Chapter 105: School Festival·Part 2 (5000 words

"Today, the two people may have a dispute over something, causing one of them to be dissatisfied with the other. Maybe this is not the intention, but in such a day, it is better for the two not to be alone and not to care about each other too much. Manners."
"Hmm..." Heliga turned to Fei, "This result..."
"...It seems quite accurate." Fei nodded. She didn't really want to go to the hospital to accompany the strange professor. Somehow, she always felt that something was wrong with the other person.
"Really..." Heliga apologized, he seemed to realize something himself.
"Then, Fei, can you give it a try?" After thinking about it, Heliga decided to give Fei a second chance.
"...Okay." Fei nodded and walked to the machine's keyboard, thoughtfully.
"The above said..." Fei looked at the instructions typed on the screen, "Not only between lovers, even relatives and friends, you can also use it for testing."
"Really?" Heliga scratched his head, but he didn't notice the explanation.
Fei thoughtfully, typed the text on the screen.
"Philip Kraussell, born on April 15, 1189 in the Seven Lunar Calendar..."
The next line of text immediately made Heliga jerky inwardly
"Luka Kraussell... was born on May 16, 1161 in the Seven Lunar Calendar..."
"...Have you still not let go? Fei..."
The atmosphere fell into a weird style, and neither of them spoke, but waited for the results of the machine together.
"...Sad face."
"The two will have great disagreements on many things, and one of them will force the other to accept some unreasonable views and opinions. This incident has caused great harm to both parties and will lead to irreparable relations between the two parties. Unfortunately, such a thing is extremely difficult to remedy."
"..." Although the sunshine outside was still mild, but for some reason, Fei felt a bit cold and biting at this moment, shaking randomly and heartily.
"Fei...!" Seeing the girl who was about to fall, Heliga hurried forward and hugged Fei in her arms. Feeling the girl's gentle touch and seeing her somewhat sad look at the moment, Heliga's heart is also very complicated.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I thought I already saw it... I thought..." Fei said weakly.
"Don't say it." Heliga shook his head, "I don't think I can replace him in Fei's heart, and I have never denied him and you... the unbreakable bond is such a precious memory."
"But, this machine..."
"That is probably a random algorithm designed by the program of the guidance terminal. According to the different input data, the preset results are randomly displayed."
"I know, I know..." Fei closed her eyes in pain, "I know...but it was probably a straw on the string, ruining the last bit of expectation in my heart... …"
"You just haven't gotten used to this kind of school life in the past two days, and the rehearsal is too tired, don't worry too much." Heliga stroked Fei's broken hair, comforting in a low voice, but he felt something vaguely in his heart. Something is wrong.
It is impossible for the Philippines to completely abandon the complicated feelings for "West Wind" and Lujia Clausel by relying on his own rhetoric after the decisive battle of the century. That is impossible, and he has never expected them; facts In the first few months, Fei did occasionally fail to sleep under the moonlit night, staring into the sky alone, but those were all within the normal range, at most occasionally distracted.
However, this time things came too suddenly. There is no enlistment, nor has there been any dissonance before. A student’s trick, a recreational fortune-telling machine, is absolutely impossible—
Heliga, who was entangled in this weird situation, picked Fei up in the way of a princess—feeling the girl’s firm muscle curves and light weight in his arms, Heliga felt distressed again—and took him to the infirmary. Settle down well. Now, in the evening's "White Flower Love Poetry", the little character that Fei played in...
"What's wrong with Xiaofei?" After settling down, Heliga asked a student who was passing by to take medicine to inform Qiao Er to come, and it didn't take long to see the student council president rushing in with Hans hurriedly, completely ignoring the infirmary. The teacher’s "no loud noise" requirement.
"I don't know... I suddenly fell ill. There are no other symptoms, but the body is a little weak." Heliga whispered. He didn't intend to explain the cause and effect of the matter clearly. It was too complicated and unnecessary.
"...The body is more important." After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Qiao Er decisively gave Hans an order: "Since something unexpected happened, we always have a few remedies? Besides, Xiao Fei is not the leading role. There should be one or two alternatives for her role, right?"
"Yes, I'm going to find a way to inform them." Hans checked the student division list in his hand, and was about to go out--
"I'm fine, don't worry." Fei, who was lying on the bed, struggled to sit up, and the doctor on the side quickly pushed Fei back to the bed, "It's just... thinking of something, a little tired... won't delay the evening. Of the show."
"Xiao Fei, it's still important to your health. Besides, if your illness gets worse because you are sick and participating in the show, it will make the children and the dean even more worried. That will go against the original intention of our hard rehearsal." Qiao Er said logically.
"...I'm okay." Fei stubbornly became uncommonly stubborn. "I know my physical condition very well."
"Just keep your opinion first." Heliga interrupted Qiaoer who was about to continue. "You can prepare with both hands. Anyway, there are still a few hours to start... First, find a prepared actor to memorize the script temporarily, and then go on. Make a decision before the stage."
"...Well, that's the only way to go." Qiao Er sighed, and finally she and Hans told Fei to take a good rest, and then they were busy with other things. The visiting doctor also left the medicine for the Philippines, and left after instructing the time to take it. Only Heliga and Fei are left.
"Fei... are you really okay?" Heliga asked with some worry. It doesn't look like Fei could recover immediately.
"...I can't catch up at night, right." Fei closed her eyes and said softly, "But if Heliga uses "that"..."
"...Healing?" Heliga first thought of Tamriel magic and healing that he occasionally showed on the battlefield.
"Well... if you use that, it should be fine." Fei nodded.
"Well, there is no one else here anyway." Heliga nodded, and gently stroked Fei's wrist with his palm, as energy surged.
The magical essence of healing is to stimulate the growth rate of cell tissue through specific magic runes, thereby speeding up recovery. Fei felt a tingling tingling from her wrist to her body. This comfort made her squint her eyes, like a kitten enjoying the afternoon sun.
"...It's so cute." Seeing Fei like this, Heliga felt like he was being touched, and the magic in his hand flicked--
"Hmm." Fei Chi snorted in pain.
"Ah... I'm sorry, it hurts you?" The healing technique must release magical energy with a certain power. If you go too far, it will make your body feel uncomfortable. Just now, I was probably stimulated by the image in front of you and couldn't control Good strength.
"Um... there is a tingling in the neck."
"I'll be more careful in a while...wait, neck, tingling?"
"That's weird..." Heliga murmured softly, "If the healing power is too much, you should feel full and dull pain..."
"Heliga? What's the matter?" Fei asked in doubt, and the boy in front of him suddenly fell into a state of contemplation.
"...Fei, wait a minute." Heliga rushed to the package and took out a small bottle, which was the potion he had stored for himself before. "Can you show me the painful part?"
"...Here." Fei touched the lower edge of the mastoid bone under the earlobe.
"Understood." Nodding, Heliga evenly smeared the purple liquid in the bottle on Fei's arm, and then read the rune. The liquid turned snow white in an instant, and then evaporated and dissipated into the air.
"This is Fei's normal color." Helijia nodded, looking at Fei's puzzled eyes, he added: "This is a homogenous fluid, inspired by a specific rune, it will show the same color to things of the same quality. Different people have different results. In the case of Fei, white belongs to Fei."
"That's it." Fei nodded to express her understanding, "That said, Heilijia thinks..."
"Hmm... I think there is something wrong with your painful part." Heliga admitted.
"...Then check it." After thinking about it for a while, Fei also nodded.
"Yeah." Apply the even liquid to Fei's earlobe again-Fei twisted her body slightly because of itching-Heliga stimulated the rune-
The lavender gas evaporated. Before all the liquid disappeared, Heliga clearly saw a head-shaped figure with a drop-shaped figure on the top of the head.
"This is..." Fei also saw the purple smoke passing by her ears.
"I'm afraid, what was used here..." Heliga's face was ugly. This kind of thing is a bit like the oriental Gu technique that I have read in the book, using the poisonous insect curse to hurt others, "And this shape... always feels... ...Not quite right."
"Can it be eliminated?" Fei asked softly. At this moment, she also felt cold sweat coming out of her whole body, which was the vague feeling of being stared at by some ominous object.
"It should be possible. It still stays on the surface of the skin, but it seems to be infiltrating downwards." After some inspection, Heliga said, "But Fei's physical strength is indeed being continuously sucked away by this marking."
"How to do?"
"It's very simple. The potion just now can be used for another purpose, that is, homology coverage." Different runes were read, and the strange patterns disappeared instantly. At the moment when the pattern disappeared, Fei instantly felt that her body was full of power again.
"...It seems that it is because of this strange pattern." Fei rubbed her neck, she was still a little scared, "what is it?"
"I don't know. I think, when will I ask someone from the church to say hello..."
"That's it." Fei smiled wryly and lowered her head again.
"What's wrong? Fei?"
"It's nothing... It's just..." Fei nodded and shook his head again, "It's just that I originally decided not to behave like this in front of Heliga..."
"...Fool." Heliga hugged Fei into her arms distressedly. "I've said it a long time ago. You don't need to suppress those emotions in your heart... You just don't listen."
"The same is true for Heliga. Before that, he kept his thoughts very deep." Fei whispered, "But even then, Heliga was able to do a good job, and it was praised by everyone... In contrast to me, no matter what Was it in the regiment, or the head disappeared, when the battle died, or later on the journey, I unilaterally confided to Heliga, wanting to be comforted... I clearly decided that I would also be strong alone in the future. Learn to be on your own..."
"Fei, listen." Heliga said calmly, "The reason why I look strong is only because I didn't even have the courage and determination to confide in others at that time. I can only bear it silently... To bear all the sorrow, pain, loneliness, and loss, that is definitely not being strong...It's just that I'm holding on to it. The so-called things are done well, and everyone's help."
"Fei, listen to me." Heliga patted the the back, and Fei became quiet. "I am very lucky to have this power when I was young. Such a chance encounter is impossible... but I myself Fear of it, dare not use it, dare not accept it, unwilling to regard it as part of me... Later, with the help of many people, by chance, I learned to take the initiative to accept this power... Not the same. Fei met the regimental commander on the battlefield and became a partner of the hunting soldiers. He was always accompanied by weapons, gunpowder, and alcohol... But even then, Fei was still willing to stand up for everyone in the regiment and personally go to the battlefield. Fighting side by side with everyone... This kind of determination to take responsibility and create power without strength is something the Philippines possesses but I don't.
"I'm very lucky. I was born in a noble family in the empire. Although I occasionally encountered some minor troubles, in general I still had no trouble with food and clothing. I could also sneak into my father's study from time to time to read... Then I decided to embark on martial arts. Not only did I have the help of this coincidence, but I also met with the "Swordsmith of Light", "Sword Fairy", and "Sword Master of Wind" successively... Their existence and teaching made me avoid many detours. But that's it, I still can't compare to Philippines in this respect... This is exactly what Philippines is proud of, and it is also proof that Philippines is definitely not weak. "
"Ah..." The boy's words burst like a thunder in the girl's mind.
The young man who can now stand alone was once a little boy who rashly broke into the "West Wind" camp, was at a loss in the face of a huge base, and repeatedly lost to his own tricks in one-on-one duels.
Even the omnipotent team leader sometimes has to apologize to the employer because of a mistake in strategic decision-making. Why do you put such high demands on yourself?
"Do you want to understand?" Heliga looked at Fei with a smile, "I don't need it, and Fei doesn't need to be an absolutely strong and perfect girl... We are a duo who rely on each other and trust each other, whether it is joy or Laughter, or sadness and sorrow, must be shared and borne together. Just as I will unconditionally support your decision, you must support me in this way. Isn’t it true?"
"Hmm..." Fei's cheeks were hot, and he hurriedly buried his head in the boy's chest to avoid being seen.
"Ah..." Heliga, who noticed this movement, didn't quite understand the meaning of this movement, "Is it because I hold you too tightly, you are uncomfortable?"
"'s not..." Fei whispered, "That..."
"Heliga...thank you..."
"...Fei." Heliga didn't speak any more, but gently stroked Fei's back.
"Before I go to the auditorium... let me hold you for a while..."

"Hahaha...Although it is an imitation, the effect of the new transformation of "False Stigma" seems to be super effective..."
"...Wait, was discovered by that boy? Was it recognized long ago, accident?"
"Oh, that's it... the other party doesn't know what method was used... It shouldn't be the person who found the "Star Cup"... Maybe the invasion was not deep enough, and it was easily eliminated... the "outer force" that the young man had , It's still a bit powerful. "
"It's a pity... it's obviously a very good experiment material... I can feel the tangled and painful emotions in the girl... But... nothing, nothing..."
The man who talked to himself from time to time showed a sullen smile.
" of my most outstanding can make good use of it for me..."
"When the "Gospel" is initially completed, relieve your suggestion, let you experience the pain, come and make fun for me...Hahaha..."

"Wow~ there are so many people." Wearing a red knight dress, Esther secretly pulled the opening cloth and glanced at the auditorium in the backstage—the seats were full, and the famous figures—threw up. Sticking out her tongue, she quickly slipped back.
"It's okay, Estelle, after all, we have been practicing for a long time, and we must be able to succeed." Kross, dressed in a cyan knight costume, also looked heroic and comforted Estelle softly.
"Moreover, once the show starts, you won't be nervous anymore." Fei is dressed in black. The role she will play is an assassin in the play. She said this based on her own feelings-according to Fei's talk to the sea. Lijia said that she was nervous before going to the battlefield for the first time, for fear of forgetting what she learned, but once she entered that combat state, the movements and training learned were just like instincts, and there was no need for extra Consideration.
"Yes, and Estelle is still the kind of person who can only focus on one thing." There was a voice from the male dressing room. Princess Joshua stepped on a dignified and elegant step from the dressing room. Walk out slowly.
"Huh, you know to make fun of me." Estil pretended to be angry when he heard Joshua's words, and then rolled her eyes. "But forget it, no matter what you say like this, I won't be angry."
"Okay, okay. Let's stop your flirting and cursing." Qiao Er clapped his hands, ignoring the two people's unanimous "Who is flirting and cursing?" and walked to Fei: "You Are you really okay, Xiaofei?"
"Well, really." Fei clenched her fist, tightened her arm, showing her cute biceps.
"...Okay then." After clearing their throats, everyone looked at Qiao'er at the same time and stopped all previous conversations.
"This year's school festival is unprecedented... and there are also big figures like the duke and the mayor... But we don't need to be too nervous. Just like we show in our usual practice... Don't regret it, give Let the audience put on the most outstanding stage play!"

Lu Jia’s birthday was originally set by me, so I use it once anyway
Give the protagonist a chance to eat tofu→_→My Fei is so cute prpr
It should be updated normally tomorrow~ Today's chapter will be sent to XD~
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