Vol 2 Chapter 985: The hidden function of ARCUS (Part 1)

Facts have proved that Li En and others' worries are correct-the noble coalition does indeed have a back hand. Soon after they evacuated the monitoring tower, the mecha unit that had left the garrison after a quarrel with Varut returned to the base near the monitoring tower and brought the original words of the Marquis Rogner. If you are dissatisfied, go and see him directly. This extraordinary attitude aroused Varut's interest. He immediately expressed his admiration for Your Excellency Marquis. He didn't make it any more difficult for the soldiers. After that, he drank a cigarette and went away. The soldiers were emotionally puzzled, and on the other hand they developed more respect for the Marquis of Logna.
If Li En and the others attacked rashly at that time, then there is no doubt that they would encounter the two enforcers of Bulubland and Varut, plus the obstacles of the "Black Rabbit" and a group of soldiers. Although with Kleiya and Torval, the two executors can be held back for a while, but this also means that they can't free up their hands to do more. Once they failed to destroy the signal shielding device on the top of the tower, they were dragged down until the reinforcements came again from the Marquis Rogner, the form would be completely reversed. The students who have always been watched by the Noble League will also be arrested for this, losing the opportunity for follow-up actions.
What's more, they don’t even know where the device is now—until they return to the tribe that has completed the relocation, and in the hut by the lake, they recounted everything they had seen to Lagan and Mr. Guen in detail. after that.
"That's it... It seems that Lieutenant General Sykes' judgment should be right. Since the monitoring tower was destroyed, it has been repaired by regular army personnel. I don't remember any Nautia State. People related to the leading army were active during that time.
Lagan said, recalling the people he had seen during that time.
"Well...In the work of the Intelligence Agency, it seems that the Empire’s military department is solely responsible for this matter, and no aristocratic faction intervenes. I think, after the war, the Marquis of Rogner forcibly took it. "Miriam nodded-generally speaking, when people in Class VII and related people are discussing something, once the problem has been found, Miriam will naturally say a conclusion from the intelligence bureau. Similar facts left everyone in Class VII speechless for a while. However, when Miriam said this, he was able to clearly prove the correctness of the whole thing, so their guesswork was not wrong.
"Moreover, after we moved here, I also did a little investigation... Judging by my equipment here, it should indeed be the problem with the monitoring tower. There is something in the tower that hinders the communication of the directional guided wave. , So that the guidance signal in the general sense cannot be transmitted through space... but their own equipment should have been debugged." Gunn nodded, and then seemed to remember something suddenly, "By the way, Ivan, I remember you just said that earlier this afternoon, you received a contact. Is it Alyssa and the others?"
"What? Is there anything else?" Li En was startled—Gaius hadn't told him about it.
"Ah...Yes. I was too anxious before, but I forgot about it." Gaius did not hide it, and explained what happened at the time. "According to Heliga, it seems that it was him. For the help of the friend of, I used a very high frequency guided signal, and then used the transmission frequency of "ARCUS" as synchronization..."
"Awesome... This kind of thinking and action ability. The other party must be a very powerful technician. I didn't expect that Clos Bell still hides such talents... Next time I go, I should pay a little attention." Gu En exclaimed. As a senior technician, he naturally understands the difficulty of doing this, "Just, come, boy, give me your power guide-if it is positioned through the power guide, the center of "ARCUS" should The data at the time is also saved. Let me see if I can parse it. "
"Hmm... please." Gaius handed the force guide to Gunn. After Gunn took over the power guide, he took out the equipment he had stored in the warehouse, even Alyssa could not be named, and began tossing and fiddle. Alyssa didn't say anything when she saw Grandpa like this, she just sighed to her companions that she hadn't seen Grandpa like this for a long time.
"Well... the analysis is complete. This kind of technology is really unusual... This is a very powerful conduction conversion device." Gunn said, and then he also shared a few common guides commonly used in the Semlia continent. Force frequency communication band, "guided waves of this frequency can propagate in space for a long time, and maintain extremely high clarity during directional transmission...but it is not used by any institution or organization for communication."
"Why?" Li En asked--according to Gu En, high-frequency guided waves are not easy to be interfered in the propagation process, so the signal preservation is the best, and the safety performance is higher when used for communication. But why no one uses it?
"Because the cost is too high... To make such a stable signal source, a large amount of high-purity conductive energy is required for conversion." Gunn said, "In short, its high cost makes it possible The benefits are not worth mentioning in the face of this cost. Therefore, although an anonymous author wrote out relevant experimental data and gave a very clever design a few years ago, its cost is still very high. It’s so expensive, so that only Lulei University of Technology, Chase Central Studio and other places have done related experiments, and then canceled because this technology could not be put into the market. As Gunn was talking, the bits and pieces that had been dusted deep in his memory were gradually awakened, "However, when it comes to this matter, it is a bit strange... Although the author chose to publish anonymously, I can see that , Several anonymously published papers were completed by this person. As for why he published anonymously, I don’t know this."
"Well...not to mention these first. In short, although this kind of communication cannot be put into large-scale use, under the current situation, it is something that the signal shielding device of the Nord Plateau cannot cover... that is to say. , You can communicate in this way, right?" Alyssa asked.
"Yes...Although it is probably not the same as the other party's approach, I can actually do the same thing here." Gu En smiled mysteriously and pointed to the machine that he adjusted behind him. However, it probably takes all of your tactical force sensors to synchronize signals before it is theoretically possible."
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