Vol 2 Chapter 980: Invalid declaration (two in one)

"Hello, citizens of Closesberg, and everyone who is watching this video at this moment. I am the Speaker of the State Assembly of Closesberg, Henry McDowell."
"As you all know, not long ago, the former mayor of Kulaus issued a declaration of the official establishment of the "Crossbel Independent State". I think that perhaps some people, after experiencing the initial shock and incomprehension, have gradually accepted and agreed with the military organization that has become the National Defense Forces, and have become accustomed to the current new system...but! Everyone, please think again! Is the situation like this really a choice made out of our own will! "
"Of course, everyone can have their own views on the status quo. However, today's government is not established through the democratic process that Clos Bell has always adopted. The so-called Declaration of Independence is based on many people including me. The self-governing state councillor was under house arrest and imprisonment, and it was issued by the arbitrariness of the former mayor of Dita! Because of this, I have to point out that this declaration has not been recognized by the parliament, it is just a personal dictatorship!"
"So, is this situation now determined on the basis of a vote of residents proclaiming the "Declaration of Independence"? the answer is negative! In the original vote, the question raised was only "whether you are determined to be independent?" As for the specific statutes, discussions with other neighbors around Clos Bell, and the reorganization of the government and the army, no relevant proposals have been proposed before this. Therefore, the establishment of the National Defense Forces, the independent state of Krossberg, and the current so-called presidential system, do not have the slightest legitimacy! "
"Of course, these issues are not really important compared to the points I want to make next. What is important is that the current situation, this system, and our way of living are really "correct". ? In order to allow everyone to think about this issue together, and to truly find the path we really want to take as residents of Closberg-I am here, as the representative of the autonomous state assembly, to declare that the "Crossbel Declaration of Independence" is invalid! "

"...How is it?" Seeing the rejoicing of the people on the side from the screen after the old man put down the microphone, Ling asked Heliga beside him softly.
"Is a good politician...It's just, unfortunately, in the current situation." Heliga sighed softly, "This is useless at all... It just gives Klos Bell a pretext for further invasion by the Empire. That's it."
"Yeah...Crossbell's official parliamentary government was so emptied. Doesn't it reflect their incompetence even more? If this is an excuse, the empire will probably further invade Krossberg." He also nodded, "Moreover, even I know that the government's declaration is not a child's play house, and the sense of responsibility it bears is not comparable to ordinary conversation. I am afraid that the international community will not accept this kind of rhetoric. Right..."
"Not to mention, the "sacred machine" they used did cause huge property losses to the empire and the Republic..." Ling on the side also shook her head, "It is indeed impossible for this matter to end like this. Lloyd and the others, it seems that they really chose a difficult road. I think you should have no idea about this? "
"Crossbell’s business is too tricky, and to be honest, it doesn’t appeal to me much. I will come to help, just to sell the favors of my friends, but I really don’t have any idea about it. "Hilijia spread his hands, "Well, if I really want to follow my ideas... Later, I might have to cooperate with the two factions in the empire. At that time, I am afraid. Maybe it will turn around and do something to Crossbell."
"It sounds really bad...but, it seems that there is a reason to do it." Ling said softly, "I think they can figure it out. As long as they make a decision, they won't let it I regret it...I think this is enough."
"Yes. I haven't thought about the specific plan yet." Helijia nodded, "As for the first step of this plan...Ling, the key to it is already in your hands."
"So... it's the bank information. Don't worry, Heliga, bet on the name Ling Bright, and I will work overtime to find out all the information that is useful to you."
"In that case, thank you so much... But let's forget about working overtime or something. If you overuse it like this, Esther and Joshua will not give me a good look."
"Don't worry, this is Ling's own decision, even if it's the two of them, don't even try to stop me." Ling raised her small face proudly, and said something that looked terrific. It looked like Lingfei and Heilijia. Looking at each other and laughing, can't help but laugh.
"Ah! What are you laughing at!" Ling's dissatisfied voice followed immediately.

"Okay! I finally waited until this day!" A group of unkempt people in the old district of Krossberg were surrounding a screen in front of them, accompanied by the old man's arms on the screen shouting and excitedly said, "This matter After that, we can start to act!"
"We must first contact our colleagues in the garrison... If the search officers did a good job, this matter should have been known to the entire Closberg. In this case, the Dita government and their It is absolutely impossible to whitewash the past... As long as the mind is okay, the average person can definitely see what the situation is." The other person also said excitedly.
"You are going to prepare some weapons... Although I don't want this, but if something really happens, we can't be defenseless. Ms. Ashuri made an appointment with me before—"
"What's the matter, all the people who ran around my shop at noon were so noisy and annoying." Said Cao Cao arrived, and the lobbyists of the Krossberg underground anti-Dita forces just mentioned this Ya. Ms. Xiuli, the latter arrived with a cigarette in his mouth, "I was puzzled when I heard Jinge talk about it. I didn't expect it to be a few of you."
"Sister Ashuri, it's been a long time since I saw you." The headed person immediately said with a hippie smile-he was originally a gossip reporter of the Closbell News Agency. With his huge advantage of thick-skinned, he successfully attracted Kross. Attention from the head of the studio at Bell’s largest underground intelligence transfer station, Asuri’s studio, after Clos Bell fell into chaos, he was able to stay under the protection of the latter, and gradually recruited like-minded companions, and has been planning a counterattack. It seems that his plan has finally waited until this moment.
"Okay, don't say witty words. I have Ginger ready for everything you want, and I can come and get it anytime, just..." Ashuri spit out a smoke ring and looked at the group with her gaze. The unkempt person's gaze, "Is it true that this group of people can do it? Don't let the weapon go out, but blow your own head."
"No, sister... Some of us are trained, and we also have undercover members in the security team."
"Although I want to say that the level of the security team is about the same as there is no...but forget it." Ashuri squeezed out the cigarette, "You will come later. Aren't you going to get along with the undercover guys of Rao Shizi first."
"That's...then we'll trouble you later. I wish you a prosperous business in the future!" It seemed that no good words could be found, and the last words that the leader of the rebels said turned out to be such a funny word.
"Huh...a group of idiots." When Ashuri turned around, when she heard these words, her face that was always shining with indifference and shrewdness also showed an unprecedented smile.

Yu hides in various places in the folks of Clos Bell, while arduously avoiding all kinds of wanted to maintain his life, while seeking opportunities to resist Dita’s tyranny, and now finally rejoicing because of the signal of the counterattack, for the Compared with the rebels around Bell, the other party at the center of the "Orchid Tower" was sprayed on the front of the declaration by Speaker McDowell. "President" Dita Kullois and his young The partners are not in such a good mood.
"How long will this unpleasant image be played?" his cold voice said to the people around him. There is no doubt that this image was forcibly connected to the Daoli network through hackers, and it was synchronized on all the screens in the city of Closbell that can be connected through the wired system. Many of Dita was originally placed in various places in the city so that people could receive all kinds of proposals and declarations put forward by him at any time. Unexpectedly, they have now become a weapon to encourage "rumors."
"I have mastered the specific lines of the intrusion, and completed the analysis and calculation of the code... It is being physically shielded through the new defense system, and it will take about a minute or so." Maria Bell, dressed as a professional OL, said softly. Said.
"The Wehrmacht has also been dispatched to let people collect the display screens on the street. The citizens should be dispersed soon." The other person is Commander Sonia, also in the uniform of the Wehrmacht at this time, speaking calmly.
Dita's inner anxiety was slightly slowed by the good news in the rare bad news, and he nodded sullenly.
"It's a wonderful surprise attack. It's a coup.... This is really a worthy opponent." Different from the seriousness of the first two, the last voice expressed an unpleasant expression for Dita. Emotions. This person is Sigmund Orlando.
"Don't say that it doesn't matter to you." Dita glared, "It's because you didn't look at the speaker, that led to such a thing!"
"Um... I really have nothing to say about this matter, but I can only apologize to you. But as I told you a long time ago, if you just cut the grass and roots when you caught them, then you won’t There will be so many extra-junctions. For example, there will be no room for the masters in the church who can match me to intervene, and there will be no such thing as a descending from the sky, destroying the existence of the gods."
"You must consider the feelings of the Son of God. Therefore, you can't be too decisive against the people related to the Support Section." Dita sighed. He hadn't thought about what Sigmund said? It's just that all his power comes from the girl he uses, so to please the other party is also something that must be done, "As for the two magic machines...what about the doctor's statement?"
"The damage is too serious, I'm afraid it can't be repaired." Maria Bell said, "But the doctor said, a mass-produced humanoid weapon can be temporarily transferred for defense assistance-in addition, what I said to my father before, you too Time to think about it a little bit."
"About this matter, let's talk about it later." Dita seemed to be reluctant about it, and lightly touched it, "The doctor's words, just follow his words. Now we can only count on the son of God to continue to maintain Kloss. The power of Bell's enchantment, and hope that the war in the empire and the Republic can last longer, so as to give us enough chips."
"Speaking of this, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht outside Tangulam Gate and Bergard Gate seem to have been affected a lot. I will go to these two places to stabilize the military's mind." Sonia said.
"Well, please," Dita said in a deep voice.
"Then I will also go to the street activities. Those guys in the resistance army will probably start to act... I'm also showing my hands to you to see." Sigmund showed a grin, turned and left. Don't mess up.
"I'm going to contact all of you in association. On the one hand, I want to discuss the breaking of the divine mechanism, and I also want to talk a little bit about how to deal with the church's reinforcements, and that kind of powerful force that doesn't make sense... In fact, the association It seems to indicate that there was an agreement between them, but for some reason, it seems to have been unilaterally broken."
"I am also very confused about this. Please be sure to ask quickly... Only that person, even with the help of the son of God, I am not sure." Dita's hands and voice trembled a little-- At first, I wanted to use the method of imprisoning ordinary people to deal with such people, but it was really ridiculous.
However, the statement on the "association" side is that the two sides have already reached a relationship between the well and the river. Then why did he suddenly appear and attack the two divine machines in Crossbell?
Maria Bell ignored these thoughts of her father. She just bowed slightly and then walked away. In the originally huge office, Dita was alone in an instant.
"Could it be... is it really only possible to dispatch that guy?"
The lonely President Dita was caught in a painful entanglement.
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