Chapter 71: Shenhe

The table was entangled in a blast-like confrontation, and the overturned dishes smashed the table under the crowd, but the singer did not see a person waking up. His mind moved and said: "How dare you take medicine!"
The sky wiped the lips, and the deceit was beaten, and the fists greeted the meat. "I still need to take medicine if I hit you?"
The winding footsteps around the wind, it is a fast word, but even so, it is quite difficult under the Cang Yu boxing. The cup fell to the ground, and when you came to me, you were smashed. The surrounding winds and winds are closely combined with the sound of the fists and the additions, forming the only movement in the deserted city.
On the other side, the giant cow turned into an axe bull head, and the axe made a deep nick before the sedan. He snorted and slammed the window, and said to the thousand: "The king ordered, you can't let you out! Ansheng stays here, don't ask for it."
The car was continually bumping, and the fingertips of the millennium became sharp, and the wooden window was smashed. His face changed slightly, his fox eyes were long, and he was a little demon in the pale. The fox screams and snarls in the body, causing the chest of the scorpion that is fighting with the sky to sting.
The sky is not lost, when the chest is tied to his feet. Jurassic should not be overwhelmed, and he fell into a mess. He licked his chest and vomited the wine he drank tonight, splashing his stench. The sky swept over the body of the dragon with his feet, and the toes swept away. Luo Luo slammed his arm and blocked his back. He rubbed his back on the ground and slammed it out on the bench between the tables and chairs.
The scorpion spit out the bitter water in the mouth and stood up. The sky has already reached the front, and he suddenly succumbs to hide, and his legs are swept down the sky. He only listens to the "squeaky" noise, and the broken cups and cups are thrown into the air, like a knife, which is cut to the sky. The force of the sky and the arm of the force, seeing the spirit as the wind, suddenly against the debris. Under his legs, he confronted the Jurassic, but he saw that Luo Luo suddenly fell to the ground, and a tail was drawn to the sky. Wherever his tail passed, he heard the wind blowing, and the lights in the sky rushed.
The sky was smashed, and he stood still. He gently opened a few hairs between his sleeves and said, "I just want to reveal the truth and try to swallow me?"
Jurassic only sneered.
The bull's head loosened the axe, raised his hand and hugged the car, and swayed in the air, shaking the millennium in which it was miserable and rolling. He took a few steps and put the sedan down and said, "You will rest and rest for a while, and the king will come."
Thousands of squats, listening to the sound faint, can not help but chest surge, violently vomiting.
The bull's head screamed: "You can't live without death. Here is Huang Quan. As long as you check the score on the king's spectrum, you can't die."
When the bulls saw him as if he had never heard of it, he couldn’t help but retreat. He wanted to hold the axe. But he heard the sound of chains behind him, and unconsciously turned around and saw a white man hiding under the silver mask and standing on his big axe.
The bullhead rebuked: "Ghosts return to the city, the ferry is not allowed to come tonight!"
The net Lin only came to the side of the bull's head, and the chain between his palms turned. The bull's head is not expected to be good. The chain of net Lin wraps around the head of the bull, and the head of the cow can't stand off, but it doesn't matter. Because the net strength is not enough, it is definitely not as horrible as the sky. The cow head sipped and slammed into the net.
Net Lin suddenly swelled up, and when he was empty, he flew along the head of the bull's head and flew over his head. As the chain slammed around the head of the bull, he immediately fell into his own wrestling, and the whole upper body was difficult to move. The head of the bull's head was opened and the arm was shaken. The chain was tight and the sound was "smashed" and could not bind him. The head of the cow was screaming and screaming, but he wanted to squat down the net, but he was stepped on by a few feet in the net, and he was so dizzy that his pace was as drunk. Jinglin flew to the ground before the chain broke, and the bull's head behind him had taken off his arm and picked up the giant axe.
Net Lin was on the car, and the wind was raging behind him. He climbed steeply and then leaned over his body. The axe blade was swept over the hair, and the bang hit the car. The car was suddenly smashed, and the millennium fell to the ground. Net Lin lifted his legs and turned it over the axe blade. He borrowed his arms and slammed it up. When the bulls were forced, they volleyed.
The wind rushed and rushed, and the chest of the bull's head burst open. The cow head retired a few steps, seeing the chest pain, has seen the blood, can not help but get angry from the heart, fierce hair. He snorted and threw the axe into a whirlwind, slashing the white slash.
The net Lin is like a weak willow, and the footwork at the foot is unfathomable, attracting the bull's head and pushing it into the city. The bullhead giants cut the ground in the market and heard the slate abruptly cracking the long road.
The shadow of the sky crashed down, colliding with the net Lin. He gasped slightly, and the half-armed clothes had been torn, and he fell to the bottom in a short time.
"How." Net Lin sounded steady, "I can see the power of Jurassic."
The sky teared off the broken sleeves and said, "Oh!"
Their voices did not fall, and they saw that Luo Luo slammed out. The other side of the sky was squatting, and the squat rolled sideways, but the hand caught the legs of the sky. The sky only felt a sinking on the feet, followed by a cold side, and the scorpion turned to the side before blinking!
The net Lin sleeves are long winds, suddenly sweeping, and the sky is tilted open. When Luo took his hand, he missed the opportunity. Can the sky allow him to go again? Just listen to the "squeaky" two slamming, the Luo Luo waist and force, immediately sprayed acid water. He didn't run, but he held the boxing fist in his palm, and he was sore.
The sky felt a mammoth, and his feet were unstable, almost falling into the mouth of the open. The belt was dragged by the net Lin from the back, and the front stop. However, the giant axe behind the net Lin has arrived, and it is pressing in his back. The gravity of the bull's head is trembled on the ground. Seeing bad eyes, the net chest twisted and twisted, and the pharynx springs with a sheath to form a shape, violently blocking the axe blade behind the net Lin brain. The situation was stagnant for a time, and the squeaky squeaking sounded, and the axe stopped at the net.
The pharyngeal springs swayed, and the scabbard, which was not very clear, made an unsettled crack. The net face is whitish. Biting between the teeth.
The axe blade pressed against the gap, and a very subtle "啪" came out. When the pharynx is broken, the giant axe is cut off with the wind!
The sky smashed through the net, turned over and leaned back, lifted his legs and slammed the axe. The axe fell to the side in an alarming way, and the two of them couldn't breathe, and they listened to the wind and the two of them were torn apart by the sudden suction.
The mandarin opened his mouth and the whole market lanterns plummeted, and all the tables and chairs fell to him. Seeing the abyss in the mouth, it is not the mouth of ordinary people. If it is swallowed by the scorpion, it will be difficult!
In the light stone fire, I heard the thousand miles of the car. The sedan slammed into the masses and sucked them into the Jurassic. However, the Jurassic did not close his mouth. He smiled hard and succumbed: "I treat you with sincerity, why are you doing this to me!"
The millennium is as thin as paper, and the white hair flutters in the yin wind, which is unbearable. He said: "You treat me for this skin, not for me. It is already here, and Hugh will be entangled again."
Luo Luo screamed in his ear: "Don't listen, don't listen! You can't leave!"
He said that he was flashing away, and he took his hand to the millennium. After the millennium robes, look forward to other places. Milo shook his hand and sweared: "I know that you are deep, and I will take you to the river tonight. Millenium, forget everything, you and I are the newlywed Yaner, Huang Quanfu!"
The millennium seems to be a smile, even a bleak, he said: "You think that forgetting Sichuan is so omnipotent, but I feel that even if I walk in this forgetful water, I can't forget Zuo Lang."
When he realized that he wanted to make a hand, he couldn't help but hold it tighter. He was anxious to scratch his head and said, "How do you cry? You can't cry, because I see you crying, I want to cry."
The millennium has not found the indeterminate call, and his sorrow has come from the midst of it. He held the hand of Jurassic, and his eyes were clear and tears, but he was not aware of it.
Millennium said: "Do you want me to forget the river?"
Luo Luo hurriedly said: "I am going to berth."
After that, he released the millennium and walked to the ferry in a few steps. When he saw him move away, he looked up and looked at the distance. He could hear the wind and the wind, but he never got the call of the right person.
"I walked through the world." Millennial muttered, "Love is Zuojialang. Now that he is dead, my heart has been lost. Since Huangquan Road is not visible, it is not boring to be born into a reincarnation. It is better to do this. Let me cry."
After that, the white hair fluttered and saw that others had leapt to the river. Luo Luo rushed to the top, but still could not catch the millennium. The tears in the cheeks of the cheeks, called him a bit of soft sausage into a bitter, just sigh "why come to swear!"
The sky is faster than the sound, and has already flown in the air. He slammed the millennium sleeves and pulled them back to the shore. The Millennium has been deliberate, but he was smashed back by him, but he saw the sky slipped and fell, but fell down!
The sky itself did not expect to think, he suddenly fell into the forgotten. The mud and sand around him was overwhelming and he was covered. The chaos in the water, the gravity pulled, the sky was trapped in the human body, unable to change back to the prototype. He drowned and fell deeper into the water. There was no fish or grass in the water. Only the infinite human face was mixed with the memories of countless dead souls.
The throat of the sky seems to be locked, and his ears roar, listening to tens of thousands of words, and thousands of scenes in his mind. The sky is clear and the water is no longer visible. In the fascination, I meditated two words, but I saw that the man came to the air and threw himself into the water and sank to him.
A turbid room, only this white and eye-catching.
In the throat of the sky, there was a "snap", and the five fingers were clenched by the net, and the face that appeared in the hair was frowning. Net Lin slightly headed, and the mouth of the sky had to breathe. He felt that the heart between the chests wanted to jump out, and he couldn't discern the taste. He only knew that Jinglin's eyes were close at hand.
The upper body of the two overlapped and gradually covered up in black.
The cicadas and tinnitus were faint, and they heard the long-lost copper bells. His eyes are getting closer, as if he could never sink to the ground. The name that was full of thoughts was slowly pulled out and became blurred and blurred.
He seems to remember something, and if it is the memory of others. Just recognizing this mixed scene, there has always been a net of negative swords.
The mud was buried and the copper bells swayed thousands of miles away.
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