Chapter 218: Sudden enemy

The next day, when Lin Wei woke up from his sleep, he found that Afu was already up.
She was standing there beautifully, her eyes slightly closed, her arms open, and her long chestnut hair was windless.
After a while, she stopped, then turned around and said: "Lin Wei, our trip...may be over early."
"Huh?" Lin Wei couldn't help being stunned. "Why? Do you want to go back? Don't plan to continue to look north?"
"I... I suddenly had a very bad premonition." Afu clenched a jade hand to his chest, and her beautiful eyebrows were slightly curled together.
"A bad premonition?!" Lin Wei's heart also burst. It was the first time he heard the word "premonition" from Afu's mouth.
Could it be...
"I can't tell." Afu lowered his eyes, seeming to be experiencing something, and opened his eyes after a while, "It seems to be related to the whirlwind you mentioned."
whirlwind? ! Lin Wei stood up abruptly.
It seems that there is a real problem! ! ! Not only did he always feel anxious, but now even Afu had an unpredictable feeling. You know, Afu's mental power is definitely stronger than I don't know how many times!
"Then let's go." Lin Wei did not procrastinate, he stepped forward and directly hugged Afu.
If you want to rush back with all your strength, you can only fly with Afu yourself!
Afu stretched out his arms, wrapped his arms around his neck, then blinked, then suddenly said, "Lin Wei."
"Be brave to do what you want to do! I...I will always support you." Afu looked at him and said seriously. However, when she said the last few words, she couldn't help but move her eyes away.
"Okay!" Lin Wei nodded, without thinking too much, "Hold firmly?"
Lin Wei floated up and reached an altitude of more than a thousand meters in the blink of an eye. Then he checked the direction of the whirlwind, accelerated and disappeared into the skyline within a few breaths.
Under full flight, it took Lin Wei nearly twenty hours to reach the location of the cyclone.
At this time, the sun in the other world had sunk, and the twilight began to envelope the earth.
When Lin Wei saw the whirlwind again, he found that its appearance had changed-it was originally a regular shape with a height of more than 3,000 meters and a diameter of more than 5,000 meters. And now, its diameter is still more than 5,000 meters, but its height has been reduced to less than 100 meters! Moreover, the swirling airflow was no longer stable at first, and became a little scattered and violent. The surrounding airflow is quickly sucked in, while the center airflow is swiftly sprayed into the air. Because of the inclusion of sand and dust, an airflow fountain visible to the naked eye is formed!
However, at this moment, there is still only a solitary whirlwind here, and no other anomalies have been seen.
"Wait!" Lin Wei stared.
He floated down and landed about five to six hundred meters away from the whirlwind.
Here, he finally sensed that in this area, there are many scattered scattered energy remaining. This is definitely not the result of the whirlwind. Moreover, this scattered residual energy is also significantly different from the energy radiated from the creatures in another world.
So, there has been a batch of unknown creatures here? !
Lin Wei observed carefully and found that the further away from the whirlwind, the weaker the scattered energy. It seems that this energy should be released instantly when an unknown creature first appeared here.
This situation is like... teleport?
Lin Wei was taken aback, then startled.
That's right! Just send! He and Afu also used the teleportation array when they were in the continent of Moa. The teleportation array, at the end of the entrance, is generally based on ancient formations, supplemented by runes, and driven by energy stones. At the end of the exit, if the farther away from the entrance, the energy in the body will be The greater the dissipation.
In other words, this endlessly rotating whirlwind turned out to be a portal! ! !
So, who is it transmitting? Where did it come from?
"Huh?" Afu suddenly let out a cry of surprise.
"What's wrong? Afu." Lin Wei asked quickly.
"Here, I always feel that there is a familiar atmosphere." Afu said.
"Oh? Did you find out?" Lin Wei looked at the jade man in his arms in surprise. I have to say that after Afu's small achievements in cultivation, in some aspects, especially in some things that need to rely on mental effort to detect and perceive, he has not lost to Lin Wei. This gave him a feeling of being able to help him and no longer fighting alone.
The faint energy that is still fading away here does give Lin Wei a feeling of deja vu.
Could it be...
A guess arose in Lin Wei's heart.
It's just that this guess was so incredible that he couldn't find enough reason to convince himself for a while.
Lin Wei held Afu in his arms and began to look towards the periphery of the whirlwind.
In less than ten minutes, he found a fragmented body about 10,000 meters away from the cyclone in the west. The corpse was broken into many pieces, all of which were cold, and the blood stains splashed around had completely solidified, and it was obviously dead for a long time. Although it was impossible to read its information from the corpse, Lin Wei could still tell at a glance that this should be an animal in another world. The most cruel thing is that its brain was completely shattered. From the wound, it was killed by a force that rushed directly in front of its forehead.
Afu's body trembled slightly, and then she turned her head and buried her head in Lin Wei's arms.
Lin Wei's heart sank suddenly, and he took a deep breath, holding Afu in his arms and continued to run to the west.
After five or six minutes, he found two more equally fragmented bodies. One of them is still a huge carnivore. Its head was originally covered with hard armor, but it was also killed by a single blow, and its brain was spilled on the ground.
Further west!
After running a distance of more than two thousand six deadly horrible bodies appeared again.
All the way to the west, more and more corpses! Lin Wei's heart also sank to the bottom.
Until the cyclone was more than 180 kilometers away, he finally saw hundreds of burly figures walking in front of him by the moonlight. A figure in the front is pressing a giant beast on the ground.
Afu in Lin Wei's arms trembled again with a trembling voice, "Lin Wei, I...I know who they are..."
Lin Wei's eyes condensed slightly. He saw that the giant beast that was crushed on the ground was a summoned beast with a contract imprint, and at this moment, its contract imprint was constantly flashing, as if it was fighting Some terrible foreign power! However, in less than a few seconds, the mark went dark. Then, a group of golden light was forced out of its body, and replaced by a gloomy black light.
The summoned beast gasped, raised its head, and glanced at the figure with a bitter look, but it was helpless.
At this time, the information in its body has an additional characteristic: it has fallen! ! !
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