Chapter 68: The first battle

   "Miss! Don't go too far..." Gail also changed his face and stared angrily. No matter how glamorous Annie was, such a naked threat made him unbearable.
   "You don't believe it?" Annie raised her eyebrows and raised the magic wand in her hand. Suddenly, a strong wave of magic elements began to gather from all directions!
   Annie and Gal's voices are not small, and they have already attracted the attention of everyone on the other side. At this time, seeing Anne was about to start casting magic directly, Bill Eukins hurriedly stopped: "Annie, don't mess around!"
   Anne heard her father's words, her voice trembled slightly, and then forcibly stopped the magic that was halfway through.
   "Earl Eugenes, you are the sir. I listen to you. But, I said I don't want to see this person again. If he doesn't leave, I will go!" Annie said, turning away without hesitation.
   This girl! There was a wry smile in Bill's heart.
   He also heard Annie's words just now. What he did not expect was that his daughter had such a profound understanding of the nature of war. He also agreed with Annie’s point of view, but in many cases, after all, people are in the court and cannot help themselves...
   Annie is gone.
   The two deputy command old magicians looked at each other.
   "The magic element fluctuation just now, is..." One of them whispered to the other.
   The other did not directly answer, but opened his mouth and made a mouth shape with the word "electric".
   Then both of them nodded and glanced in Bill's direction.
   About two hours later, the five magicians who had left to inquire came back.
   They took their own flying props and landed directly on the mountain where everyone was.
   "Master Earl, according to our investigation, there is no trace of ambush by the magic circle within two hundred kilometers across the river."
   "Oh? Are all five of you this conclusion?" Bill was a little surprised.
   "Yes, Lord Earl. We swear by the honor of a magician!"
"Okay. Let's go back to the camp first." Bill thought for a while, and then said, "At the early hours of tomorrow morning, I will send five more magicians to investigate. It's not that I don't believe you, but it's a big deal , We must inquire several times at different times..."
   When everyone went down the mountain and just walked to the camp, Bill received the complaint.
   Master Felton of the Holt family sued Anne Theron, saying that she was arbitrarily in the barracks and wounded herself. But according to the insider, it was this Felton Hult who wanted to molest Annie, and Annie, who was angry, gave a relentless blow.
   Bill sighed and touched his forehead in distress.
   No matter what, it’s wrong to do it in the barracks. As the commander of the phalanx, Bill should still make a statement and deal with this matter. He gave a brief command to the others, and then walked towards Annie's independent small tent.
   However, at this moment, several magicians in charge of the whistle suddenly blew a sharp whistle!
   enemy attack! ! !
   The alarm came so suddenly that all the magicians were caught off guard.
  Bill was also shocked, no longer paying attention to Annie, but ran to the center of the camp quickly.
what's the situation? what happened? Why is there an enemy attack? A series of question marks flashed in Bill's mind.
   "Lord Earl! The opponent rushed directly from the other side of the river. It is almost 100% sure that it is the magician of the Ponga Empire!"
   "How many of them do they have?" Bill asked loudly.
   "The number of people is not very large, about a hundred people!"
   More than a hundred people? More than a hundred people rushed directly towards our base camp? You know, there are a total of three hundred magicians on our side! Are their heads showing up?
   After knowing the number of opponents, the magician phalanx on this side was obviously relieved, and then each team began to form a formation according to the originally allocated team. After the formation was formed, various protective magic shields began to form.
   more than one hundred to three hundred? Really guts! Let them come back and forth this time!
   Almost all magicians think so in their hearts.
   But Bill and the other two deputy commanders felt an unusual breath-first of all, how did the other party discover us? We just arrived here today! Second, even if the other party found us, how did they gather hundreds of magicians in a short time? You must know that magicians are not all over the place. We sent out the invitation first, and it took a long time to gather so many people. The last point, and the most important point, they only have more than a hundred people, how can they dare to rush to fight directly?
Does    make sense? It doesn't make sense.
  I even disassembled them one by one, each of which makes no sense!
   However, if all these three points are combined, the only possible explanation is...
   Bill and the two deputy commanders looked at each other, his complexion changed greatly.
broken! Insider! ! !
   Bill blew a whistle, and the flying wolf rushed out of the tent and ran to his side and crawled down. Bill stepped up, and at this time, he saw Annie running out of her little tent.
   "Annie, come to me!" Bill shouted.
   Annie turned her head and saw her father. She didn't hesitate at all, and hurried towards the flying wolf.
   Bill bent down and stretched out his hand.
   But Annie ignored it. Instead, she jumped and stepped behind the flying wolf, and then stretched out her hand to grab her father's waist.
   Bill smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't care too much, and directly gave the flying wolf the instruction to take off.
  The matter has no time to delay-although we now have a numerical advantage, who knows where the is hidden, how many people are there in total? At a critical time, if they suddenly broke out inside their own side, then they would suffer extremely heavy losses on their own side unsuspectingly!
   Bill said to the two deputy command old magicians, "Andel, you led the four brigade to take off to meet the enemy. Good, you brought the other two brigade to stand by here! I am responsible for monitoring in the rear."
   Both old magicians nodded.
   Bill’s arrangement is indeed the best solution in this situation. Four brigades are enough to deal with more than a hundred enemies. The remaining one hundred people are on standby and no private actions are allowed. If someone wants to violent, they will inevitably be discovered by those around them. In this way, even if there is an insider among the two hundred combatants, the probability has been reduced by a half, and the threat level has naturally decreased. In addition, Bill will monitor at the back, if someone wants to make a small move in the battle, he will find out as early as possible!
   Among all the magicians, the wind element was the first to activate. They began to create various violent hurricanes in an attempt to interfere with the enemy's flight Then, the earth, fire, and ice departments began to launch.
   Among the two hundred people facing the enemy, dozens of them began to summon. All of a sudden, the sky was full of large and small spatial vortices!
   Annie's eyes narrowed. This was the first time she participated in such a large-scale team battle, and it was also the first time she had seen the use of summoned beasts in a large-scale team battle. Except for the nine flying summoned beasts that appeared in this batch of summoned beasts, the rest were all elemental incorporeal summoned beasts.
   It can be said that in this kind of team battle, the summoned beasts with superiority and the powerful output are the most useful. And a single combat summoned beast like Lin Wei, even if his level is already as high as an intermediate beast general, in this case, it does not have much effect.
   After all, Lin Wei is not strong enough to change the entire battle situation by himself. Unless he continues to be promoted in the future and becomes the Beastmaster and Beastmaster of the Blue Silver rank, this is possible.
   "Count." Annie said behind her father, "Don't you think this enemy attack is weird?"
"Did you also find out?" Bill heard Annie's words and didn't turn his head. His attention was still among the magicians in his camp. "My preliminary judgment is that there should be a rape! If I get it out, I must He can't live, he can't die!"
"The traitor... is second." Annie frowned. She has been around the Hessian Witch. She has been edged differently and looked at the problem from a different angle. "I always think, have we been in an ambush? "
   Annie's voice just fell, as if to corroborate her words, a few hundred meters in front of the magician square, suddenly there was a loud noise! Then the whole ground was lifted up!
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