Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Lead the snake out of the hole

This may be the most absurd scene I have ever seen in my life-the silly regular soldiers thought so in unison.
Today was just an ordinary day. However, something strange happened suddenly—in the end, it turned out to be a child who seemed to be underage, holding the token of His Royal Highness in his hand, and suddenly appeared out of thin air. It took only a moment to defeat dozens of noble soldiers. Not to mention, he also gave them decisive orders.
However, having said that, the soldiers still had a clear order. The tokens in Helika’s hands, they can naturally see that it is true, coupled with the young man’s ability to act and amazing combat effectiveness just now-even if he asks them to surrender again now, what will their unarmed people do? ?
"You are divided into three groups, one group stays in place, as the noble soldiers treated you just now, tie them up and wait for my next instructions here." Heliga said, "the second group is here. Go to the fork in the west that is fifty miles away. Pay attention to the road slowly, be careful of the traps that may be left by the noble army. It is the direction they just went. Finally, you choose a few quick legs and take this. "Heliga threw it to someone at the head of the regular army soldier. "Go directly to the general headquarters and notify your Royal Highness and a few generals that you're done. Go now without delay."
"Then you..." The soldiers basically did not intend to defy the orders given by Heliga. However, the captain still asked tentatively.
"Of course I'm going to take care of things over there. Remember, hurry up and don't have time to rest for you. If things are done well, I will allow you to have a holiday at that time, but not now." With a snap of his fingers, his body suddenly disappeared out of thin air.
"By the way, I set the force communicator over there in general mode. If someone in the noble army asks about the situation, just ignore it. Don't move it casually." Helija's voice in the air even made the regular army soldiers. They looked messy.
"...Goddess...what did I see..." Someone muttered to himself with a dull expression.
"What was that just now? It's too strong!" Someone exclaimed.
"Don't think so much. Maybe it was the helper invited by the prince. Didn't you hear? In the terrorist attack in the imperial capital before, there was a hero who blocked the terrorist attacking the prince. "Only the captain himself maintained a certain level of composure, and gave a reliable guess, "In short, do you remember what he said just now? Just act according to our own organization."

"Captain, the situation in front doesn't seem to be right." The patrol captain of the Noble Army, who was driving the mechas to the place where the other two mechas happened, suddenly heard the voice in the guidance communication. He stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"
"The observer in the front is here to report. He said that the place where the mechs happened was a bit weird, and I hope you can be more cautious. It seems...it seems abnormal.
"Project the image of the guiding telescope to the mecha." Hearing the subordinates say so, the captain ordered. Soon, a live image recorded by the guided telescope appeared in front of the projection screen in the cockpit of the mech.
"Hmm..." The captured image is not particularly clear, but he can still see clearly what happened. In the image, the mechas where the two mecha pilots are located are indeed there, and the legs seem to be eroded by something, and the situation is indeed horrible-he doesn't doubt what they said before. However, the cockpits of the two mechas seemed to be open. From a distance, it seemed that it was not clear whether there was anyone inside.
"If you switch the infrared mode for sensing, you can know that there is indeed no one in the cockpit." The soldier in charge of the observation answered the captain's question in a timely manner. "The observation ahead has been carried out for a while, and he has also searched around the accident site. But no traces were found. I don’t know if the two of them met something, escaped or something else... In addition, there was very strong smoke at the place where the mechs happened, and our chemical detectors could not be the same. Any poison that is currently known corresponds to it, but after discussion, several of us agreed that there must be something wrong there... so I remind you."
"Okay...I see. You have worked hard, let's go back to the original position." The captain sighed and said. His heart is also thinking about the scene before him. The two mecha pilots suddenly disappeared...what happened?
If it is to encounter a warcraft... let alone that they have been patrolling here for a long time, they have not seen the shadow of the warcraft at all; just the current situation of the regular army and the noble army fighting here, this kind of movement is enough to scare away The nearby beasts and monsters are gone. Besides, the two mecha soldiers are standing there, and they are not without deterrence to the beasts and the beasts. They are both intact. Unless they are very powerful beasts, they will not be without a battle. force.
"The whole army listens to my orders." After thinking about it, the captain himself decided to be a little more cautious. He called his adjutant, and also drove a mecha to accompany the people on his left and right, and asked him to take a few people and get closer to observe to see what was going on.
The lieutenant took the order, and soon a report came back: "The cockpit is open, and the driver is indeed missing. There was no fighting at the scene, only the traces of the mecha soldiers being corroded by acid. The smoke smelled at the scene. It looks colorless and tasteless, and does not seem to have any harm. The source of the smoke seems to be the inside of the cockpit of the mecha-deeper than you can see from the outside."
After listening to the adjutant's report, the commander's doubts were slightly relieved. At least, this seemingly weird situation is harmless. He thought so. As a result, he also put down a little bit of guard, and led the soldiers towards the place where the mechs were in the accident.
It was also at this time that there was a sudden burst of crisp sound-the captain followed the reputation and found that thick smoke was emitting from the left wing of the team.
"Thank you for leaving this forest... Otherwise, it would be hard to tell from a long distance that it is your communications department." Heliga smiled and appeared out of thin air in front of a group of soldiers, with golden light on his body and thunder in his hands. There was a flash, "Okay... now, your chance to ask for help from the "Golden Raksha" is finally broken. I'll give you another chance to catch it...Although it won't change the ending, at least you can suffer less. "
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