Chapter 34: Gu Shen (on)

Why are you only sending girls in?
Because they can not only maintain the livelihood of the aborigines in the city, but also make the indigenous people in the city afloat. They are neither tender nor mature, because when they enter the city gate, they become a kind of person, the kind of person who never sees light and is not as good as death.
The carriages of that list came together from Zhongdu and dispersed from here. The sealed cars are crowded with more than a dozen innocent lives, whether they are women who come in regardless of age or children who go out without sex, they become other animals, no longer people, but for people to buy and sell. Animals. They have ropes on their necks, unkempt faces, rags and rags, and there is no difference in where they are transported, because there are long nights everywhere.
There are thousands of teeth in Zhongdu. If you draw a tortuous line from north to south, you can get a long journey from blood and tears. On this way, there are both the daughters of the frozen winter forest and the Gu Shen who can't find a home.
This is a carefully constructed isolation, cleverly hidden in the mountains, avoiding the government. From here, it can extend the coldest claws in the world. It closely follows the hearts of those who lost the son-in-law and children, and uses this as an opportunity to drag in more innocence.
The bronze bell called Gu Shen to come here, not to tell him where his family is, but to urge him to find his obsession.
That all the memories of "Niang".
Gu Shen does not call Gu Shen, he should be called Chuanzi before he is a teacher. The Taoist stalked him through the forest and spent half a month before he ran to a densely populated place.
Chuanzi was deliberately hungry and his legs were soft. He was kneeling on the back of the Taoist, but he did not even have the strength to jump. He has been crying and swollen, his throat is crying and crying. But for half a month, he was already hungry and thin, and even if he was so squatting, his back was cold and sweaty, and even the sour water could not fall out of his stomach.
"This child is watching to starve to death." The man who counted the two pounds turned to the head of Chuanzi, and his hand was attached to his side neck. He said, "This is not good for his mother. Who wants to get sick and go back? People's flowers Money to buy a son, not a buyer. This can not run things that you can't do, how do you tell me how to tell people?"
"I am not sick, you see that this is hungry, which is sick! If I am sick, I am not asking for trouble? I am on the way to investigate, if I die on my back, I really say no. Clear!" The Taoist priest originally copied his sleeve and followed the man behind him. He heard the words and hurriedly Chuanzi. He took the arm of Chuanzi and measured it. "You see, this bone, it will be a capable person to grow up in the future." The farmer's work is very good, and it can be long for stuttering. This is not to buy a child, not to be able to work hard, and to pass on the family in the future. This is all! I see his mother grows strong. Can he still be poor?"
"Have he seen him?" The man smiled. "How come people didn't catch you."
"I didn't dare to go back. I ran with this kid. The woman chased the road two miles. If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't be able to get rid of a forest."
"Listen well, good to raise, if you bring it together, I will give you a good price if you don't say anything." The man got up and felt that Chuanzi was unsatisfactory, and casually said, "The family has recently died and is in a hurry. Find a woman who is well-born to fill the gap."
The Taoist said: "Isn't it a batch of years before? How can it die?"
"Small is not easy to raise." The man took out the books and added a new note to the Taoist priests. He continued, "The dog in the north side
the things in the day, like the woman who has never seen a woman, is as crazy as entering the city. Toss, just one month, less than thirty or forty. How small is it to play? It’s only a few nights, it’s still good, it’s both healthy and easy to raise.

"But it's not easy to get it." The Taoist grief was so sad. "This kind of torment is mostly a rural village woman who can do farm work. People can see it tightly. They don't give a chance at all. It's not good to get it. Come over, let's live with a small body. Children can run when they are hugged, and they are not recruited on the road. If you talk to your family, you can take less business at a time, we don’t worry about this money now. ""
The Taoist priest said that the man's face was more and more heavy, he said coldly: "I see that your kid is forgetting the beginning is not easy, the money should be felt more, the family can always give you less. How do you not want to think about how many people at home? To raise a woman, when the autumn day arrives, the last batch of 'selling goods' is also born, and the food is eaten before it is sold."
The Taoist snoring, did not dare to refute.
The man put a pen on the pen and said, "Go, go to the counter to ask for money, and roll forward. I tell you, snow, come and go home, regardless of the north and south, if you can’t pay the satisfaction of the old man, You and I can't eat and go in the next year! Don't you want to be tied back to be a stallion?"
The Taoist shuddered, and quickly lost it, and rushed to the counter to pay for the money.
Kawako was dragged into the cell, and he is now soft and soft, and he can't even hold the rope. The man threw him a few hoes and locked the door and went to work.
Chuanzi seems to be pressing people, he is not intentional. Because this narrow and sturdy cell is not airtight, as it is specially made for Tibetan children, even two adults can't cross, but they are crowded with more than a dozen children. Their shoulders and arms want to arrive, and the skin is smashed on the wall, and any squirming can lead to confusing crying.
Chuanzi dirty fingers buckled the hoe, and sent it to the mouth with difficulty, using the saliva to lick the wet swarf and swallowing bit by bit. He straddles, tears in his eyes, and tears tingle in his eyes.
Can't cry anymore, the eyes are going to be paralyzed.
The people under the body only moved a few times, and there was no movement. Chuanzi refused to take care of others. He buckled most of his hoes and felt that he was so comfortable in the stomach that the acid water came out. He couldn't hold it, he could only squat by the corners of his mouth. Kawako wanted to vomit, and the smell in his cell was soaked that his stomach was almost screwed up. But he grinds his teeth and swallows hard, not licking the dandruff.
Eat a meal and eat a meal. These two gimmicks are half hidden because they don’t know when they will get it.
Kawako was so horizontal, and the people below squeaked him hot, letting him sweat out. The sweat beads slid down and knocked under the portrait. However, people have not seen the reaction, and Kawako slowly moved over his head, facing the empty eyes of the people underneath.
A small handcuffs was on the feet of the dead, and his shoes were folded down to his feet. The children were squirming, and the complaints were low and almost inaudible.
Kawako looked at the dead one, and the dead one looked at him. The hatchback looked at each other for a long while, and Chuanzi actually accumulated two tears of tears. His lips trembled. The sound of "ah" in his throat was small, and he felt terrible and felt that he was watching himself.
His tongue tipped weakly against the word, trying to chew it with the effort, as if he wanted to live with this word, and he could get everything from the word.
He eloquently called: "Mother."
Sleeping in the cell for a night, the children were taken into the sacks the next day and tied tightly. The gangsters slammed the sacks through the crowded streets, and sent them to the carriages filled with animal droppings in a sound. Kawako had a bad luck. When he threw it up, he turned his head and he could only rush down the head and poke the foot up. The weight of his body was squeezed into his neck. He gradually felt cold and numb in his hands and feet. He felt his involuntary overflowing painful voice at the neck. A panic that could not breathe invaded him. He was somatgy and finally caused the buddy. After checking, I was thrown back after a few feet.
Kawako stuck in his throat and gasped. The carriage was bumped up and I didn't know where to go. Chuanzi squatted and leaned against the edge, clasping the sack with long nails.
The rough hemp rope was not strong, and his nails were scratched out of a small hole. He put his eyes on the top and went outwards. The black carriage creaked and no one else guarded.
Kawako put his fingers into the hole and struggled to tear it. If you have no power on your hand, you will bite with your teeth, dragging the root of the twine, and grinding the interdental debris and blood and water. He jumped quickly and wisely realized that if he could not escape on this unattended path, he would never find a home!
Chuanzi would rather turn himself into a mouse and become a wild dog. He must go out! He licked the corner of the sack, and when he bite in the mouth, he couldn't swallow it and swallowed it. The throat was sorely burning. He was biting like a madman, and finally he heard a "sting", and the sack broke through the mouth.
Chuanzi spit out the rope, and explored his arms. He stuck his shoulders and arms and couldn’t take it. He could only die out and let his head go out. The hole was tightly clutching his chest, and he snorted against the wall, and his nails were scraped off and felt no pain. He struggled and fell into the car. The board was hit and slammed, and his lower body was still in the sack.
The carriage stopped, and the man who talked and laughed at the front came down and took a whip around the carriage.
Chuanzi heard the sound of the man unlocking. His heart was in a hurry, and the rain seemed to flow in his little chest.
"All his mother's..." The man slammed the door of the carriage, stalked his head and waved his whip.
The outside is glaring, and his eyes are dark and fuzzy, and the snoring is slow.
Chuanzi suddenly burst, he exhausted the strength of yesterday's gimmick, like he once wrestled in the field, slammed into the man. The man's mouth and nose were hit by a strong head of Chuanzi. He suddenly had both eyes sour and snorted with his head down.
Chuanzi fell to the ground with sacks, and the man had already caught his back collar when he stooped up. In the mouth of Chuanzi, the cubs screamed for nowhere, and he bite desperately into the man’s hand, smashing the sack and licking the man’s armpit. The man immediately let go, Kawako ran off the ground, the dog-like limbs landed, and even fell for a while to get up.
The roar behind him almost came to the back of the head. Chuanzi didn't dare to look back. He used this life's efforts on these legs. He poured the strength of the past running in the mountains on these legs.
Chuanzi clenched his teeth and his eyes were blurred. He couldn’t even tell the expression in the wind. He was crying and laughing. The five senses became like a beast at this moment. He rushed to the deep forest, stepping on the rocks and thorns, running like a fly.
Chuanzi whimpered.
I can see my mother when I run back.
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