Vol 2 Chapter 1426: , all-out war

With the official occupation of the Asia Minor Peninsula by the European coalition forces, the North Alliance no longer covered it, and they quickly ordered the North Alliance coalition forces that had already landed in Europe and northern Africa to start moving towards the border area.
Savage 2/5/45
A 300,000-strong Northern Alliance coalition consisting of players from northern African countries and players from the United States officially arrived on the banks of the Suez Canal.
After the 300,000 vanguard troops of the Northern Alliance Army arrived on the west bank of the Suez Canal, a huge fleet entered the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea immediately.
When the Red Sea Fleet of the Condor Empire, which arrived after hearing the news, wanted to enter the Suez Canal to fight with it, the Northern Alliance fleet that entered from the Mediterranean Sea immediately chose to scuttle all the ships.
The wreck is the narrowest section of the Suez Canal, where it is only more than 200 meters wide.
When all the ships connected by iron cables sank, the wreckage of the ships immediately cut off the river.
After the Red Sea Fleet of the Condor Empire was blocked by the wreck of the iron chain boat, the Northern Alliance pioneer army that arrived on the shore immediately began to push the prepared flat boat into the river, preparing to use the flat bridge to build a pontoon bridge. Forcibly cross the river.
Facing the North African Corps of the Northern Alliance Coalition Army, which had been carefully prepared for a long time, after the Red Sea Fleet was successfully blocked, the Tenglong Army stationed on the east bank of the canal immediately formed a formation on the shore, preparing to fight with the enemy on the shore to cross the river. war.
Just as the Tenglong army was lining up on the shore, a huge black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky west of the canal.
After seeing that the black cloud was rapidly drifting towards the canal, as the flag was waved, a huge black cloud also rose on the Sinai Peninsula on the other side of the canal, and flew towards the canal rapidly.
Soon, the two flying regiments met head-on over the Suez Canal.
The flying corps on the North African Legion of the Northern Alliance Army is mainly composed of owl players and owl aborigines, and the sky is full of owl fighters.
The Dragon Army Flying Corps stationed on the Sinai Peninsula is a mixed army composed of owl players, angel players and blue-feather peacocks.
Facing the enemy's uniform owl army, the multi-armed advantages of the Tenglong Air Force were quickly revealed.
The blue-feathered peacock is responsible for long-range mass shooting.
When the enemy's owl army approaches, the owl warriors of the Tenglong army will immediately rush up to meet them, covering the blue-plumed peacock army and continue to keep a distance from the enemy's owl army.
If the enemy's owl army breaks through the blockade of the dragon army's owl army, then the angel army of the dragon army will immediately rush to prevent the enemy from approaching the blue feather peacock army.
The main attack firepower of the Tenglong Air Force is the Blue Plume Peacock Corps, which can continuously fire peacock feathers.
As the Blue Feather Peacock Legion kept launching overwhelming peacock feathers, the Owl Legion of the North African Legion of the Northern Alliance Alliance suffered heavy losses.
However, even so, the owl corps of the North African Legion kept charging forward because they had a huge advantage in numbers.
For this attack, Raymond and other major leaders of the Northern Alliance have been planning for a long time.
In order to successfully cross the Suez Canal, they almost transferred half of the owl corps of the Northern Alliance to the territory of the Ayub Kingdom.
It can be said that today's battle across the river, they are bound to win.
On the other hand, the Condor Empire did not have too many troops stationed on the banks of the Suez Canal.
After all, the Suez Canal is 175 kilometers long. If defenses are to be deployed along the riverbank, at least millions of troops will need to be deployed.
Ever since Ning Yuan understood Beimeng's intentions, he didn't want to stick to the Suez Canal.
Because in Ning Yuan's view, the vast mountains and deserts of the Sinai Peninsula are the best battlefields, so he placed the main force of the Tenglong Army in three places.
The three places are Port Said Province, which is adjacent to the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, the Jiddi Mountains area to the east of the Great Bitter Lake, and the Mistaq area, which is the only way to Jerusalem.
In these three areas, Ning Yuan has deployed heavy troops, and he intends to use this triangular defense system to consume the enemy's living strength on a large scale on the Sinai Peninsula.
Therefore, the result of today's battle of crossing the river has already been concluded. No matter how much advantage the Tenglong Army has, they will eventually allow the North African Army of the Northern Alliance to successfully cross the river.
However, the Tenglong Army will definitely not let the opponent land on the southwest peninsula easily. They must try to hurt the enemy as much as possible, so that the enemy knows that the victory of this river crossing battle is not easy to come by.
So the battle to cross the river lasted from morning to evening before it finally came to an end.
After the Blue Feather Peacock Legion on the Tenglong Army's side fired all the peacock feathers on their bodies, they immediately returned to the Jidi Mountain area under the cover of the Owl Army and the Angel Legion.
Without the cover of the Tenglong Air Force, the Tenglong army lined up on the east bank of the canal gradually began to lose.
In the end, under the attack of the North African Legion's Owl Army and the River Crossing Army, the Tenglong Army, which suffered heavy losses, withdrew in the dark.
Facing the retreating Tenglong Army, the North African Army did not send the Owl Army to continue the pursuit. They were worried that they would be ambushed by the Tenglong Army, so they chose the most secure on-site defense plan.
As the North African Army gained control of a territory on the east bank of the canal, a large number of North African Army troops began to come to the Sinai Peninsula non-stop, and a tragic war of attrition was about to begin.
On the same day that the North African Army of the Northern Alliance Army launched the river crossing campaign, the Eastern European Army of the Northern Alliance Army that rushed to the vicinity of the Ural River also launched a large-scale attack on the Great Wall defense line of the Condor Empire on the east bank of the Ural River.
In order to be able to conquer the unfinished border Great Wall of the Condor Empire in one fell swoop, Beimeng used two million troops here, and the dense army covered the entire Ural River Basin.
Whether it is the frontier Great Wall of Hekou or the Great Frontier Wall that has not been Hekou, it is the attack target of the Eastern European Corps of the Northern Alliance Alliance.
Facing the menacing enemy, the Tenglong Army stationed behind the Great Wall on the border was not to be outdone. They rushed directly to the Ural River to prevent the enemy from crossing the river.
In the Ural River Basin, Ning Yuan was not going to let the enemy cross the river, so he immediately dispatched millions of Tenglong troops here after he understood the enemy's conspiracy.
The two million troops of the Eastern European Legion of the Northern Alliance seemed overwhelming, but the Tenglong army behind the Great Wall of Despair also covered the entire prairie.
For the plan in his heart, Ning Yuan decided to fight for every inch of land in the Ural River Basin. He was going to attract most of Beimeng's energy here, and then let Beimeng fall into the quagmire of war.
In order to achieve this goal, Ning Yuan has reinforced three million Tenglong troops to the Ural River Basin, and another one million Tenglong troops are on standby at any time in the rear.
Since Beimeng didn't want him to finish building the Great Wall at the border, and didn't want the Condor Empire to rest and recuperate, then Ning Yuan simply followed their wishes, but correspondingly, Beimeng had to stay and spend with the Condor Empire.
Therefore, unlike the first battle of the North African Army in the Suez Canal Basin, the first battle of the North African Army in the Ural River Basin ended with heavy losses.
After the soldiers of the Tenglong Army filled the entire eastern bank of the Ural River, the North Alliance Eastern European Corps that launched the forced crossing was met with an overwhelming rain of arrows fired from the other side of the river.
Facing the constant baptism of arrows, many soldiers of the Eastern European Legion fell in the middle of the river.
When some of the elite troops finally came to the east bank under the rain of arrows, they immediately encountered the endless siege of the Tenglong army on the east bank.
In the end, after leaving Manhe's body, the North Alliance Eastern European Legion had to choose Mingjin to withdraw.
In this battle, the 2 million troops of the Eastern European Legion finally had only 1.5 million people left, and 500,000 people fell into the Ural River forever.
At the same time, the Western European Army of the North Alliance in Asia Minor also launched a large-scale attack on the Syrian province of the Condor Empire.
On the border between Syria and Ottoman Turkey, there are still many sections of the Great Wall on the border built by the Condor Empire, so the Western European Legion chose these gaps as a breakthrough.
In places with the Great Border Wall, Ning Yuan would never allow the enemy to come in, so his order to the Tenglong Army stationed here was to stick to the Great Border Wall and never give up any position easily.
After receiving Ning Yuan's order, the Tenglong Army players stationed on the Syrian-Turkish border immediately took out their strength to suckle.
They guarded the unfinished border Great Wall, even if it was a small section of the wall, they would not allow the enemy to occupy it.
As a result, a series of tragic bloodshed broke out in the fight for a small piece of land in the Syrian-Turkish border area.
Whenever a section of the Great Wall was lost, the Tenglong Army reserves at the rear would immediately charge forward desperately. Even if they were to fill up with human life, they would inevitably drive down the enemy who had boarded that section of the Great Wall.
In the face of such a ferocious play of the Tenglong Army, the soldiers of the Western European Legion also played a real fire, and the Tenglong Army used their lives to fill in, and they immediately followed suit. The city wall was occupied.
As a result, the war on the Syrian-Turkish border has been directly linked since the first day, when neither the enemy nor our side was willing to give up first.
Even at night, both the enemy and the enemy are still sending out Xiaogui's troops to repeatedly compete for a position.
As if whoever gave up first would lose his luck, neither the enemy nor the enemy would choose to give up first.
In the end, when the next day dawned, the main armies of the enemy and China successfully took over, and then the two armies once again launched a battle around the border Great Wall.
The Eagle Empire's obsession with the two frontier Great Walls made Raymond and his party more certain that their judgment was correct.
They are very sure that once they break through the two frontier Great Wall defenses of the Condor Empire, then they are bound to be invincible throughout Central Asia and the Middle East.
Therefore, in order to break through the two frontier Great Wall defenses of the Condor Empire as soon as possible, Raymond once again chose to dispatch elites from the beautiful country and other continents to the European region.
It's a war they can't afford to lose, so they're already going to do whatever it takes to win it.
As the Beimeng allied forces continued to have reinforcements arriving on the battlefield, the Tenglong Army on the battlefield was immediately under great pressure.
Seeing that the death rate of the Tenglong Army was increasing every day, Ning Yuan gritted his teeth and continued to dispatch the Tenglong Army from the rear to support the front line.
Under the circumstance that Beimeng had dispatched the aboriginal army, Ning Yuan's still stubborn user, the Dragon Army, had no idea of ​​letting the aboriginal army of the Condor Empire join the battle.
Facing the Condor Empire, which refused to send the Aboriginal Corps to fight, Raymond and other North Alliance leaders couldn't help but murmured.
After discussing and agreeing that Ning Yuan's behavior was because he did not want to use the Aboriginal Legion of the Condor Empire to fight the war of attrition, they decided to continue to intensify the attack, forcing Ning Yuan to send the Aboriginal Legion to participate in the war.
Under the fierce attack of the various legions of the Northern Alliance Alliance, the casualties of the various Tenglong legions on the front line are also getting faster and faster.
However, even so, Ning Yuan did not move at all, he still insisted on letting the Tenglong Army resist the enemy's attack.
If one Tenglong army is exhausted, let the other go up immediately. As long as the defense line is not lost, then no matter how large the casualties of the Tenglong army are, he can accept it.
In this way, after two months of continuous onslaught, the Northern Alliance finally slowed down the pace of the attack.
In the past two months, although they brought huge casualties to the Tenglong Army~EbookFREE.me~, as the attackers, the number of casualties on their side was actually more than on the Tenglong Army's side.
In order to destroy the will of the Tenglong Army, they even sent a large number of aboriginal elites to participate in the war.
However, under such a high-intensity battle, the Tenglong Army finally withstood the huge pressure and successfully defended the border line of the Great Wall.
Raymond and the others didn't expect that the Tenglong Army's toughness was so strong, and they successfully resisted until they couldn't hold on.
In desperation, he could only order repairs for a period of time while continuing to deploy troops from the mainland and other continents to the frontline areas.
The Northern Alliance Army wanted to repair, but Ning Yuan didn't want to give them time to repair.
After discovering that the offensive of the Beimeng coalition forces had suddenly died down, Ning Yuan ordered the Tenglong army on the front line to repair in place, while ordering the Tenglong army on standby at the rear to immediately cross the border Great Wall defense line and take the initiative to launch an attack on the station of the Beimeng coalition forces.
The Tenglong Army's active attack suddenly startled Raymond and the others.
In order to prevent the Tenglong army from destroying the barracks, Raymond had no choice but to order the army out of the camp to fight.
So the enemy and our side broke out in a large-scale encounter in the wilderness.
In the end, when neither side could gain absolute advantage over each other, they could only drop a large number of corpses, and then tacitly chose to retreat.
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