Vol 2 Chapter 1430: , 2 River Defense Line

After retreating, the players of the beautiful country on the two rivers defense line immediately sent the latest news to the rear.
In the letter, the players of the United States in the United States stated that they would swear to defend the defense line and coexist with the defense line. They hoped that the players of the United States located in the rear could immediately mobilize troops to some transportation hubs and important cities, so that they could be able to defend the two rivers after the loss of the defense line. Continue to fend off enemy attacks.
The beautiful country players stationed in the two rivers defense line thought that with the strong fortifications, they could last for at least a week, and the Yin-Yang Rainbow Bridge still needs a day to be fully formed, they can win at least eight days for their companions in the rear. above time.
However, when twenty-four hours passed and the Yin-Yang Rainbow Bridge was fully formed, as a group of armed troops followed the Yin-Yang Rainbow Bridge to the east bank of the river, the players of the beautiful country inside the fortifications were suddenly dumbfounded.
They thought that the army of the three aboriginal empires in the Rocky Mountains would be the main force in this flood season offensive, and the Condor Empire just sent some air force and mermaid troops to be responsible for building and guarding the Rainbow Bridge.
However, when the centaur army, the kangaroo army, and the somersault cloud army appeared on the east bank of the river, they realized that the seriousness of the matter was more serious than they thought.
This is a flood season offensive dominated by three aboriginal empires. This is clearly the Eagle Empire that wants to take down their base camp while most of their main forces are in the European region!
After realizing the seriousness of the matter, the beautiful country players located in the fortification immediately began to send people to urgently deliver the latest news to the rear.
Although they sent more teams to deliver the message this time, as groups of Seraph warriors swooped down from the sky, those delivery teams that left the fortifications were quickly slaughtered.
Facing the sudden information blockade by the Condor Empire, the beautiful country players located in the fortifications could only stare at the sky helplessly.
Now they are powerless, and they can only hope that their companions in the rear will pay attention to the information passed on last time.
After sending a steady stream of troops to the east bank of the river through the Rainbow Bridge, the coalition forces led by the Condor Empire immediately launched a fierce attack on the two river lines of the beautiful country players.
Facing the impregnable two river lines of defense, the Eagle Army first dispatched the Silver Pegasus Knights to resist the long-range attack from the fortifications.
When the Silver Pegasus Knights surrounded the fortifications where the players of the United States were stationed, the angel warriors of the Somersault Cloud Legion immediately flew over with somersault clouds, and then built a white staircase leading to the top of the fortifications.
As the large white stairs took shape, the kangaroo warriors who were already ready immediately rushed to the fortifications on the white stairs.
Through the lookout hole, after discovering that the first group of troops to attack were all kangaroo warriors, the players in the beautiful country in the offensive were first stunned, and then secretly delighted.
What they are most afraid of now is that the Eagle Empire will send those heavily armed barbarian troops to attack.
If the barbarian army came to attack, it would be very difficult for them to hold the fortification after losing the advantage of the city wall.
Although the kangaroo army is famous in Australia, their strength must be discounted to a certain extent.
After all, the strength of Australian players is not good, and what the kangaroo people are best at is fists.
As the saying goes, one inch is one inch long and one inch is strong. When facing the upper kangaroo army, the weapons in their hands have innate advantages.
Anyway, in the eyes of the beautiful country players, the kangaroos with bare hands are much easier to deal with than the barbarians who are covered in armor.
The truth is such a truth, but the players of the beautiful country don't think about it. Like Ning Yuan, an old fritter on the battlefield, does he seem like someone who would make such a low-level mistake?
As soon as Ning Yuan came up, he directly sent the Kangaroo army to attack the fortress. This must have a certain reason. After all, the most important thing in the battle between the two armies is morale.
Ning Yuan has been fighting in the South and the North for so many years, would he not understand such a simple truth?
This is obviously impossible, so this battle with the Kangaroo army, the secretly delighted American players will soon pay a heavy price for their contempt.
As the first kangaroo warriors climbed the somersault cloud to the top of the fortification, they were about to face off against the beautiful players on the fortification.
At this moment, all the Silver Pegasus knights all quickly moved away from the top of the fortifications, as if they were avoiding some big terror.
After seeing those shameless Silver Pegasus knights suddenly fleeing, the players in the beautiful country who reacted immediately prepared to bend their bows and shoot arrows.
However, before they could see that the bowstring was fully stretched, all of a sudden, their armor, shields, machetes and other iron equipment were uncontrollably separated from their bodies, and then fell on them in an instant. an area far, far away.
This process happened very quickly, and before the players of the beautiful country could react, they had already become the same state as the kangaroo army.
When holding weapons, they are indeed able to take advantage of the advantages of weapons and equipment that are one inch longer and one inch stronger.
As for now, they can only be beaten by the kangaroo warriors who have lost their weapons and equipment.
Facing the Kangaroo warriors with an average height of 2.12 meters and muscles bulging all over their bodies, even some players from the beautiful country of powerful orc race are no match.
Under the skillful and powerful fists of the Kangaroo, ordinary players in the beautiful country were basically sent to meet the King of Hell with one or two punches.
Players of the powerful orc race can also take a dozen more punches than ordinary players. After the kangaroo warriors hit their vital parts with their fists, they were soon sent to see God.
As a large number of kangaroo troops rushed into the fortification, the beautiful country players inside the fortification were soon completely wiped out.
It was a grossly asymmetrical fight at all, as hardly any race on the ground could beat a Kangaroo warrior in punches without special preparation.
Obviously, the army stationed on the two rivers defense line of the beautiful country never thought that they would encounter the formed kangaroo army here, so their defeat was a matter of course.
Of course, this tough battle without suspense was also inseparable from Ning Yuan's generous investment.
Ning Yuan has led the army to deal with the forbidden gold field many times, and he has also used the forbidden gold field to attack others.
In Ning Yuan's view, the property of the forbidden gold domain being able to deprive all metal products in the domain as soon as it appeared was very domineering and very troublesome.
Every time the Condor Army uses the forbidden gold field to shadow others, they have to spend a lot of time looking for metal products that have been deprived and rejected by the forbidden gold field. This is really troublesome and makes many troops miserable. .
However, after the Condor Empire captured the entire Oceania, this phenomenon was immediately and completely eradicated.
From Ning Yuan's point of view, this gold-forbidden area was born for the kangaroo warriors, because the kangaroo warriors who are good at boxing don't have any metal products all over their bodies.
In the past, they've been doubly wounded by this feature, as enemies tend to take advantage of this weakness to hit them hard with ranged attacks.
After the Condor Empire successfully incorporated the Kangaroo family, this weakness of them basically disappeared.
Because Ning Yuan directly selected a group of powerful young warriors from the entire kangaroo family, first gave them Qiqiao Linglong Pill to help them improve their strength to the extreme, and then gave them the Nine Forbidden Pill, making them become A powerful warrior of the Nine Taboos.
Although the Nine Forbidden Warriors have nine Forbidden Realms, nothing is more suitable for the Kangaroo Army than the Forbidden Gold Realm.
After having a group of nine forbidden warriors in the army to become officers, the combat effectiveness of the Kangaroo army has soared countless times.
This attack on the two river lines of the beautiful country is the first battle after the kangaroo people joined the Condor Empire, and all the kangaroo warriors have already done their best.
In the face of such a strong, high morale, and dedicated kangaroo army, the beautiful country players who lost their weapons and equipment were not wronged at all, because the strength gap between the two was too great at a certain moment. Big is too big.
After only half a day of successfully breaking the two rivers defense line of the beautiful country players, the main force of the centaur army who had just arrived at the frontline battlefield from the rear immediately poured into the Great Plains of North America along the opening gate of the defense line.
After the first battle of the Kangaroo army, it was their turn to perform.
Without the obstruction of the Two Rivers Defense Lines, the entire North American Plain will be their back garden for galloping across.
In the plains with no edge in sight, no army can stop their advance, and no army can compete with them in the field.
As long as they pack enough provisions, they can go wherever they want in North America.
For this surprise attack on North America, Ning Yuan had already thoroughly studied the terrain and defense system of the entire North America.
There is only one defense system in the western part of North America, and that is the two river defense system built by the players of the beautiful country with great effort.
In the southernmost tip of North America, the players of the United States and Panama have built a new fortification of the Panama Canal. As long as they want, the Panama Canal will be blocked immediately, and no large ships can pass through the Panama Canal.
In the easternmost part of North America, there is a maritime defense system dominated by players from the United States.
Beautiful country players have built large castles on many islands, and have built fortifications at major seaports to prevent enemy ships from landing.
As a result, even if the naval fleet of the Condor Empire came around from South America, it would be difficult to find a landing point on the east coast of North America.
Although the beautiful country's naval fleet is not the opponent of the Condor Empire's naval fleet, it is impossible for the Condor Empire's naval fleet to carry too many logistical supplies. Therefore, after being unable to land, within a few days, the Condor Navy will have to Active retreat.
Among the three defense systems of the beautiful country players, the Panama Canal defense system and the east coast defense system are all to prevent the attack of the Condor Empire, and only the two rivers defense system is to prevent the harassment of the three aboriginal empires in the Rocky Mountains. .
In addition to these three defense systems, the entire beautiful country is simply a fertile field.
There are no decent fortifications at all on the huge plain in the middle protected by the three defense systems, and there are not many garrisoned troops.
Among the three defense systems, only the Two Rivers Defense Line is the most stable, because the Two Rivers Defense Line is located in the interior of North America, with the Rocky Mountains and the three aboriginal empires entrenched there in the west, and the East Coast Line in the east. of the Great Plains.
Players in the beautiful country have thought that if the Eagle Empire really wants to invade North America one day, then there is a high probability that Ning Yuan will choose to attack Mexico first.
Because of the logistics supply, the Condor Empire could not choose to take a detour from the southernmost tip of South America, nor would it be possible to attack the three aboriginal empires entrenched in the Rocky Mountains first.
The best option would be to take Mexico first, then move south to Panama, and then capture the Panama Canal.
After taking control of the Panama Canal, the Condor Empire could clear the river and then allow the naval fleet to enter the Atlantic basin through the Panama Canal.
In this way, the Condor Empire can attack the mainland of Beautiful Country from Mexico on land~EbookFREE.me~ On the sea, from the Atlantic Ocean, it can attack the long eastern coastline of Beautiful Country.
This is indeed the safest attack plan under the current situation, but that is when the Eagle Empire is unwilling to go to war with the three native empires of the Rocky Mountains.
Beautiful country players never dreamed that Ning Yuan had already started to attack the three aboriginal empires on the Rocky Mountains more than 20 years ago.
After the Condor Empire successfully infiltrated and incorporated the three aboriginal empires through a long period of time, the two rivers that they believed to be the most stable line of defense had actually become their deadliest weakness.
Because as long as the Condor Army breaks through their two river defense lines, the entire beautiful country will immediately open the gates, allowing the Condor Empire army to rage there.
Ning Yuan also saw this, so he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to get through the road from the Rocky Mountains to the Two Rivers Defense Line, and chose the launch time in the flood season when the players in the beautiful country were the most slack in defense.
Ning Yuan's judgment was completely correct, because the lax two-river defense line not only failed to threaten the Rainbow Bridge under construction, but even the sturdy fortifications failed to hold for a day.
Now, with the successive fall of the two rivers defense line, the mainland of the beautiful country has been completely opened to the Condor Empire, and it is only a matter of time before the Condor Empire will take down the base camp of the beautiful country in one fell swoop.
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