Chapter 63: Saint Afu! Annie is out!

   When the saint woke up, she found herself lying on a stone bed. The bed was covered with some soft hay and cotton wool, and she was covered with a coarse quilt.
   She turned her head and found that Miki was lying on the side of the bed, her shoulders shrugged and she was sleeping soundly.
   Me, still not dead?
   The saint felt a little weak. She wanted to sit up, but she didn't have any strength.
   But this movement of her awakened Miki.
   "Holy woman! You are awake!" Miki raised her head and said in surprise.
   "Help me sit up." The saint whispered.
   "Yes." Mi Ji responded, and then gently supported the saint up with her hands, letting her lean on the stone bed.
   The saint looked around and found that it was a spacious bedroom. The surrounding walls were all made of solid stones. A small oil lamp was lit. There was a small window on the wall, and there was a gray water outside the window.
   "Where is this?" the saint asked.
Mi Ji brought a glass of water, handed it to the saint woman, and then replied: "This place is said to be called Gu Hai, which is the domain of the Demon God. Last night, the Demon God wanted to kill you. Fortunately, Lord Bian arrived in time and saved us. "
   "Master Bian?" A confused expression appeared on the saint's face.
   "Master Bian, he... is also a demon god. However, he is different from other demon gods. He looks more gentleman and not bloodthirsty."
   Just as Miki was talking, the bedroom door was opened with a creak.
   A tall figure appeared outside the door.
   "The saint is awake?" Bian stepped in and said.
   Miki stood up quickly, bowed to Bian, then turned to the saint and said, "Saint, this is the Lord Bian who saved us back."
   Bian looked at the saint, and an amazing look rose in his eyes again. At this time, the saint took off the outer robe and only wore a thin white undershirt. Although it was still covered with a quilt, the exposed arms and shoulders wrapped in the thin shirt were already beautiful. People are thrilling. Her face was a little pale, but she was even more pitiful.
   The saint looked at Pi'an with a hint of surprise in her heart. She also did not expect that there is actually such a small demon god, although he is still a big man compared with normal human men, but compared with other demon gods who are tens of meters high, it is already small.
   "Thank you for your help." The saint said.
"No thanks! For me, this is just a matter of effort..." Bian retracted his gaze, then put his hand in front of his mouth and coughed, and continued, "What is your name? I don't want to call you saint all the time. ."
   The saint was silent for a while, and replied: "My name is Afu."
"Afu...Afu...good name." Bian said, "This is on the coast of the ancient coast. This area of ​​tens of miles is my site. You can live here at ease, as long as you don't leave too far, You are not in danger."
   "Why did Master Bian save me?" Saint Afu asked.
"Um... don't think too much." Bian's rare old face turned red, and then turned his back, trying to keep himself calm, "I just need a servant. Save you, I have two I'm a servant! You're well recovered, and then you can work with Miki at my house..."
   "The demon gods last night, will they attack our human kingdom?" Saint Afu asked again.
   "They? It's hard to tell..." Bian frowned, obviously not sure about this matter, "Those guys are very bloodthirsty. Maybe they will really run out and make a big fuss..."
   "Master Bian, please help me!" Afu pleaded.
   "Help you? How can I help?"
   "Help me stop them, or help me protect our human capital."
   "Humans abandoned you and dedicated you to the Demon Mountain. Do you still think about them so much?" Bian couldn't turn his head.
Afu lowered his eyes and whispered: "From the beginning to the end, it was my volition. No one forced me anything... The meaning of my existence is here. Master Bian, as long as I can protect me People, I am willing to give up everything!"
   Bian stayed for a while, and then became a little short of breath. He walked around the place a few times, frowning sometimes, sometimes clapping his brain, and finally stopped, shook his head, and then strode out of the room.
   "I can't promise you anything about this... You can get well first..."
   Outside the door, he heard his voice.
   Afu was there for a long time, and then sighed quietly.
   "Saint." Mi Ji suddenly said.
   "I think...this Lord Bian seems to have an idea for you..." Mi Ji said carefully, considering her words.
"I know." Afu nodded, "He wants to get me, so I begged him, and gave a promise. If we can really save our country, I will be committed to him, what's the matter? What?"
  Tronst continent.
   New moon.
   The sky was pitch black, and only a few stars were shining slightly.
   The black wind is high in the night, and there is a large army gathering quietly to the west of the capital of the Clovis dynasty.
   The army is divided into two big pieces. The first block is the regular phalanx of soldiers, densely packed with hundreds of thousands. Although the number of people is extremely large, but they look unusually neat, obviously well-trained. This formation has basically been assembled. The second largest group is much smaller and looks much messy, and has not yet assembled. From time to time, there are various flying mounts or projectiles rushing from the sky. This piece is the magician phalanx in the army!
  At this time, a knight wearing a steel armor swiftly walked out of the generals' camp in the soldier's phalanx and walked toward the magician's phalanx.
   There is also a large camp in the magician square, which is slightly smaller than the generals, but the decoration is more gorgeous. The knight walked to the camp, lifted the curtain and walked in.
   "I have seen Earl Eugenes!" The knight saluted a middle-aged man with a majestic face, and said respectfully. His respect is completely from the bottom of his heart, because the middle-aged man in front of him not only holds the title of earl, but is also an extremely powerful electric magician.
   "What's the matter?" the middle-aged man asked.
   "Commander Lyle asked me to come over and ask when the magician phalanx can be assembled." The knight replied.
"Our empire’s magicians are originally distributed very widely. This time we have to summon them to join the army and the time is very rushed. Now it has probably reached more than 60%." The middle-aged man squinted his eyes and said, "It still needs I can’t say how long it will take. However, I suggest Commander Lyle to wait a little One more magician will increase his power. On the battlefield, the group of magician squares How effective an attack can play, I think you should know it too?"
   "This..." The knight hesitated for a while, pondered his words, "Can't you wait forever, right?"
   "Wait until you can't wait any longer." The middle-aged humane said, "As long as Commander Lyle feels he can't wait any longer, he orders, we can start at any time."
   The knight smiled bitterly in his heart. Doesn't it mean that he didn't say this sentence? The commander-in-chief Lyle has the highest command authority, but the wizard's phalanx still needs this master to uniformly deploy. Besides, Commander Lyle won't make fun of his army's combat power. Yes, this time it is equivalent to not asking anything, so let's go back and return...
   The knight bid farewell to the middle-aged man, and then returned to the camp.
   At this time, a servant came in from outside and ran to the middle-aged man and said: "My Lord Earl, the two young masters of Marquis Miller have arrived."
   "Oh? Okay, I'll go to meet him now." The middle-aged man stood up and said.
   Just when the magician's phalanx was still busy, one kilometer north of the entire army, a graceful figure in a black robe suddenly appeared. Without riding any mounts or tools, she was holding a wooden stick and slowly walking towards the army.
   After walking a few steps, she stopped again, took a few quick breaths, and the plump also fluctuated a few times.
Then, she patted her chest, seeming to comfort herself: "It's okay, it's okay... Annie, come on! Isn't it just going to meet him? What's the big deal, you now represent the Hessian Witch, don't worry. Don't shame mom!"
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