Chapter 647: Can't be the space

"Where is that?" the aboriginal asked.
He knew Lin Wei must recognize it, otherwise he would not show such a surprised expression.
However, Lin Wei seemed to have not heard the question from the aboriginal god, and murmured to himself: "It is so... it is so..." After murmured for a long time, it was a long time to relax. With a sigh of relief, it seemed to be answering the aboriginal god, and it seemed to be saying to myself, "That is where dreams and memories meet."
After speaking, Lin Wei continued to move forward regardless of whether the aboriginal could understand or not.
In the palace opposite, there should be only two people in the whole different world. No, it should be said that only one person and one beast recognize it!
Lin Wei.
There is also the little man Su Xi.
Not bad! Those palaces are indeed the nine palaces! ! !
Theoretically, the Jiuzhong Palace, which only appeared in the forbidden land of the two races of Tianyao and Yuxi, actually appeared here! ! !
Lin Wei was indeed shocked at first, but after thinking about it, he was relieved again-where is this place? This is the most secret place at the core of the entire small universe, the "Holy Land" on the top of the holy mountain in the "Ultimate Forbidden Land"!
It is normal for the Nine Palaces of Illusion Trials to appear here.
Or it should be said that they are here. It's just that this is not a place that normal small universe creatures can reach. Therefore, the Jiuzhong Palace opened two more entrances outside...
At that time, after Lin Wei completed the trial of the Nine Palaces, even if he stood outside the last palace, he had never seen such a cloud and sea scene. It can be seen that for the creatures entering through those two entrances, even if you have completed the ten-death trial, Fenglei Beast does not think you are qualified to see this final holy realm...
"Where do dreams and memories meet?" The Aboriginal God repeated, then shook his head and quickly followed.
However, the two of them had just taken more than a hundred steps, and they were in an abnormal situation again!
Without the slightest mental preparation, the two of them suddenly discovered that the ancient laws that were ubiquitous and applied to them all the time... suddenly disappeared! ! !
The ancient law itself has not disappeared, only withdrawn from them.
In other words, it has withdrawn from a certain fixed area, a certain fixed space.
What will happen to the withdrawal of the ancient law? ? ?
Lin Wei and the Aboriginal God only had time to look at each other, and the next moment, there was a creaking sound inside the bodies of the two at the same time. Then two powerful and terrifying energies soared into the sky! The aura of the two of them also continued to rise from the battle emperor level in just a few breaths!
War Lord...
Battle Saint...
Supreme Realm...
Lin Wei's breath stayed at the sub-divine level.
But the aura of the aboriginal continued to rise, reaching the realm all the time! Then it converged again—the Aboriginal God still seemed to be the Aboriginal God, and did not have the slightest aura, but Lin Wei knew that the Aboriginal God at this time was already a real powerhouse of the gods, this small universe The strongest state in the world! ! !
The Aboriginal God raised his hand, as if he didn't recognize him, and as if he was in a dream, his eyes even dizzy for a short while.
"I..." When his pupils refocused, he sighed heavily, "I'm still old... my current strength is actually a lot worse than 40 million years ago... "
Hearing the words of the aboriginal god, Lin Wei rolled his eyes.
Your dignified strength in the realm of God is still here, sighing, how can you let others live? !
But... Lin Wei glanced down, and a smile appeared on his lips. It feels good to restore strength! ! !
The energy circulated smoothly in the body, and then his body floated slowly. Recovering strength means being able to fly. Even though the sea of ​​clouds with a range of 100 million meters is very large, it has also become very small...
The Aboriginal God smiled faintly, and also suspended.
"I'll go to a place first." Lin Wei said, and when he moved, he rushed out faster than lightning. He turned into a phantom, quickly passed the vast sea of ​​clouds, and flew towards the Jiuzhong Palace diagonally opposite.
"Wait for me, I will go too." The Aboriginal God flew out after Lin Wei set off for a second.
Although the Aboriginal God took off late, he came first, surpassing Lin Wei in the middle, and came to the diagonally opposite mountain faster.
The aboriginal fell on the top of the hill, then looked around curiously, and even rubbed his feet against the grass on the ground. Naturally, it can be counted by his eyesight. There are a total of nine palaces on this mountain, which are simple in style and exude a long-lasting atmosphere.
But the belated Lin Wei did not land on the top of the mountain, but passed over the head of the aboriginal and landed directly beside the ninth palace.
At the moment of landing, Lin Wei's heart trembled violently, almost feeling tears in his eyes.
He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the outer wall of the dream, where memory meets...
The scenes experienced in the trial of the Nine Palaces resurfaced again. I escaped the eruption of the volcano at birth, and took my younger brother and sister to another planet in order to survive. Later I met Fuxunni, which embarked on a sadomasochism beyond race... Fuxunni's death was Fenglei. The greatest pain in the memory of a beast is also something it cannot bear in its life! It can be said that at the moment Fuxunni died, Feng Lei Beast was actually already dead! The wind and thunder beast that avenged Xue Hate behind was just a soulless walking corpse...
"Ask in the world, what is love? Direct teaching of life and death..." Before he knew it, Lin Wei read out two poems he was familiar with before crossing.
In this endless sigh, his love for the three women has also been infinitely magnified.
In the trial of the Nine Palaces, the three daughters unreservedly dedicated all their soul power for him! This affection is enough to shock the world and cry ghosts!
Tears flowed slowly from his cheeks.
"Afu, Xiaoxun, are waiting for me." He murmured, "and Xiaoyi, dad will definitely come to save you."
This was the first time that Lin Wei could not control what he wanted to say softly. Although his voice was soft, the cultivation level of the aboriginal naturally listened to Lin Wei's words into his ears. However, the Aboriginal God did not say anything, but stood by and watched Lin Wei quietly.
The man does not flick when he has tears, but he has not yet reached the point of sadness...
For the aboriginal gods who have experienced too many ups and downs in their lives, this sentence is the most profound!
After a long time, Lin Wei's mood slowly calmed down.
He retracted his hand from the wall outside the palace.
However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed an unusual place.
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