Chapter 80: Night talk

The disease of the sky is coming fast and going fast. Two days later, Lin Lin resigned to Suining and decided to go south. He refused to give up the South Line easily.
Suining’s face was clear and clear. He was originally the keeper of the east side, and he was transferred to the west to solve his urgent needs. This person is detached, does not live under the son of the eight sons, and belongs directly to the nine days. He has the right to supervise the impeachment, and no one is afraid in the nine-day gate.
Suining listened to Jinglin’s resignation and only ate tea. After a long while, I said: "There are only 13 cities in the south line, of which Xuanyang towns are pressing the big demon. If you insist on going south, you must kill them before the tides cover Xuanyang City. Otherwise, seal one. Broken, he will return to the world and harm one side."
Jing Lin said: "The four cities are lined up, the walls are obstructed, and there are nine days to guard the gates. It can be blocked for several years."
Suining shook his head a little. He said: "Even if you can block it for a few years, you can't solve the problem. The sea is coming from the Quartet. If you can't find the way to drive back the blood, you will sooner or later fall into the hands of the demon."

Is the east side critical?

"If it is not in a critical situation, why should the phoenix rush to go? Now that the memory hunger is outside the sea, no matter where it is going, it will lose sight of it."
The two of them fell silent together. They had a bad relationship in the past, and they were nothing more than the loneliness of seeing the net. However, nowadays, Zhongdu is in the midst of a crisis of crisis. Suining has been dying for a long time, and the enthusiasm has been cooled by half. When thinking about it, he can only reveal one or two to Jinglin.
"The holy heart is unpredictable. Recently, the more unpredictable, the anti-South policy that I have presented is rejected. The children in the door are now inconsistent, and the loyal and loyal generations are sent to guard the line, and most of them die. I am at the end of the West. At the time of withdrawal, the disciples in the deserted city can be seen everywhere to protect the people." Suining said here, suddenly stood up and hurriedly took a few steps and said, "What is it? Is it to abandon the death? Bao Shuai, will leave the main force in the middle of the door, and then fight with the sea?"
Jing Lin saw the window covered with hoarfrost, and Fang felt a little chill. He said: "When you enter the sea, you will die. This is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg."
In the next window of Suining, the pool was lost, and it was covered with frost. He looked up and looked sad and sad. It’s just that he can’t talk too much with Jing Lin’s words, and he vainly closed the window and said,
You are precious in this trip.

Jing Lin will know what to do and turn around.
Frost dew stained clothes, the cicada was sick and healed, and the wet robe was not comfortable. He has not been in the water for a long time, so he is now on the stakes, looking for ants to suffocate. The ant fell, but his little finger was still around the line, holding a stone villain, boring his head and pokeing the ants on his opposite side.
Two pokes of the ant's nest collapsed and scattered. The stone crown is moist, the mud of the hand is nowhere to wipe, and only the head can be looked up and asked for the sky.
The sky swayed and shook the little finger. The stone jumps over the ants and climbs the wooden stakes. The sky touched the chest, and did not want to use the piece of net Lin, but the silk pad that did not know how long it was pressed. I don’t know who gave it. It looked crumpled, and the double butterfly was embroidered on the top. He used the scorpion to wipe the stone, and saw the stone holding the grass crown, simply folding the scorpion a few folds, around the small head of the stone, pressing the crown of grass to tie a knot. The stone wears a towel, like a little thief.
The sky did not hold back, and laughed. The stone shook his head, seeing the grass crown did not fall, not annoying, but rather like it.
When the sky was lifted, the net Lin took the horse and stood up. Then he got up and jumped off the stake and said, "Is this going?"
Jinglin gave him a horse and said, "At this moment, I can go to Qingpu City in the evening." Then he glanced at the stone. "There is a strange love, and it is lost."
"Why do you have a good time with a child?" The sky was on the horse, and the stone was tucked into the chest, revealing only the head. He said, "I stare at it, I will not call it a mess."
Net Lin frowned and looked at the stone. After a moment, he turned over the horse and seemed to be impatient with the stone.
"How did you provoke him?" Cang laughed and blew in the stone. "Stay steady, I will show you play."
Qingpu City is not far from Xuanyang City, but there are three mountains in the meantime. It takes a while to get around. Jinglin was walking along the road. Who knows that the heavy rain at night has washed away the road and hindered the day. The next day the rain continued, they had to climb from the mountains and go directly to Xuanyang City.
The mountain road is winding, and the two are running in the rain, squatting forward. It is difficult to get wet in the mountains. This horse can't fly in the air. They can only find a shelter from the rain.
The net Lin clothes can be done at any time, but the sky can't. He collected firewood and fire in the cave, simply carrying the net Lin to fade the clothes and drying his clothes. Jing Lin sat with him on fire, and his body was strong and strong. He was several times stronger than Jinglin. He was blindly covered by clothes on weekdays. He did not reveal the landscape, but now he is barely exposed. It is very eye-catching.
The dry food was baked on the fire, and the sky was on fire. He said, "I saw Dongjun in the first few days, holding a folding fan, not a weapon. I wonder what he repaired?"
"The original was Shura Road." Jing Lin's fingers were warmed by the fire. He said, "Dongjun was originally a demon, or a fierce 'evil phase'. He used his red eyes to scream at the gods, relying on malicious killing of Buddha food. Later, the real Buddha sat down on the side of the Nanchan Lotus Pool, and he used the Sanskrit for seven or forty-nine days to speak dryly, so that Dongjun repented and repented. From then on, he laid down the butcher's knife and realized compassion from the evil. Calling Chun Su Ling is his current way."
"It turns out that." The sky seemed to smile and asked, "What is Li Wei?"
"Shu Luodao." Jing Lin turned his hand and said, "Li Wei is very mellow and calm, and is the only choice for Shuluo. Because he is demon and demon, under the murderous desire and strong and strong mind, still able to Stick to nature."
"I know you." Cang said, "Except the magic sword."
Jinglin’s eyes were slightly drooping, and his hands were slightly stained in the light. He paused for a long time before he said,
I am a sword, and I was born to be a demon.

His look is faint, not too excited, nor low.
The sky was heard by the rain outside the cave, and the look of Jinglin was unobstructed. He opened the hot-baked pie and handed it to the net, and said, "You are always outside, don't smell the rivers and lakes, so you don't know. There are countless monks in the world, the most legendary is you. Like me, there is no talent. Those who do not seek advancement are familiar with your deeds."
Jing Lin said: "The ear is empty, it is not me."
The cicada eats a few bites and says: "It's really not like, but there are similarities. So, I have already told you about my life. It's better for me to talk about what I know." If you don't, you tell me. In this way, what I know is the real you."
Net Lin bite the cake and nodded.
The sky swept his hand and held his knees and said, "I heard that you were 13 years old and worshipped under the nine-day seat. When the earth and the earth were loose, you will achieve the truth in that moment. Where is the past? The small mountain What about monsters?"
"Not a monster." Net Lin spread his palm and gave him a sigh. "I don't remember where it is, but I have been wandering in Zhongdu, no father and no mother. When I was eight years old, I competed with the dog and strayed into the Nanchan Ancient Temple. Into the lotus pond, saved by the Zen master. At the age of thirteen, the true Buddha smashed my robes and dusted me, pointing me to the north. I walked along the North Road and finally went up to the Nine Gates to meet my father."
The coffin pinched the fingertips of Jinglin and pulled his palm to his eyes. He saw a lotus flower pattern hidden in it. If he did not show it to himself, he would not be able to detect it on weekdays. The cangjie looked at it for a moment and suddenly grasped it. He smiled and said: "The palm of the hand is a lotus. It turns out that Jinglin used to be a little monk! After meeting Jiu Tianjun? I heard that your brothers are divided into factions, and they are fierce and very unconventional. Just us. It’s not like that.
The net Lin sees the sky bright and bright, but does not mean to take back the hand, but feels that the place where the palm touches is hot. He said: "The brothers have different personalities, and it is inevitable."
"I want to be honest with you." The sky was holding his hand and he said, "Why should you use this to stop me?"
Jing Lin said: "I have never blocked my brother."
The sky said: "Do they ask you to be wronged?"
Net Lin pleaded with suspicion and asked: "What is ‘ grievances'? My father passed on my ethics and righteousness. Many things, without hurting my life, can’t be considered aggrieved.

A glimpse of the sky, only said: "Nine days of the king to treat you with the grace of parenting, but he is good and bad when he picks his son's eyes, and he is generally the same as him."
"I am in the nine-day gate, it is a sword in the world." Jing Lin said, "The sword has been grinding for several years, but all the sufferings have been experienced. Although my father has a disagreement with me, I still feel that I am very generous.

"Let him take advantage of it." Cangwu seems to be a joke. "If I knew it earlier, I would take the little monk from the south to go home. From then on, you and I are good brothers, and there will be no shortage of them. The time of the year?"
The little finger of Jinglin involuntarily retracted, but he did not say a lie, but he also felt unclear. The sky feels that his fingertips are on his own apex, and he can't help but hold it tighter. On the back, he almost has to sweat. The heart is really a robbery of Laozi, and he has to provoke himself to jump around. The heart has been smashed into a pool of water, hate can not be turned around, can not help but copy him in his arms, turn a few laps, listen to him open his mouth and say something.
The sky turned over the palm of Jinglin, and placed his palms side by side, to look at Jinglin. Net Lin fixed his eyes and saw his palm blossoms appearing out of his heart, trembling and smearing dew. See also the palms of the palms and the sounds of the sounds, swaying out the water waves, "plop" jumped out of a gold-colored small koi, and took out the stars. Koi entered the water and disappeared. Look at the palms of the two people, and return to normal as usual, but the palm of the hand has a more koi mark.
Jinglin raised the palm of his hand and suddenly smiled and said, "The good life is so powerful that he has searched from the paintings of that day and made it into such a small environment."
"In the future, you are a lotus pond, and I can also make a lotus pond fish." The sky sees his eyebrows happy, this smile is like a melting snow, not only to burn his heart, but even greed has become endless desire
The sea, all imprisoned
trapped in this person's square palm, so that the sky wants to hang down, in this pinch
holding a kiss in the palm of his heart.
When Jing Lin saw him pause, he called out.
The sky said: "...this is a good brother."
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