Chapter 267: All the best

Over there, the organization of the death squad is still going on.
Taking advantage of this time, Lin Wei also told Afu what he had encountered in Qifeng Continent. After listening to Afu, she said with a worried expression: "The great elder didn't succeed, and he will definitely not let it go!"
"I intend to let Xiaoxuan stay in another world for a while. This matter has to be discussed." Lin Wei frowned, "After all, Jingfan Temple is Xiaoxuan's sect, and it is impossible to completely break the relationship. That big Although the elder is a bastard, the Sect Master of the temple is still good, not to mention Sister Shuiyue there..."
We were talking here, and suddenly heard a sound of footsteps coming from the direction of the summoned beast army.
Lin Wei, Afu, and Xiao Xun looked up, and saw three high lords walking towards here with fifty or sixty summoned beasts.
"Lin Wei, these fifty-six summoned beasts were selected from more than 500 soldiers that we actively invited." Jin Mao Lei Dianbiao said, "Come and see."
Lin Wei looked at the fifty-six summoned beasts, and saw them all full of energy and eager to try. Among them, the worst is the high-ranking beast commander of the blue silver rank, and the strongest is the middle-ranking beast commander of the purple gold rank! The eyes of each summoned beast seemed to be filled with burning flames, high and firm!
Lin Wei glanced over them one by one, and then said: "Do you understand the meaning of the three words'death squad'?"
"Understand!" A burly lion-shaped summoned beast replied first, "Dare to die, is to dare to die! There are dangers and dangers, and a life of nine deaths!"
"Wrong." Lin Wei shook his head, "It's not nine deaths, but ten deaths without life."
The lion-shaped summoned beast was stunned for a moment, and still did not shrink at all: "We are not afraid of ten deaths without life!"
"Don't be afraid!" The other fifty-five summoned beasts behind shouted in unison.
"Very good." Lin Wei nodded, "but I don't need so many death squads. There are too many, and it will be easy to expose. I will choose."
After speaking, Lin Wei began to read the information of the summoned beasts one by one, thinking while reading, and then let certain summoned beasts stand out from time to time and stand alone in another team. After reading the information of certain summoned beasts, he took the trouble to ask about their talents and skills.
After half an hour, Lin Wei finally picked out twelve summoned beasts.
When these twelve summoned beasts stood side by side in front of Lin Wei with eyes that looked like death, even Afu and Xiaoxun next to them were shocked by this scene. In Lin Wei's chest, a wave of pride and relief suddenly rose. In the life and death of this other world, there are so many warriors who are willing to come forward, "Although thousands of people are going to come", this This fearless vigor and courage is vividly manifested in these summoned beasts!
"Very good." Lin Wei nodded his head heavily, "You are all true warriors! As I said just now, ten deaths and no life is not an exaggeration. The place we are going next is the lair of those demon gods! What we have to do is to destroy their teleportation array. Only in this way, we can never suffer from future troubles and rescue our other world from the threats of the demons. I am Lin Wei, this time the death squad acted Captain, I ask you all to follow my command when the time comes. Because we only have one chance."
Having said that, Lin Wei paused, and then suddenly raised his voice: "But, just this time! We are going to turn things around, we must end the current passive situation, and let those know that our other world can It's not annoying!!!"
"It's not annoying!" The twelve summoned beasts shouted in unison.
Hum! A dark gray whirlpool appeared beside Lin Wei. The whirlpool slowly revolved, and it seemed to bring a trace of tragic breath.
He glanced at the twelve death squads again, and then waved his hand: "For our homeland, everyone follow me and die together!"
After speaking, Lin Wei took the lead into the whirlpool.
Xiao Kaoru's heart trembled when she heard it, and she couldn't help but rush forward. Afu beside her stretched out her hand to hold her, and then shook her head gently.
Twelve summoned beasts, without the slightest hesitation, followed Lin Wei, lined up and walked into the whirlpool.
"Come on!" Jin Mao Leidenbiao watched a group of death fighters and said, "I hope you can all come back alive..."
"Lin Wei..." Zifeng murmured, holding both hands on his chest.
Soon, Lin Wei appeared in the stone house with twelve summoned beasts.
Although these summoned beasts were very curious about this stone house and the crystal ball in the middle of the stone house, they did not ask. They have quickly entered the role of death squad.
Lin Wei nodded secretly in his heart, and then clicked on the bird’s-eye view of Tronst in the crystal After selecting the Black Forest, he turned to a small bird-like summoned beast and Another clever reptile summoned his hand.
"You two come here first, I will take you to a place first. The other team members are here on standby!"
About twenty minutes later, Lin Wei and the two summoned beasts reappeared in the stone house.
The remaining nine summoned beasts were surprised to find that all the bird-type summoned beasts and reptile-type summoned beasts could not be read! They both looked like the two most common creatures on a certain continent.
Lin Wei opened the top view map of the Moa continent again.
Just when he was about to locate on the ancient sea, a dark square array suddenly attracted his attention in a place on the map. He fixed his eyes and found that the black square array was creeping! After zooming in on the map, he could see clearly that the phalanx was obviously an advancing army, and the army’s current location was at the foot of the Demon Mountain!
Huh? Has the army of the human kingdom launched an attack on the Demon Mountain? !
Lin Wei was taken aback, and then realized that now that the intermediate and high-level demon gods are basically gathered in the forbidden ground, it is indeed the best time to attack the demon mountain.
Then, on the map, he saw more than a dozen huge figures, rushing down from the Demon Mountain, and rushing towards the human army.
Is that the low-level demon who is still staying at Demon Mountain?
Lin Wei's heart moved suddenly, then turned his head and said to the twelve summoned beasts: "You will wait for me here for a while, and I will go back."
With that said, Lin Wei chose the Demon Mountain as the teleportation point, then bowed his head, dived into the crystal ball and disappeared.
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