Chapter 175: The power of magic

Of the two acting team leaders, Bill is the great magician, and Earl Gary is just an ordinary person. When it comes to his status among magicians, Bill must be much higher, but, as Gary said, here after all Mengzhong is the territory of the Ponga Empire!
Here, the will of the Ponga Empire is the first. ΔBiquge
After Lin Wei showed his amazing combat power, the officials and magicians of the Ponga Empire, led by Count Gehry, experienced from shock to astonishment, from astonishment to incomparable bewilderment, and from incomparable to incomprehension. Deeply afraid and jealous.
This is simply a humanoid killing machine! Compared with those large-scale group attack magic, his killing was more precise and colder!
If in the future, let him represent the Clovis Empire on the battlefield, it will definitely be a nightmare for the Pontiac team! Compared with the destroyer who appeared once in a hundred years, he would be the real confidant of the rulers of the Ponga Empire!
Kill him, you must find a way to kill him! After making eye contact with several great magicians of the Ponga Empire, Count Gehry decisively issued an order to move the total offensive.
Seven great magicians of the Ponga Empire, three fire elements, one wind element, two earth elements, and one dark element. At the same time, they had their most expert magic attack! And, the goal is Lin Wei, who is more than a thousand meters away!
Vicious lore! But it happens to have a name that makes people unable to fault it.
While the complexions of the magicians of the Clovis Empire changed drastically, Annie's heart was suddenly lifted.
"Lin Linwei, run away!" Annie said anxiously to Lin Wei through the soul bond.
"Escape?!" Lin Wei looked at the huge fireball and violent hurricane that were already in front of him, but his expression didn't change much. The attacks of the seven great magicians want me to escape? Is this a joke?
Lin Wei glanced at the remaining time of the "God" skill, there were more than forty seconds left.
Then, he turned around, leaped to the body of a giant monster, and then turned into a phantom, stepping on the bodies of the monsters, and rushing toward the depths of the group of monsters! If you can escape, you have to use your body to carry it hard. Isn't that a fool?
After Lin Wei disappeared in place, the three huge fireballs fell on the ground in less than a second.
Boom! ! ! The terrifying fire magic element was released instantly, and the seven or eight hundred monsters that were directly hit by the fireball immediately caught fire. Among them, there are more than two hundred monsters that are closest to the explosion center of the three fireballs. Before they even had time to wailing, they turned into a pile of coke in the blazing high temperature! Immediately afterwards, the flames spread out like fire snakes in all directions. In an instant, within a radius of nearly one thousand meters, they were all caught in a sea of ​​flames.
The hurricane swept through, the wind helped the fire, and some of the monsters that had not been burnt to death were rolled into the air.
The big earthquake cracked, and some monsters fell and were buried by huge rocks.
The meteorites in the sky also smashed down, with a loud rumbling sound. Every meteorite can smash at least three monsters into flesh. In this round, dozens of meteorites fell, and more than a hundred beasts were harvested!
The dark rays came out again, once again taking away nearly half a hundred monsters.
The first wave of attacks by the seven great magicians caused the direct death of more than 700 monsters! And there are thousands of monsters, all on fire, still struggling.
This is more than 700 monsters equivalent to the low-level Bronze Beastmaster! Even if Lin Wei, who had displayed the "God" skill, was killed, it would take more than a minute to get it done without using the magic blade. At this moment, Lin Wei finally had a perceptual understanding of the great magician of Tronst. It is no wonder that a great magician of the fire element can easily defeat an army!
At this time, Lin Wei had already ran a long distance deep into the herd.
At this distance, the beasts he saw were still out of sight. Moreover, he saw some more powerful beasts, they were located in the middle and back of the herd, they were bigger and hideous. Since there is no direct match, it is difficult to judge their strength, but it is estimated that in the past, it should be a high-level beast commander of the bronze rank. Based on this distribution law, Lin Wei could infer that at the end of the group of monsters, there should be more than a dozen monsters equivalent to the low-level bronze beast kings.
"God" skills, time is up!
Lin Wei's speed slowed down, and he simply stopped. He jumped up and rode on a giant monster seven or eight meters long, and then lay down on his back.
Since Lin Wei was a beast killed in the front of the beasts, the beasts behind did not know what happened in the When Lin Wei was lying, not many beasts noticed him. The presence. He sticks to the back of Warcraft, sticks his head out and looks in the direction of the city wall.
After about half a minute, the second hurricane appeared, and after a few seconds, three giant fireballs appeared again in the air. Immediately afterwards, the earth began to shake and collapse again, and a new wave of meteorites appeared in the sky. And that black ray, like a ghost, appears from time to time, harvesting the lives of the monsters.
After the second wave of attacks, the number of deaths and injuries of monsters caused by seven great magicians has risen to more than 1,500!
If according to this degree, every minute can attack two rounds, at most after ten minutes, you can wipe out the remaining more than 20,000 Warcraft.
However, this is only an ideal situation. The current situation of the battle has actually changed-because Lin Wei no longer takes action, the monsters have no targets to attack, so they began to attack the city wall. This kind of impact will cause great trouble to the magicians' subsequent attacks. In addition, even the great magician, constantly releasing large group attack magic, also consumes a lot of mana. After that, they obviously can't maintain the attack frequency of once every half a minute. It is conceivable that senior magicians will soon join the attacking team. Finally, and the most critical point, the strength of the monsters is stronger as they go further!
Suddenly, there were several chirps on Lin Wei's head, and then dozens of huge shadows passed over him.
"That's it?!" Lin Wei raised his head and couldn't help being surprised.
What catches the eye is a new kind of monster. They look like giant birds, but their wings are similar to bats. They fly in the air for more than 100 meters and rush towards the city wall.
Flying monsters? ! In this army of warcraft, there are still warcraft that can fly? !
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