Chapter 307: Do you want to go back

Lin Wei sighed again, then stretched out a hand and gently hugged Annie's waist.
At this time, Annie cried even louder, and her sadness and grievances came to her heart, as if she wanted to cry clean all the tears of the past two years.
Annie’s cries infected Xiao Kaoru and Ah Fu. Xiao Kaoru covered her mouth and started crying. Unable to restrain herself, she hugged A Fu next to her and buried her face in A Fu. Shoulders. Afu looked at Lin Wei softly, no matter what Lin Wei had done or what he became, in her heart, he was always his closest relative.
For the two full years when Lin Wei left without saying goodbye, Afu felt sad and wronged, but she did not complain, because she was convinced that Lin Wei must have had no alternative. She believes in Lin Wei better than herself.
Lin Wei embraced Annie's soft and slender waist and slowly landed.
Hong Fat also stood up and looked at Lin Wei blankly.
Compared with the three daughters of Afu, Xiaoxun and Annie, Hong Fat and Lin Wei have been together longer. In the seven years that Lin Wei had just arrived in another world, the two of them were the best partners, and it could be said that they were almost inseparable. Red Fat is the most familiar with Lin Wei's growth and changes, but even so, it felt a sense of strangeness when facing Lin Wei now.
If you look at it from the intuition of its sixth sense as a summoned beast, the sense of strangeness is a kind of indifference and ignorance of a higher life facing a lower life, and it is also a kind of cold and gray from the bone marrow. , But also contains a strange resistance and tyranny
These feelings intertwined, making Hong Fat a little at a loss.
Lin Wei glanced at it, and then tried to show a smile that he thought was gentle: "Red fat, long time no see."
I haven't seen it for two years. Hong Fat's strength has improved even more. I don't know what kind of adventure happened to it, but it has changed from a bronze rank to a blue silver. It can be said that it has truly got rid of the fate of mediocrity, and has had a vast space for advancement!
The two former friends of ordinary rank, now one has become the purple gold rank and the other has become the blue silver rank. They have also come to this big world step by step from the small place back then. Looking back, it is really It makes people sigh with emotion.
Hong Pang smiled and pointed to the fish on the ground, "Will you eat grilled fish?"
"I won't be busy eating the grilled fish. I have something to tell you." Lin Wei said, caressing Annie's head in her arms, "Annie, have you cried enough? You will become a small cat if you cry again. Up"
Annie raised her head from Lin Wei's arms, and her two beautiful big eyes were really red and swollen. She muttered, "What's wrong with the little cat? Who told you to ignore us, I just want to cry, I want to cry!"
Lin Wei couldn't help but laugh or cry with some stubborn aegyo words.
He reached out and scratched Annie's Xiaoyao's nose gently, and said, "If you cry again, I won't like you anymore."
Annie's face blushed, and then she shook her body in a flustered manner, "Who wants you to like it"
At this moment, Afu walked over holding Xiaoxun's hand, her eyes staying on Lin Wei's face, "Lin Wei, what are you going to tell us?"
"You probably have all heard of what I have done over the years." Lin Wei pondered for a while before speaking.
Afu nodded and said: "I heard something, you have established a huge force and used some unconventional means to recruit many powerful subordinates. In fact, we are all very happy for you."
"Really? Haha." Lin Wei shook his head, and suddenly changed the subject, "In the past two years, apart from violently expanding, conquering and killing, I also did one thing. That is to spend money in the stone house. It took 72 days to complete the ultimate refining of the crystal ball."
The ultimate refining?
Hearing this word, the three women and Hong Pang were taken aback.
Lin Wei continued: "After completing the ultimate refining, I completely controlled the crystal ball and gained the ability to go to any continent. There are 246 continents attached to other worlds. Now these continents I can go anywhere in the world!"
What Lin Wei didn't tell them was that none of the two hundred and forty-six continents were Earth. In fact, he had predicted this a long time ago, but it was only now fully confirmed.
His desire to return to Earth was completely shattered, and since then, he has truly become a duckweed wanderer.
"And then?" Xiao Xun asked subconsciously after hearing Lin Wei's words.
"In other words, I can now go to Strange Wind, Tronst, and Moa." Lin Wei looked at the three of them and said slowly, "You, do you want to go back?"
Want to go back? These four words, like magical golden stones, knocked loudly in the hearts of the three of them.
It was indeed too long for them to leave their respective continents this time. Especially Xiao Xun, she suddenly disappeared in the forbidden treasure hunt of Zongmen Suibi, the past two years, I am afraid it is enough for the Jingfan Temple to determine that she is dead! In the past two years, apart from missing Lin Wei, they are also missing their relatives on their respective girls, look at me, I look at you. Finally, Annie pursed her small mouth and asked, "What about you?"
"I will send you back one by one to ensure that you arrive safely and there is no danger, then I will return." Lin Wei said.
"You don't plan to be with us anymore?" Annie looked at him, trying to control her emotions, but her voice still couldn't help shaking.
Lin Wei originally wanted to say "yes", but when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "The three of you are going back to the three continents, how can I follow?"
Annie's eyes lit up and she quickly said, "Will you come to pick us up again after we are reunited with our family for a while?" She said this, she looked at Lin Wei expectantly. Although the three of them still had a few blue stones in the stone house in their hands, they did not dare to use them without authorization, because the soul connection between them and Lin Wei had been broken. If they came to the stone house rashly, the greatest possibility Sex is starving to death
Lin Wei's eyes flashed deeply. He smiled and said, "Let's talk about this later. It seems that you all want to go home and have a look now? Then, let's go."
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