Chapter 41: .doubt

When the sky still has doubts, the drunk mountain has already gone out of prison. He took a few steps, and he was pulled back from the back. He didn't have to turn his head. He really heard the voice of Dongjun.
"I want to go to the sea, but I was stopped by the watchdog! He has always sold you a few sentiments, and he has to bother you to go with me."
"What do you do to the sea?" The drunk mountain frowned and turned back.
Dong Jun walked in the clouds and said: "I haven’t seen Li Wei for a long time, and I think very much."
"Ghost words and even articles."
"Hey, and stay." Dongjun went around in front of the drunken mountain and refused to let him go. "I miss the brothers, what is wrong? How do you turn your face again? I will go with me quickly, I have something to ask." ""
"Li Yi is in a sea, thinking about the lower bound. Who are you asking? You must be tempted to make trouble!"
"I have always been obeying the law, but it is much more disciplined than you. You only said that he thought about the lower bounds. I didn't listen to it." Dong Jun thought thoughtfully, "I am looking for Li Wei, it really matters."
Drunk Mountain saw that he did not seem to have a fake, slightly hesitant, still took him. After the end of the battle, the sea was locked in the chase of the soul, and was guarded by the three thousand armies of the cloud. Drunken Mountain is the assistant to the soul of the prison, and it is only the town of Li Wei. With him leading, Dong Jun is easy to get in and out naturally.
It’s just that the gatekeeper is strict, because Dongjun’s origins have always been controversial. In order to avoid suspicion, he really shouldn’t re-enter the place. But because of this, the drunken mountain believes that he is really serious.
The two are down the stage, and the four masks are the charm of the gold town. The dense spells of dark gold flow, Hugh said the monster, that is, the ordinary demon is also unstable. Dongjun’s original body was terrible, and he still felt the pain in his feet. The point of the pivot is the curse, the upper part
a heavy frost gun, is the broken gun to kill Ge Jun.
Dong Jun took out Fangpa from his sleeve and covered his mouth and nose when he broke the gun. It was already uncomfortable. Because of this murderous, fierce and fierce, close to a few will make people chill.
The drunken mountain saw him cover the mask, and suddenly he slammed: "When you move like this, I remember it. I have thought about it for a few days, always feel that the person is familiar, seeing you this action - he It’s really mimicking your manners! His disguise is turned into a peach eye. If it’s repaired to be unfathomable, isn’t it just alive?

"The iron tree blossoms, you will also observe the micro." Dongjun passed the smashing gun, and I used to wipe the sweat. "He is imitation of me. Although it is not a move, he will learn from the doubts." Seven or eight points. You said that he had a few earth-shattering bad things in the coming days, and that one of the stupid things of a rib was up, I couldn’t tell."
"There is no such thing as you can't tell in this world." The drunken mountain stopped, the slate of the two men's feet had been exhausted, and there was no hope of redness in front of them. Countless people were flowing in it, and their ears were screaming.
"Is he a pig?" Dongjun whispered. "It’s like this. He has been sleeping for five hundred years! It’s me, but he’s not doing it.

"He was seriously injured in Japan, and it was unexpected to sleep in this place." The drunken mountain slammed a stick, but saw Jinmeng open a narrow passage. He stepped on it and continued, "The pharyngeal sword went straight through the chest. Lin Songjun is moving the trick."
"It's strange, I have some problems for a hundred years." Dong Jun then slowly screamed, "The evil spirits will enter the body and the children will be gone. I want to keep the sword and guard the road for many years. The most important thing is the heart. It is not someone else." That is the Lin Songjun who is the sword of the sword. How did he suddenly change his face, and even Li Wei can go down? The blood splashed on the ground, but the old man slept well, otherwise it was a father and son Good play, it is more exciting than the brothers."
"You have no cover! You dare to say this." Drunken Mountain turned back and reprimanded. "If it is not evil, you can still hit the ghost? He killed his father and killed his brother. The merits of the past were invalidated. It has become a demon."

Dong Jun slammed his mouth and said: "When you chat and chat, why bother."
The drunken mountain was only given up, he has been stationed, and he gave up to Dongjun. Dong Jun saw a few steps outside the stone to build a platform, lying is killing Ge Jun Li Wei.
Dongjun circled around and said: "I didn't clear it that day. After the net smashing, I was cleaned up by Li Wei?"
"No." Drunken Mountain said, "Li Wei was seriously injured at the time, and he was more aware of it. Later, it was handled by Suining."
Dongjun's folding fan opened, and he said: "I heard that Ning Ningxian was accompanied by Jun on the side of the door, fearing that there would be a personal relationship with Jinglin?"
The drunken mountain is not stupid, immediately said: "Do you still doubt what he does not do? This is about the nine-day princes, not to mention it. Moreover, the people of Ningning have no personal relationship with Jinglin. When Jiujunjun was in, he used to Repeatedly speaking, the blame of Lin Lin is not to be handed over."
"This is the case." Dongjun is very interesting. He doesn't know why he laughs. "This is a bit of a meaning. You said that Li Wei thought the lower bound, but he meant that he forgot the predecessors?"
"Not bad. The net Lin that hurts him a lot. I am afraid that before he goes to sleep, he will realize that he will be resentful. Therefore, he is chosen here to facilitate the robbery. The so-called heart is difficult to break, it is better to forget everything and join in the world. After another eight bitterness, Wu will return to the real body." Drunk Mountain replied.
"So, he should be in the middle now. If you are in the position of authority, can you know where he is?"
"He has already entered Dacheng." Drunken Mountain said, "Which is something that others can trace. He has forgotten everything, and the lower bounds have to find other enlightenments. They will not want me to chase after. What do you want to ask him?" If you wait a few hundred years, you may be able to keep it."
"I keep what he does. Although it is a leisure time, it is a hotspot, and I can't stand the leisure!" Dong Jun's eyes passed through Li Wei's sleep. "I just had a recent problem. I want to ask him a question." ""
"What is it?" said Dr. Shanshan, "If it is the matter of Lin Songjun, persuaded you to take a break." Today, the monarch is now a lonely man. Every time he mentions a few brothers, he will hurt, and he will be angered. Why bother you? Drowning!"
"Anxious." Dong Jun took the fans and turned around. "When will I say that I want to insert the hand? This is really a matter of sitting in the town, Li Wei newspaper, and it is a public view. How can I review it?"
"This is over?" Drunk Mountain saw him just to turn around, and angered his heart, "You yell Laozi! If you dare to do it next time, I will fight you to find your teeth!"
Dong Jun sneered, ambiguous.
When the net was returned to the house, the sky had become darker, and the sky seemed to have been waiting for a long time. He was listening to him and was looking back. When the two men looked at each other for a moment, the sky was aware of the wet temperature on the skin, and the eyes of the two quickly staggered.
Cangwu said: "Chu Lun temporarily lives in Chonghua Street."
Jing Lin hair condensate, "Hmm". The sky will rise and cover the outer shirt, and the next one will go downstairs. After the arrival of Jinglin, she saw that the boss’s wife, Huashang, was leaning against the counter, and she said that she was dyed for her. She sighed softly and swept him with only the corner of her eye.
"I would like to advise this son." Huashang's tail is swaying. "Linghai venting is comparable to a big disaster. Even if you are hidden among ordinary people, you can call those who are sensitive to the smell." There is a goddess of music, I can't save it, then I have to look at the number."
Net Lin thanked him first and went across the door.
In the summer, the night market is brightly lit and the streets are dazzling. Although there are few women, there are many pedestrians. The sky was first half a step, and he took him through the sea. The net shape of the net is thin and it seems to be buried while walking between the crowds. If he wanders around the soul, his skin color is between the lights and shadows.
Before the net Lin suddenly jumped out of the arm, a velvet was barefoot, and slowly swirled in front of him. The strange eyes are shy and stunned, the silver bells jingle, and the snoring sounds.
The four groups of people applauded and vacated the land. Only the net Lin is deeply surrounded by the red yarn and the silver bell, and the swaying around the body, a fragrant scent. The singer laughed and accompanied the music, and the fingertips loomed with the eyebrows of Jinglin, and the tip of the tongue appeared slightly, but it was still a beautiful snake.
She said: "I see the son of Yan Ruyu, it is better..."
The beauty of the voice has not yet fallen, then I saw this "Yan Ruyu" in the middle of the cold, stabbing her back.
Net Lin did not laugh or anger, only said: "Let's borrow."
Under the feet, I bypassed the beauty and rubbed my shoulders coldly.
The sky is looking sideways, watching Jing Lin to the side, saying: "I really do not understand the style."
"The original words are returned." Jing Lin slightly frowned, smelling the body dyed.
Cangwu shook his shoulders and looked back when he shunned the lights. The beauty snake had a lingering fear, and when he saw the sky, he took a step back and was not awkward. When the sky passed the lamp, it retracted the hand, and the net Lin did not know.
The two men crossed the street and finally entered Chonghua Street. The literati in this place is more than the shoulders, and the Qinglou oil truck is also common. The sky picked up the curtain and went straight upstairs. When the two of them went to the residence of Chu Lun, they rushed.
"The ringtone is vague." Jing Lin looked down from the bar. "He must be not far away."
The tip of the sky was slightly moving, and said: "What is this incense?"
Jing Lin said: "Beauty fragrance."
"I don't mean your taste." The sky pointed to the edge of the door and smelled it. "There is a non-human fragrance here. This is the fragrance that he left on the cup."
The sky crossed for a step, and the sky turned to him, and he sniffed. The head of Jinglin slightly swayed to the chest of the sky, and looked at it fiercely.
Jing Lin said: "This is a pen fragrance, although it is similar to the fragrance, but slightly different."
"Pen demon." Cang said, "What does he want to do instead of Chu Lun's desire?"
"See him and know." Jing Lin moved, the two were slightly open, saying, "He recognizes me, he will not dare to show up at will."
"Bronze bells have found him, he can't run. It's just that you look disguised, he can see through." The sky looked at the door. "The ordinary demon can't do it. He may have seen you before."
Jing Lin said: "This face has never been used."

Is it a great role to play pigs and eat tigers?

"Pen demon." Jing Lin gently read it again, "an ordinary pen is difficult to make a living, this must be a precious pen. Raw materials are rare, may have entered the hands of the gods."
"Acquaintance." Cangwu asked, "Are you selected?"
Jinglin looked at him and said, "There is really one."
"Who?" The sound of the sky fell, and the two heard the footsteps along the ladder.
Chu Lun wide shirt Bo belt, is carrying a pack of oil paper. He suddenly saw two men with extraordinary temperament in front of his door. He first bowed and then raised his hand and bowed. He asked: "Don't ask two, what is going on?"
The sky and the net Lin looked at each other and they all silently meditated.
This is really a difference between two people.
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