teams are the pinnacle deterrent power in the entire counter-offensive battle.
These combat teams quickly recovered some occupied mines, fields and other resources. Then, they began to fight back further. The first goal of choice was the relatively weak Long Family. The combat team successively wrecked the Long Family's outer territory and resources. There was no harm to innocent lives, and no looting was carried out, it was destruction, pure destruction!
The Long Family Patriarch was furious, and sent a number of warlords and warlord-class powerhouses to fight. However, in front of the elite team of the Jingfan Temple, these dragon family war kings and war kings quickly returned.
Of course, the battle team of the Jingfan Temple did not love the battle, and they fled early before the arrival of the reinforcements from the Crystal Palace and Tianxin Valley.
Kaoru's combat team also participated in several sabotage operations. However, due to the disparity in strength, so far, they have not used the summoned beast!
And Xiao Kaoru didn't know that her summoned beast Lin Wei was approaching one of the biggest secrets of the entire other world step by step!
Different world.
Deep in the dense forest.
Lin Wei finally felt an unusual fluctuation.
This wave of fluctuation seems to be coming from a short distance in front, with some strange energy resonance, and even a trace of traction from the soul. Under Lin Wei's careful perception, he discovered that this trace of soul traction was connected to the contract mark on his forehead!
It's no wonder that the weaker summoned beasts will be brought into the vortex deep in the dense forest by this wave.
Lin Wei was more cautious in his heart. As the saying goes, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years! Although one cannot be too conservative in the pursuit of power, one cannot be too reckless. Make bold decisions and act carefully, this is the norm that Lin Wei is pursuing now.
After removing a dense branch and leaves, a clearing of 100 meters square appeared in Lin Wei's field of vision.
This is it! ! !
Although the clearing looked empty, he could feel that there was an incomparably strong suction in the center of the clearing. There is indeed a whirlpool invisible to the naked eye!
Lin Wei stood still and did not continue to move forward—because it was invisible to the naked eye, it was impossible to confirm the boundary of the vortex. This is a very troublesome thing. There is no way to confirm the boundaries, and there is no way to know which areas are safe.
Kneeling down, he picked up a stone from the ground and threw it toward the middle of the clearing.
The stone drew a parabola, then fell on the ground, rolled a few times, and finally stopped.
The stone has not disappeared! In other words, that vortex is invalid for non-living bodies? ! Lin Wei couldn't help frowning.
What should I do next?
Standing still thinking for a while, Lin Wei suddenly realized that it was meaningless to do any temptation outside. Because, even if you let yourself test out the boundary of the whirlpool, what can you do? All the secrets should be in the whirlpool! Standing outside, even if I want to break my head, I never want to peep into the scenery inside. Just like betting on a stone, no matter how much you analyze, no matter how good you think, if you don't make a cut, you will never know if it is the glass imperial green you are looking forward to.
Taking a deep breath, Lin Wei took a step forward.
At this step, he felt the void under his feet and his body sank.
"I rub..." Before Lin Wei burst into foul language, he felt the sky spin and his eyes quickly became dark!
I don't know how long it took. When the light reappeared in front of him, Lin Wei found that he was already in a confined space.
He tried to stand up, but he felt a tumbling in his stomach and retched on the ground.
Nima! This invisible vortex is so big? The edge of it is at my feet! ! !
After the retching was over, Lin Wei raised his head and began to look at the space carefully—to be precise, it was a stone room. However, the area of ​​the stone room is quite large, about two hundred meters square, even if the king of green salamander comes here, it can be completely installed. And in the center of the stone room, there are several concentric circles composed of extremely complicated runes, and in the center of the innermost circle, there is a huge crystal ball! The crystal ball is about ten meters in diameter, and the whole body is silver with some fluorescent light flowing slowly inside.
Crystal ball? Wizard divination? This was the first thought that came to Lin Wei's mind.
Am I on another continent yet?
But soon, Lin Wei denied this idea. Because he found that the energy form here is exactly the same as in the other world-as his strength improves, especially after practicing the Demon God's Ninth Layer, his perception of the energy of the other world is much clearer than before.
Here is another world!
Lin Weishu sighed. As long as you are in another world, it is much easier to handle. Even if you can't leave for a while, you won't delay being called by the three mistresses.
But what is that crystal ball? In another world, there is such a thing? !
Also, what about the summoned beasts that were sucked in? Where have you been? Shouldn't you see a bunch of summoned beasts here...
At this time, the whole stone room suddenly became dark.
Ok? Lin Wei suddenly discovered that the light in the stone room was projected from the crystal ball. When the crystal ball closes the light, the space dims. In this dim light, Lin Wei once again discovered a magical scene. I saw a thin, bright silver thread floating quietly in the air. It was windless and automatic, extremely ethereal and light. One end was connected to the huge crystal ball, and the other end was connected to his forehead.
Inside the forehead, there is a contract mark. Is there any connection between this crystal ball and the seal of the contract?
Lin Wei stood up, was about to walk towards the crystal ball, but suddenly remembered something, and stood firm.
Let's try it out with a stone first. He picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it towards the crystal ball. With a crisp sound, the stone hit the crystal ball, then bounced off and fell to the ground.
It seems normal, but why do I always feel uneasy? wrong! There is definitely a problem with this crystal ball! The summoned beasts that were sucked in by the whirlpool, now all disappeared, must have something to do with this crystal ball!
But that sentence is still there. This is like gambling on a rock. If you don't come close and take a look in person, you will never know the magic of that giant crystal ball.
Lin Wei settled down and prepared to get close to the crystal ball.
But at this moment, suddenly the space above the stone room was distorted, and a group of black shadows fell straight down with a snap!
Lin Wei couldn't help but froze, what's going on? Sirius handsome again? Why did other summoned beasts run in again?
The falling shadow struggled on the ground, and then... flew!
Windwing Ziyun Eagle, attributes: wind, rank: bronze, rank: low-level beasts.
It turned out to be a bird! Lin Wei suddenly realized that the summoned beast flying in the sky, the Sirius commander is indeed not easy to detect. And on the forehead of this wind-winged purple cloud eagle, there is also a bright silk thread that connects to the crystal ball.
Fengyi Ziyunying also saw Lin It seemed to be quite jealous of Lin Wei, flapping its wings and hiding away. Immediately afterwards, it also found the crystal ball, but, unlike Lin Wei's caution, it suddenly became excited and enthusiastic, and rushed towards the crystal ball almost without hesitation.
"Wait a minute!" Lin Wei yelled, trying to stop it.
However, the Windwing Ziyunying ignored Lin Wei and even increased his speed, reaching the crystal ball in the blink of an eye.
At the same time, a small thing in the crystal ball suddenly lit up. Immediately afterwards, the contract mark on Fengyi Ziyunying's forehead also lit up. Lin Wei was shocked to find that the little thing in the crystal ball was actually exactly the same in shape as the contract mark of the Windwing Ziyunying!
Then, a piece of green appeared in the crystal ball, and quickly enlarged until it filled the crystal.
Seeing this green, the wind-winged Ziyun eagle became even more excited, and with a flap of its wings, it rushed in towards the green--and the surface of the crystal ball was actually rippled for a while, sucking the rushing wind-winged Ziyun Eagle Go in!
The stone room returned to a tranquil state again.
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