Vol 2 Chapter 1021: One hundred dense and one sparse (two in one)

"Report to the surveillance tower headquarters. We have got rid of the entanglement of the enemy's third mech division and are currently returning to the surveillance tower station along the same route." Hearing the news from the troops heading to the northern plateau, the surveillance tower guards The atmosphere in the command headquarters was a little more relaxed; however, the news on the other side was not optimistic: Lieutenant General Sykes seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly increased his attack. The main tank of the 3rd Mecha Division The troops suddenly changed from being passive to attacking actively. They do not aim to eliminate the enemy within a unit time, but to the greatest extent hinder the support force that wants to withdraw and return to the monitoring tower-its purpose is naturally obvious.
"Understood. You continue to maintain the current speed and report back when you reach the forward position! Also, if you encounter any unexpected incidents on the way back, you must first contact the headquarters, understand?"
"Yes!" The uniform slogan made the commander not aware of any abnormalities.
"Also, ask for help from "Heilongguan". "After thinking for a while, the commander suddenly said to the adjutant next to him, "I hope the Marquis of Logner can free his hands, otherwise..."
"Why?" The deputy commander asked a communicator next to him to execute the order, while asking suspiciously.
"Sex's posture seems to be planning if the assaulters can't solve the problem, they will directly crush the border and kill them together with the "monitoring tower." Originally, Your Excellency the Marquis thought that Sykes would not dare to do this casually, so he was able to maintain this stalemate... But if he really insisted on doing this, we couldn't stop it. "
"Then he was entangled by those few people before, could it be?"
"Well... it must be intentional. The purpose is to attract our troops, so as to reduce the pressure on their assault troops. So far, this strategy has almost succeeded." The captain sighed, "and his The main force is the last insurance for this operation."
"This is too bold... the troops in his hands are coming out all over the place. Doesn't that mean that the "Kinda Gate" is defenseless? If the Marquis Rogner gets the news and launches an attack on the "Jinda Gate", and he does not have the means of guided communication, it will be difficult to return to support immediately..." The deputy captain thought for a while and didn't believe Seke. Such a calm veteran will make such crazy behavior.
"Yes...in his character, he definitely wouldn't make this kind of attack like a gambling. Therefore, there is only one explanation...that is, he learned from some sources that the Marquis Rogner is not here today. "Heilongguan" leads the troops. Perhaps the Rogner family has something to deal with, or perhaps the main soldiers of the "Black Dragon Pass" are tired of long-term training and small-scale battles and need to rest. Maybe it is because of other reasons-but today It just happened to be the day when the Lord Marquis was away from Heilongguan. "The captain smiled bitterly," so he is sure that he has enough time to solve everything and return the situation here to the previous situation. In addition, there is one more thing, do you know? "
"What is it?" the adjutant asked.
"After the recovery of Kruchen State, the Fourth Mech Division does not seem to be satisfied with the status quo...According to the report of the spies, it seems that the Fourth Mecha Division has inserted directly into Notia State from the south, the same as the third Mech Division. The division’s tendency to echo each other. If Kruchin State, which has been controlled by the regular army, is added to the two-sided attack of the "red hair" monster, the advantage we have established here over the regular army will be completely lost. And once Lu Lei also falls..."
Hearing this, the adjutant couldn’t help swallowing—it looked like it’s been smooth sailing, and in every sense, it’s possible to enter the civil war of advance liquidation, but it still conceals such a hand that looks inconspicuous at present, but it is possible at any time. All in one go, overturning the undercurrent of the current stable situation.
"This matter is still in the confidential stage... I also heard some acquaintances in the military department say. Your Excellency Marquis is very worried about this... Therefore, the watch tower must be guarded anyway. I know you are very afraid of Your Excellency Marquis Because we previously blamed us for arbitrarily mobilizing troops, but we couldn't afford the fall of the "monitoring tower". We let the third mecha division and the fourth mecha division complete the loss of the general division. "
"You're right." The adjutant sighed and nodded-if he waited for the sake of face and didn't explain the situation to the Marquis, maybe it was the trial of the Military Law Department of Nautia State. In that case, the real disaster is imminent. Compared to this, it is not a trivial matter to make the Marquis Rogner scolded—even though it usually seems to be very scary.

"What are you talking about?" At this moment, the Marquis of Logner is sitting on the sofa in the study room of the Marquis of Logner's Mansion in downtown Luray. On the side is his younger brother, Heidel Rogge, who is reporting to him about his recent work. Na, on the other side were some breathless messengers from just now.
The Marquis Rogner happened to decide to return to the mansion today. On the one hand, his body needs some relaxation during the continuous battle. On the other hand, although his younger brother Haider helped him deal with many problems that should have been handled by the Marquis himself, There are some things that the younger brother who is not the head of the Rogner family has no right to decide; these things have been piled up in the house of the Marquis Rogner for some time, just taking advantage of this opportunity to quickly deal with these things.
Of course, some people might say that to get rid of the anxiety of the frontline battlefield and throw into the sea of ​​documents, this is not even a rest at all-but for the Marquis of Logner, this is the life that he has become accustomed to. Being in such a high position as the four famous sects, one should originally shoulder a lot of responsibilities. In addition, the Marquis of Rogner is not like the other big families-Kane’s staff is full of talents, and all kinds of affairs are handled by people. Haidu and Lamar State where it is located are also extremely wealthy. Second to the imperial capital Heimdall as the cultural and economic center of the empire; the Marquis of Haynes has a vicious vision, a scheming plan, and many children under his knees. Among them, the eldest and second sons have already played important roles in the affairs of Saskatchewan. The Marquis of Haynes, who shared his worries, naturally put his mind on fighting against the other three. The Duke of El Barrea was originally similar to himself, and there was no big talent around him, but his eldest son, Rufas El Barrea, was really a talented person, even if it was Rogerner. The Marquis also had to admit that this was a genius who had the opportunity to completely surpass the current four famous masters in the future. Because of this, he is actually the only one among the four famous sects who is somewhat powerless.
His younger brother Haider is loyal to the family, but after all, his ability is limited, and he can't handle many things well; and he is quite capable and promising, in his own opinion, there is no doubt that he can succeed him The daughter of the strong quality, but in the most basic concept and standpoint of being a human being, is incompatible with her own father-this undoubtedly makes the Marquis Roger feel helpless.
Under his orders, his people began to reluctantly search for the whereabouts of this maverick lady-so far, there is no clue. The Marquis Rogner also temporarily ignored this matter during the successive wars. Until today, after returning home for a long time, he suddenly remembered that it would be great if the daughter who could help him with many things was also by his side. Thing.
However, in this case, when he was listening to his younger brother to report the latest situation to himself, a soldier who came back with him suddenly broke in, apparently receiving a message from the "Black Dragon Pass". Contact—Looking at what he looks like, he should have rushed in from outside the Marquis’s mansion. The Marquis Rogner was confident in the quality of his soldiers, so he felt that if this soldier broke in so recklessly, something very important must have happened, so he did not accuse him of his gaffe. He raised his hand and motioned to his younger brother who was about to have an attack to calm down, and then asked: "Say slowly. What happened?"
"Your Excellency... Just now there was a contact from the Black Dragon Pass. Sykes Vandel, earlier today, it seemed that he suddenly brought most of the main force of the 3rd Mecha Division and came out, facing the direction of the monitoring tower. A direct attack was launched-the nearby troops heard the message and resisted, but it was difficult to resist the power of the main force of Sykes. So the defenders on the surveillance tower sent a message, hoping that you can send troops to solve their crisis. "
"There are 20 mechas deployed on the surveillance tower to cooperate with the surrounding troops and hired hunters. At least 50 mechas should also cooperate with the battle. With the advantage of home field and intelligence, how is the situation now? So weird?" The Marquis of Logner frowned-what he really felt was strange, why did Sykes choose to act today?
"According to the defenders, they discovered that when Sykes' troops were first sent out, their offensive was not fierce, and because their communication was cut off, their formation was scattered and chaotic, so they underestimated the enemy and dispatched nearly half of the troops. Leaving the defense zone where the surveillance tower garrison was located, he took the initiative to attack. Unexpectedly, Sykes was better and deliberately sold the flaws. Now the soldiers who had killed too hard were scattered by Sykes's sudden increase in strength. Now the coordination of the various ministries is chaotic, and there is no organization, and the advantage over Sykes' chariot units is gradually disappearing."
"This bunch of idiots... I told them a thousand times before that they must not withdraw from the station near the monitoring tower by any means." Marquis Logner said angrily, "Now it's adding trouble to me-it's really damnable."
"Brother...I can solve the problems on my side at any time. The stability ahead is important." Heidel hurried to the side when he saw this, and said, "The affairs of the family should be temporarily put down. Please go to the front to solve what just happened. What a mess."
"That's right. So, these things have to be handed over to you for the time being." Marquis Rogner turned around and said apologetically to his brother.
The Marquis Rogner is vigorous and vigorous, and he is unambiguous in handling emergencies. He strode into his room, and after a brief tidying up, he had put on a straight military uniform, took a group of soldiers into the guided cart and drove away.
Along the way, the Marquis of Rogner was thinking about one thing-he just happened to be not on the front line of Heilongguan today, and when something happened, he couldn't mobilize the troops in the first time, and Sykes happened to choose such a big deal today Large-scale military operations-if you are already in the Black Dragon Pass at this time, you will personally lead the defenders out, I am afraid that in the absence of Sykes, you can directly attack the Kanda Gate-the regular army without guided communication is Can't turn back to defend the first time. Based on his knowledge of Sykes, it is absolutely impossible for this person to choose such a ruined way to act.
Therefore, the only explanation is that he knows his plan of action-but the news that he will return to the Marquis of Logner today is only known to his brother and a few close officers. When traveling, the Marquis de Rogner was also very low-key, and not too many people noticed this. Of course, his younger brothers, of course, needless to say, the officers are all carefully selected by themselves, following him for many years, loyal Fuji's men. They would never do such a thing of betraying intelligence.
So, what is going on? He racked his brains and couldn't think of a reason.
However, in fact, the truth of the matter is so simple.
Just a few days ago, when Haider Rogner walked proudly in the R&D workshop of the "RF Agency", he put up a head of the president to teach the employees underneath, watching them daring to be angry or not. When he spoke, he couldn't help but feel relieved.
However, when he saw that these employees and researchers were just doing something and did not carry out any substantive research and development, he was a little angry and inadvertently said this sentence: "You are like this. Later this week, what shall I tell my brother!"
The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart--not to mention that President Irina has a very high reputation in the company, and many people simply ignore the so-called "president" who has occupied the magpie's nest. After this information was heard by the members who knew Irina’s whereabouts at this time, it was brought out as possible information and dictated to Irina. She has always used this method to control the company’s internal affairs. Of the situation.
And with her ingenuity, can't guess what this actually means?
Therefore, such a piece of key information is a heavyweight nomination certificate provided to the 3rd Mecha Division by Irina Laneforte. In order to cover their actions, Irina deliberately "exposed" her whereabouts, allowing Haider to divert her gaze to avoid any support from him for his brother—at least, this support can be brought. The return is later.
At this level of strategy, there have been many examples of inadvertently losing the game since ancient times. Heidel didn’t know it. It was his own carelessness and his brother’s careful planning for more than a month. Pushed to the grave.
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