Chapter 18: .true and false

The man once again entered the mansion. He sat on the needle felt and scratched his head and said: "Qianfuzi? The money is not familiar with the small man... He is always in the store, but everyone on the street is here! The little one is not acquainted with the running hall. There is no self-interest with him. You ask the little one who is familiar with him? That is probably not. Because he is a kind person, he is always a little alienated. It is not unusual, the readers are used to it."
"Will the children? That is good. Every three or five will buy some food for the children to play. The children on this street like him. It is common to go in and out of his house. About a year ago, the carriage passing the street turned over. The foot of Chen Xiaotou’s head was crushed, and the doctor he was carrying to see. With this embarrassment, Chen’s old man was grateful to him, and everyone said that Qianfuzi’s good.
"Why didn't Qianfuzi know how to kiss this family? But he knows how small the children know, but he likes children to know everything, especially grass rain. I look at my family more than Chen. You ask Chen family how to stay in the grass? I really don't know, but the little girl is weak, like a disease all year round, not very good, thin and small. Chen Ren? Chen Ren small knows, but his wife Zhou Zhou is good for grass, often go out to recite This piece knows that she is good for grass rain, and she is cold and gives clothes to wear."
"Let's borrow money? Small never borrows money. Qianfuzi doesn't have a lot of money. He and the little ones don't want to go up. The small ones don't ask him if he borrows money." The man moved his body and said, " Ah Hong? Don't look at this kid's age, there is a hand in it."
Finally, when Gu Shen indicated that he could leave, the folks stepped out of the threshold and turned back and said, "A Hong often follows the Qianfuzi. The child is naive, and he is not allowed to see it. Clear. Small listen to Ah Hong..."
Gu deep eyes are sharp.
The buddy said with a sigh: "...the money is not the same as the rain, and he is familiar with the usual." He smiled uncomfortably on the face. "I used to hear that the West is good."
"Qianfuzi? Qianfuzi has nothing to do with our Honger." The old widow’s stick was anxiously a little bit. "Nothing is ah, catching up quickly! The child is dull. If he talks casually, he can win the letter! What word? You can Loud. I can't hear it clearly. Hey, these swear words are definitely taught by others! We, Honger, have always been reasonable, and different people have spoken like this."
"Honger does not go out often, never go to the Qianfu family."
"Honger is playing with Chen Yutou. Because of the yard, I have no grudges with Chen. How can I not let the children play together?"
"I don't know who the money is, and I have never received any favor."
The old widow hid A Hongjun behind her, and became more and more aggressive to Gu Shen, who almost went to Gu Shen. She stretched her neck and glared at him and said, "Which fight! This filthy us orphans! How many times have I said, Qianfuzi has nothing to do with us! What do you want to do with Honger? Honger does not know! Gu catches fast How many days have this man’s life been put on hold, and the deadline is approaching, are you going to pick us up the old and weak women’s domes? Is it good? I am not leaving today, I am staying here, lying in the mansion. On the order, let the master of Qingtian come out and see how these people are doing the case!"
The old widow spits on her face and squirted her face. She is more and more spiritual, and even the eight generations of her ancestors have turned over and tossed, and no one is arguing that she will never give up. Gu Shen only felt dizzy and uplifted, could not help but wave his hand to bring the old widow out.
He was facing Ahong and said, "I will tell you a few words, don't be nervous, I will ask you if you answer."
Ah Hong looked around and looked for his grandmother. Gu Shen said: "After answering, not only let you go, but also give you sugar to eat. Here is where you are, you must know, I only tell you, there is a on the top of the head. See, you can't tell lies."
The net Lin eyelids that were sitting on the beam of the house jumped, and the sky rolled out of his sleeve and climbed over the shoulder with the stone villain.
Gu Shen asked: "Is the Master often playing with Chen Caoyu?"
Ah Hong squatted at the corner of his clothes, his eyes tilted and he nodded.
"Does he often go home with grass and rain?"
This time, Ah Hong took a heavy head and said, "Take her house, give her new clothes, and give her food."
"Only give grass rain?"
Ah Hong inhales and shows an angry look. He yells at the tight corner and says, "Just give her only! Give her a poem." Ah Hong wrinkled his clothes at the corner. "The Master asked her to sit on her lap."
"Sit on the leg." The subordinate Wen Sheng said, "He stayed in the grass...had his relatives?"
"He kissed her face." A Hong Yue said more and more excited, "take off her clothes. I saw, see him touch her..."
Everyone around them inhale, but Gu Gu stared at A Hong's eyes.
The look of the people gave Ah Hong an inspiration. He gradually loosened his hand on the corner of his clothes and said with a dance: "The Master still hides her clothes and hides a lot!"

Is the Chen family not aware?
the subordinate asked blankly.
"Chen Ershu." A Hong didn't have time to swallow and sighed. He couldn't wait to say, "Chen Ershu hates the Master and lets the Master roll, but the Master does not roll. Chen Ershu said that the Master is a bad person! They fight and are in the yard. The Master is beaten, Hit the tank."
The subordinate quickly glanced at him and asked: "When is the matter?"
Ah Hong said: "Last time, the last master bought a cake for the little monk."
"This little devil talks three times and four times." Cang Yujing Lin ear, "Is it counted?"
"If you are right, you will count." Net Lin was slightly itchy by his ha, and his shoulders were not obviously biased.
"That's too bad." Cang said, "Everyone's words are really difficult to distinguish."
The bottom of Ah Hong is still reminiscing, and when he said that "the blood flows like a river," Gu Shen finally changed his look.

How did you see it?
Gu Shen said.
Deep in the middle of the night, don’t you sleep?

Ah Hong’s nose came out, and he wiped it back. He began to look again. He heard the grandmother yelling outside and said,
The little monk was beaten. She cried and woke her grandmother. The grandmother went out to see me, told me not to watch. ""
"You saw the money master?"
Ah Hong nodded bit by bit, and happily grabbed Gu’s sleeve and said:
Qianfuzi dragged people...

What a horror this is. In the middle of the night, the gentle and close-knit husband became a murderer on weekdays. All the people in the hospital were killed and killed. The blood in the courtyard was smeared. The bodies were dragged out of the house and exposed to the black night. The only survivor is innocent, because young people are being deceived and used by the beasts of the beast. From the clues of words and phrases, everyone can think of the truth behind a case. Chen Ren, who is overbearing in the prime of Japan, is aware of the crimes of money as a official, and he is warned by the money, so he is hated by the money, resulting in a tragic future.
"This pig dog is not as good as it is." The subordinates took the case with indignation. "Do he dare to do this? He is simply a scholar! The ordinary people in the kiln are playing with it. He dared to start with the neighborhood! Chen Caoyu But seven years old... this beast!"
He laughed and laughed. He played with the taste: "It’s strange, what is the next three, and why are these people deserved to be 'played
get it'? Don’t they count as 'people'? How do you divide yourself? This is so clear, even the rules can vary from person to person? If so, what rules will come."
Net Lin seems to remember what, both eyes calm: "Do you think that monsters can escape such rules? The growth of the heavens and the earth is bound."
"I don't believe it," said the sky. "If anyone is like this to me, I must be like this to him."
The net Lin was a little bit, and the finger lifted the back of the sky and said, "You want to eat me, do I want to eat you?"
"If you can eat it, it will be yours. Life and death should neither be heaven nor human." Cang said, "It is for yourself."
The words of the two people were interrupted again, and the subordinates were already eager to take the money. Gu Shen still has thoughts, and he is dubious when he waits for Ah Hong. First, how can the money be the next four people? Even if there are two elderly people, you can't underestimate the resistance at the end of life, unless the four people at the time of the incident were unaware. Second, it is difficult to conquer the public simply by catching a few words from Ah Hong.
At that time, I heard Ah Hong’s foot attached to Gu Shen’s ear and whispered,
You give me three copper beads, and I will tell you... I, I see where the husband hides the knife.

The knife is not an ordinary knife, it is the one used in the town to sell meat shops. The wide mouth is heavy, and when you pick it up, you can't help the bones. The blood-stained knives were hidden in the firewood house where the Chen family and the old widow's yard depended on each other. They were forced to insert into the gap, and they were not aware of the smuggling.
When Gu Shen once again sounded the money for the official door, the Master seemed to be prepared. He folded a whitewashed old handkerchief into his arms, and looked at him quickly and searched through his yard, pulling out a girl's clothes in the small box. Not only clothes, but also shoes and gadgets. It can be seen that Chen Caoyu does not wear much, most of them are still brand new, that is, they have been put on hold for too long, and some have been wormed. He used these cheap and rough things to trick a girl who was ignorant and ignorant. Because she learned the truth, the subordinates looked at his face and felt that the person was wretched and dirty.
"How do you get down?" The subordinates are young and prosperous. When they take people, they hit the money and kneel on the ground. They kneel on the ground. After he passed his foot again, he still did not hate it. He only said, "The animals are not as good as they are!"
Qian is a heavy gasp for the official, and posted on the ground. He clenched his teeth and was dragged out. He was passively lynched before entering the door, and when he was pushed to the front of Gu Shen, he was beaten and could not see the human form.
"Money is the official." Gu Shen is approaching him. "I want to ask you, you killed Chen family?"
Money made a smile on the face of the bruises, which made his gentleness finally disappear. He hated his sore throat and said to Gu Shen: "Is Chen family not to die? I told you that they are damned!"
"I don't believe it." Gu Shen violently took him off the ground. "Do you move your hand? With your appearance, you can't even move a finger of Chen Ren. You bully Laozi first, and want to deceive Laozi. Case? What do you think of me as a deep person, do you think I believe? Hey!"
Qian Weishi left his feet, his throat was tight, and he was hit by blood.
"I...put the medicine." He creaked in his throat. "God doesn't know, the Chen Ren is also the chicken and duck to be slaughtered! Do you believe it or not with me... What do you do with me? Qi, I don’t know what to do... I don’t know!

"You have no innocence with him, what are you doing to kill him?!"
"I..." Qian Shishi suddenly whimpered, he bit his lower lip, grief: "I saw it... Little girl, hateful, hate that Chen II... He stopped me... humiliated me... I can't bear it, I can't bear it! I am such a bad thing!"
Gu Shenzheng wants to say it again, the subordinates rushed into the door.
"What's the matter!" Gu Shen said.
The subordinates also looked blank and screamed: "Big brother, that, that winter forest... came to the case."
Gu Shen stunned and released his hand.
"He said that on the eve of the fifth day, he killed Chen's family of four, and Chen Caoyu was in his hands."
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