Chapter 22: Lin Wei fights the magic wolf

   Xiao Shao! ! !
   Just now stabbed this sword towards Fan Minyue, it turned out to be Xiao Shao, who has been silent and has no sense of existence!
   Suddenly, Fan Minyue understood everything-Xiao Shao was a hidden son sent by the Heavenly Family to hide in the family, and he was a traitor. No wonder the two brothers, Sky Spider and Sirius, can find here so accurately. You know, it took me more than ten days to find out where Xiaoxun was hiding. This is because I belong to Fan's family and the news is easier to get. As for the Sky Spider and Sirius, if they didn't have Xiao Shao's internal response, even if they spent three to five months, they would not have been able to find Xiao Xun's location.
   "Xiao Shao! You!" Xie Lao and Xiao Xun were also surprised and angry.
  Although they were fighting the Sky Spider and the Demon Wolf separately, the things that happened on Fan Minyue's side were captured by them.
   Among them, Xie Lao's anger is even more intense. Xiao Shao has been working under him for three years, and he has not even noticed that Xiao Shao is a traitor.
   Xiao Shao is holding a sword in his hand, the expression on his face is still that kind of silly feeling, "Miss Minyue, you don't even want to leave today."
   In the voice of the words, Xiao Shao once again deceived his body and moved forward, brushing brush, three swords and stabbing again, respectively rushing to Fan Minyue's throat, chest and waist, and the tricks were fatal.
   Fan Minyue was unprepared and drew his sword to block, and fell completely at a disadvantage.
Amazing! Xiao Shao was actually a high-level fighter, and his swordsmanship was far above Fan Minyue.
   As time passed gradually, the battle became increasingly anxious.
   Except for Xie Lao and Tianzhu who are still equally equal, Xiaoxun and Fan Minyue have gradually begun to lose energy. Even the Grey-eyed White Tiger was completely suppressed by Sirius!
   And at this moment, suddenly a few hundred meters away, a red flare rose into the air. The speed of the signal flare was extremely fast, it rushed into the air several thousand meters, and then exploded suddenly.
   "What?!" The expressions of Sky Spider and Sirius changed.
   Xie Lao and Xiao Xun were overjoyed, knowing that Aunt Liu must have discovered the situation here, and then ran to a few hundred meters away and lit the flare.
It is about fifteen kilometers away from the family base camp. The signal flare will be found by the next sentinel very soon, and then the next sentinel will also launch the flare at the same time, and then transmit it to the next sentinel... so it only takes seven Once, it can be passed back to the family. But it takes at least twenty minutes for the masters in the family to rush over!
   "Quick battle!" Sky Spider said to Sirius, "As long as we kill all these people and leave before the masters in their family arrive, they don't know that it was our hands."
   Sirius was pressing the gray-eyed white tiger to the ground, grasping the huge mouth of the white tiger with both hands. Hearing this nodded, turned his head and shouted at the devil wolf: "Xiao Hei, solve Fan Xiaoxun as soon as possible."
   The demon wolf howled, raised his front paws, and patted Xiao Kaoru. The speed is as fast as lightning!
   Xiao Kaoru reluctantly crossed the sword one step, but couldn't take off the huge strength, the whole person was shot upside down, and his back hit the wall fiercely.
   呲啦, a hidden weapon of the Sky Spider finally broke through Xie Lao's defense, cut through the sleeve of Xie Lao's left hand, leaving a hole in his left arm.
   Xie Lao's expression changed, and he immediately tapped his left arm with his right hand, sealing the movement of vindictive energy and blood in his left arm. Sealing the left arm, although preventing the spread of toxins, it also reduced his combat effectiveness by a notch.
  The situation has become extremely severe!
   "Lin Wei!!!" At the critical moment, Xiao Xun finally called out Lin Wei's name. Although Lin Wei is still very weak, but the current situation is so critical, one more helper will have more strength! Even if only one person escapes from birth, it is better than all of them die here.
   Lin Wei
   Lin Wei
   Lin Wei
   Xiao Kaoru's call seemed to penetrate through time and space and reach another world.
In the voice of   , she quickly pinched with both hands.
   "Xiao Xun!" Lin Wei finally saw the familiar whirlpool appearing above his head after a long anxious wait. At the same time, he sensed Xiao Xun's eager call. Xiaoxun, she is in danger!
   Lin Wei did not dare to hesitate any more, jumped up and rushed into the whirlpool.
   When the light appeared in front of him again, Lin Wei saw a scene that made him frightened--Xiao Xun was once again severely photographed by the magic wolf, with color hanging on his arm, and a little blood floating in the air.
   "Asshole!" As soon as Lin Wei hit the ground, an arrow was launched quickly. At this time, he was less than forty meters away from the magic wolf!
   This distance, 100% hit!
   The arrow speed is extremely fast, basically when the magic wolf just noticed something was wrong, he hit an arrow in his head. This arrow was originally intended for Lin Wei to shoot the eyes, but because the magic wolf was not completely still, the arrow deviated slightly, and did not hit the eyes, but hit its ears.
   A piercing pain came from the ears, and the demon wolf howled, turned his head abruptly, and looked viciously at the sudden appearance of Lin Wei.
   Various beasts, monsters, monsters on the Qifeng Continent, and summoned beasts from different worlds have a certain similarity to each other. The moment the magic wolf saw Lin Wei, he judged that Lin Wei's strength should be far inferior to himself. To be injured by an opponent who is weaker than himself is a shame for a proud monster.
   The demon wolf howled wildly, dropped Xiaoxun, and rushed towards Lin Wei.
   Very fast speed, Lin Wei quickly judged that the straight line speed of this magic wolf was much faster than himself. If you want to fight it, you can only play a game and give play to your flexibility.
   Take a bow, shoot an arrow! Two arrows fired again.
  Perhaps the trauma caused by the previous arrow to the devil wolf was too painful. Seeing the two arrows shot, the devil wolf was also shocked in his heart and quickly dodged sideways. It was this flash that its speed slowed down, and Lin Wei took the opportunity to get a little away from it.
   Just one chasing and one running.
   A few minutes later, Lin Wei used various terrain cover and archery interference to prevent the magic wolf from getting close to him. But apart from another arrow that pierced the demon wolf's shoulder, it was unable to cause further damage.
   Suddenly, Lin Wei saw an equipment rack on the side of the training field. His inspiration flashed. He retreated and rolled, retreated to the side of the equipment rack, and quickly removed some things from it.
   The magic wolf saw Lin Wei again to accelerate, and only one shot, it shortened the distance between itself and Lin Wei to within ten meters.
   At this time, Lin Wei turned around and fell down sideways, throwing out a slender object with his right hand at the same time.
  嗖! The slender object evenly hit the forelegs of the demon wolf running. And at the moment of the collision, this thing was tangled softly, entwining the limbs of the demon wolf almost in the blink of an eye.
   trip wire! What Lin Wei threw was a tripwire! Moreover, at the moment he threw it, he made an evasive action in advance-his body fell to the side, and then he rolled.
   The limbs of the demon wolf were suddenly restrained, and the huge forward momentum could not be stopped at all. While falling down, it slammed into the shelf where the equipment was placed. The entire shelf was smashed into pieces, and various knives on it were scattered all around.
Lin Wei did not escape after rolling away from the devil wolf's impact. Instead, he drew out the dagger he was carrying with him, and sprinted towards the devil wolf, the dagger in his hand stabbed its abdomen fiercely. past. Fast, accurate and ruthless!
   Lin Wei nowadays is no longer the animal service who knew nothing before. If your own strength is not enough, use tools and tactics to make up for it! This is also what makes him different from other summoned beasts, war beasts, and even many other people. For example, a cultivator who has cultivated fighting spirit like Xiaoxuan is more likely to believe in fighting with fighting spirit, and they believe that the level of fighting spirit is the ultimate decision for a person's growth. But Lin Wei is obviously different. His seven years in another world is the seven years of fighting more advanced creatures with all kinds of time and location and props and traps! With the help of foreign objects, it has become deeply ingrained as part of him, and it has also become a kind of survival skill for him!
   呲! The short sword came in.
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