Chapter 98: .掀面

The net Lin was planted on the bed, and Li Wei’s eyes indicated that Yunsheng would put the wound bottle on the case. The three men were speechless, and the water beaded on the side of the water, and the window was closed.
The net Lin hair was not rubbed, and the bedding under the body was soaked. He does not distinguish between the two, nor the two. Burning on the back, it was not hurt.
Yunsheng felt that the atmosphere was dignified and he took the lead to say: "The whip is holding the spirit, so it is so heavy, it can't be without medicine."
He stood up and Li Wei said: "The whipping has been completed, and you will go to the father to know."
Yunsheng understands that he has something to say to Jing Lin, the current dagger, quit the door and cover the door for them.
After Li Yun waited for Yunsheng to leave the hospital, he looked at Jinglin and said, "The brothers are hitting you. You feel that you are not convinced. You are not willing to give them a face. This is no problem. Brothers, today, not seeing tomorrow, is interrupted. The bones are still tied to the ribs. But you are so squatting, the ruin is your own body. The monastic is not easy, you have to make a living."
Jinglin stood up and had red marks on his shoulders. The lining is terrible. He looked back at Li Wei, his face was particularly cold.
"If you think about it, you don't have to go back and forth. The rest of the things in the north, you don't have to worry about it again." Li Wei fell down on the porcelain cup on the table, turned over and poured cold tea, and suffered a bit of pain in his mouth. Just ask, "But you honestly tell me what you are doing with Cang."
Net Lin turned back to the head.
Li Wei said: "I feel that my brother's ears are soft. I don't even believe these words. I tell you, I don't believe it, but the words are outside, and the three become tigers. My father must beat you for this. You know it in your heart. Very, but still stunned! If you don’t miss this fight, you will be waiting for you even more. You feel that you have a good life. You don’t have to worry about it two or three times, but you know that your father’s heart is remembered for the second time. He can accommodate you once or twice, that is love, but can he accommodate you seven or eight times or even dozens of times? You are wrong today, I am hitting you, not because you killed Tao Di."
Li Wei was silent. He leaned in the chair, playing with a cold cup between his fingers, and his eyes were trapped in the shadows. He had a bit of arrogance and unpredictability. He gradually raised his neck and presented a rare form of relaxation.
"Net Lin." Li Wei mixed with a sigh, "people want to be difficult to get rid of. There is no in this world, only people. Everyone is gradually deepening, can recruit rain and wind, can move rocks and fill the sea, but still people. Nine days The door is getting more and more prosperous, and the eight brothers are the father's sons. I would like to ask if I don't want to call the 'Jun Shang' at this time. My father said, now you also called, you said to people many times, father is on You dare not be called this, but the words 'Lin Songjun' are still famous in the north and south of the country. Whoever passed it is not important. What is important is how his father called you last night. He called you Lin Songjun, Jing Lin, he Call you, you don’t know anything?"
Li Wei said that he had deducted the teacup. His hand holding the gun was not innocent. Looking over it, the layers of the scorpion and the scar were stacked. It was the mark of the four years of dealing with affairs. Net Lin has a wound on his back, is he not there? The brothers don't care, and the drugs he has spent for years have not borrowed the hand of others. Jing Lin does not eat medicinal herbs, can refuse to hand, but he can't, he always refuses, just eats, only he knows.
"What I learned from Tao Di, I know more than you." Li Xiao's eyebrows are wrinkled, he is tired and heavy. "Pampered like this, he is already a bad person. You listen to the sound of the north, you know The things he did, the evil spirits invaded the city are better than nothing. But why didn't I start? Net Lin, because you and I can't move your hands! It's a pleasure to get a knife, but you can kill him. How can people say that tomorrow? Everyone will praise you for being a prostitute of Lin Songjun. What is the reputation of his father? The more you are unrequited, the more prestigious you are. You have already called 'Jun Shang', how long will you have to overtake Jiu Tianjun? Thousands of last night People are whipped for you, and you have become a human heart. How long do you think your father can endure?"
"We are father and son." Jing Lin sounds dumb, "is father and son!"
"When can you grow up?" Li Wei closed his eyes and calmed for a long time, "If there is one day."
Li Wei’s throat was dry, and he said hoarsely.
"If one day your kendo collapses, you are not the son of Jiu Tianjun. If you are willing to let Tao go to the door, he will be able to escape this time. Why do you think the father wants to receive this eighth son? Before you were so lonely, after the East Junji was righteous, the father’s reputation was already in the sky. Tao Zhi was neither talented nor rare, but his father still accepted him, not only received him, I still love it. What can he do in front of you in these years? Because his father is holding him! He is now growing like this, and he is so lawless. You can say that your father is covering four words at the gate of the hospital. Why can't I think more about one layer!"
Net Lin was shackled, and he looked at Li Wei with shock and thought that this person was exceptionally strange.
"You have become the appearance of today, and it is not the father's deliberate teaching." Li Wei leaned down and buried his face in the palm of his hand. "To the pure sword is endless, you have to be pure sword, you must follow the father. If you really have a heartbeat, you have to hide it, you have to endure it! Net Lin, once you have changed, the pharynx sword no longer calls the world’s first sword, you For the father, it is not a child, but a waste."
When he was blind, his eyes were exposed, and the pain was entangled and precipitated, and it became dark.
"Do you know what is a waste? The sea is, Tao Zhi is, everyone who is now murdering the sidelines. Jing Lin, if you are abolished, it will be useless, and the nine-day door will not leave useless people."
The table and chair were slammed open, and the net Lin slammed the clothes of Li Wei. He slammed the man on the ground and punched him with his mouth and nose. The tea pot teapot was smashed and Li Wei fell into the debris.
"You have already understood." Jing Lin screamed, "You look at the death of Bohai, you look at Tao Zhiyin, you look at thousands of good lang one by one!" How can you endure? How can you endure it!"
"You want me to blame and think that I am as hard as you are." Li Wei vomited blood and whispered, "Do you think this is the Guardian? You don't understand, thousands of people who went down last night, if I don't Penalty, they will be sent to the sideline this morning! You stand up for your heart and mind, you are beautiful, the dead person is never you! Father will not kill you, but he can take others to cut the knife. You can protect one Life, can you save thousands of lives? If you don't accept the sideline, I won't have three thousand armor in the door today! I can't bear to give up, so there is no right to kill and kill now! Just hard for a moment is the right way, to bear the burden is incompetence? !"
Two people knocked over the wooden chair and Li Coughed. Broken tiles were laid out on the ground and crushed into powder. Within a room, it was a mess, and Li Wei’s backhand dragged the collar of Jinglin and pulled it not far away.
"When can you grow up? The morality you hold is worthless! In addition to the prestige plus negative, what else do you have? What do you check? The nine-day gate has stood for hundreds of years, and the water here has to touch the fish. Not! You can dig down without hesitation at the moment, only people will die faster! You fool!" Li Wei pulled him and screamed, "When can you understand my pains! I call you Don't check it again!"
On the back of the net, he oozes blood. He slams open Li, and wipes the place where the bleeding between the lips is blown. He said, "My morality is worthless. Is your value worth two? The father did something wrong. You and I are for the tiger!"
"Do you want to kill him?" Li Wei's teeth were squashed with words. "Can you? Father has already entered Dacheng, unless the timing is right, no one can move him!"
Net Lin was in the blood, and he was still agitated. He suddenly asked: "Do you know who the blood is?"
"I don't know." Li Wei said quickly. "But it has been a few years since the children gathered in the south. I am --"
In the air, the twigs in the courtyard were shaken by the wind and swayed. The two of them immediately looked at each other, and then Li Wei turned up and shouted: "I am calling you for your good! No one is respectful, even your father dare to smash! I shouldn't you?"
On the net, the amount of cold sweat on his face, he slammed for one night, and was exposed to the rain all night, and his face was not faked at this moment. He leaned back and leaned back to the bed, his breath was flat, and he only looked at Li Wei coldly.
Li Wei was sullen, scolding and condescending. When the footsteps of the courtyard rang, Yunsheng slammed the door. After seeing the inside, he immediately said: "Brothers, how did you move your hands again! The father called Li Wei and hurry."
Li Wei kicked the broken porcelain and pulled the sleeves. He tried to say: "What will you call me now? You have a sigh of relief."
"The north side of the Emperor moved." Yunsheng said, "Wan demon out of the wall! According to the disciple's return, even the southeast two lines have been blocked. He along the bloodline, I do not know what to do. But the action is great, I am afraid Change!"
"Chun Emperor." Li Yu Yu Guang passed the net Lin, but did not continue to say.
Jinglin heard the words and moved, and got up and put on his shirt. Yunsheng took a step and said: "You can't step out of the courtyard, and Li Wei will go."
The movement of the net Lin wearing a shirt was slow, he said: "Well."
Li Wei went with Yunsheng. Jinglin stood indoors and watched as the two of them left. About half an hour later, they suddenly pulled off their clothes and poured all the wounds on their backs. They wrapped them very quickly and put on a clean white robe.
Li Wei did not change clothes and went directly to the courtyard of Jiu Tianjun. When he arrived, the remaining brothers had already stood up. Jiu Tianjun was feeding the bird and said with a voice: "That is a mistake, and you dare to look at your face! Wipe your hands and become like."
Li Wei took a handful of Pai, and he smiled red and stunned. He said: "The net is still young and doesn't understand many things. The father is also good for him. He is arrested for two days and he is calm and calm. understood."
Jiu Tianjun said: "I am afraid that he is not convinced in his heart. Tao has done something wrong, what is the matter? The punishment can not run, can I be such a black and white upside down? Yesterday night is annoying, Tao Zhi does not live up to expectations, To make such a devastating thing! I am also annoyed that he is a good suicide person. Nowadays, the rules in the door have been completed. Everyone is as self-proclaimed as he is, and sooner or later he will make a mess!"
"Father Shengming." Li Wei should be.
"The north side has always been a place where monsters are entrenched. This has been stuck in my heart for many years. Originally, for the sake of the world, we have been striving for an oath, and we have three points for the Emperor." Jiu Tianjun slowly peeled the melon shell and patiently Feeding the birds, said, "But you know best, what is the buddy thing! I don’t want to sell it in the thousands of fields, let alone hundreds of people who have starved to death under the wall, and have repeatedly won my nine-day town. I have to bear it again, I heard the north side of the nest last night, afraid that it is a big matter to plan. Today, I am coming to you, just to send you to go."
"The seas, he did not dare to go against the sky at this juncture." Li Wei thought a little bit, and smiled. "But the Emperor of the Cang, although he is arrogant, he is not relying on nothing. I am now at the threshold." , I’m afraid..."
"You can't do it alone." Jiu Tianjun looked back and smiled like a smile. "With your door, the three thousand armies will not become. The dogs will not bite a wolf? He is trying to make a big deal, I am afraid that he will be left and right. Time."
Li Yiyi was stagnation, his eyelids couldn’t stop jumping, and he insisted on changing his face.
"You go out." Jiu Tianjun said, "I will talk to your older brother."
The squid on both sides came out, leaving only his father and son in the room.
Jiu Tianjun took up his hand and walked around Li’s steps. He said:
The Emperor’s deceitfulness is difficult to match. Even the real Buddha is hard to match. This is a big problem in my heart. You know my mind best and naturally understand the meaning of this trip. ""
Li Wei said: "I..."
"Net Lin is my beloved son." Jiu Tianjun suddenly turned his head. "Since he started, I will teach you. I have been tempered for years, and I have exhausted my efforts to create this first sword of the heavens and the earth. You are generous. But I told you to go to Shura Road. Do you understand why?"
Li Wei was silently sweating, and he said with a sigh of pressure from Dacheng: "Because I don't like to kill."
Jiu Tianjun laughed inexplicably, and he patted Li Wei’s shoulder, and every one seemed to have a meaning.
"No." Jiu Tianjun said, "I let you go to Shurao Road because your heart is tough. You seem to be generous, but it is hard. If you follow this road, you will not be mad and will not indulge, and There are similarities in Jinglin, but it is only the same as his own. Moreover, you are more transparent than Jinglin, knowing patience, knowing things... and paying attention to it."
Li Wei’s lips were slightly moving and said,
Don’t dare...

"Net Lin is not sensible." Jiu Tianjun said, "He doesn't understand my pains. I don't want him to be really desperate. How can I do this? When I am a father, I just want him to be better. But in the past I was arrested. Too tight, it made him not understand the hardships of love. What kind of good things is the Emperor of the Censor? For him to be broken, you can see it as a brother."
Li Wei blasted his hair and he looked hard at Jiu Tianjun.
Nine days of the face revealed a difficult color, said: "Tao Zhi mixed accounts, in the pharmacy in the yard to get some of the next three things. I originally closed one eye, do not want him to get the net Lin body, visible He is indeed a beast! Fortunately, now that the beast has been removed, the net Lin has a turning point. The three thousand A in your hand have been practicing for some time and have never taken it out. It is better to take this opportunity and get a good start."
Li Wei felt that he could not breathe, but his palm was shaking. He exhausted the endurance of this life and slowly showed a firm color to Jiu Tianjun, saying: "My son understands."
"This trip will kill." Jiu Tianjun looked at him. "For the sake of the eternal life, Wang Jun is working hard! The so-called evil is not pressing, you go to the north, you will understand that it is not difficult to kill him. He must do his best to deal with this moment. There are others who break through everything, and his weaknesses have been exposed, and you seize the opportunity."
Li Wei slipped in the throat. He didn't know how he should respond. He only heard the nine-day monarch when he retired.
"Li Wei, he must have smashed his scales and smoked his ribs so that he could not reincarnate."
Jiu Tianjun teased the bird and laughed a few times.
"For your father to triumph with you."
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