Vol 2 Chapter 1070: Whimsy (2 in 1)

Since both of them are powerful people, there is no need to worry about each other. After Nerevain recovered the enchantment and the two energy cores, he smoothly opened a very narrow and dangerous space door. Heliga and Nirevain walked freely in the turbulent space for a few seconds, and when they landed again, they had already stepped on a deeper snow.
"Is this...?" While feeling the temperature drop a lot more than just now, Heilijia looked around-tiny snowflakes fluttered in the sky, and not far away there were traces of human activities.
"I can't take you to Tamriel. You have the breath of this world in your body, and once I do that, I will definitely be discovered." Nerevain said-he seemed to think Heliga felt This is Bernardo’s hometown, Tamriel’s Skyrim province. "This is near the new capital of this country you are looking for...Due to the heavy snow, the people here are a little bit unable to support it."
"..." After hearing this, Heliga looked around - indeed, it was extremely cold here compared to the place where it bordered the empire. The snow on the roadside was frozen into a honeycomb-like structure under the severe cold because no one took care of it. The already barren land was blocked by the severe cold, and there was no plant growth. However, what is surprising is that in a small open space, it is magically filled with people, and there seems to be steam that symbolizes heat flow.
"That's... a hot spring?" Heliga curled his lips, as if he didn't believe everything he saw—no one in Northumbria seemed to have ever said there were hot springs. What's more, the area of ​​the hot spring is really not small, and the hot spring under the snow scene has a pretty good view. However, the Northland residents, who have been plagued by famine and severe cold, obviously don't have the leisure to enjoy the beautiful scenery. They just flocked and squeezed into the hot springs, wanting to share the warmth of this harsh winter.
"Yeah. I did it here before." Nirevain nodded, "I made a hole over there."
"Brought groundwater...? Wait, isn't the groundwater hot?" Heliga didn't understand what Nerevain meant.
"Of course it's cold. But, I added a Nasir torch to the place where the water drained." Nirevain seemed to have a little smile on his face.
"..." Of course Helija knew what Nasir's sacred fire was-the highest state of Tamriel's fire attribute magic, an eternal fire that could not be extinguished no matter if it was lack of oxygen or poured with water. Only the caster himself can dispel it-as far as Heliga knows, Bernardo does not have this extremely difficult, top-level magic that requires very deep magic skills.
"Actually, my original plan was more complicated." Nirevain looked at the boy's expression and seemed to be satisfied with the latter's surprise, "Did you not tell me your plan on the way just now?" Use Lok Khan's heart to excite the underground energy, and then let the power in the veins burst out in the manner and magnitude you want to destroy the salt sea in the north."
"Well... I said so." Heliga nodded, "Why, have you been there?"
"I went to see it. In terms of quantity, it is not difficult to say. The only problem is that after decades of stability, it has formed a very fragile, but macroscopically very strong geology. Structure." Nirevain said, "Therefore, what you want to do is probably very difficult... The salt will spread everywhere after the explosion, and it will not all fall to the sea as you might think. direction."
"Then..." Heliga hesitated-Nirevain said so, does he have any thoughts on this?
"So, I have another way here." Nirevain said, "Look at this hot spring, don't you have any ideas?"
"...Wait...No..." Heliga suddenly understood what Nerevain meant--"You mean, take away the salt with water?"
"That's it. Look at this. I took it from the archives of their capital." Nirvana took out a document, which seemed to be a very old map. "This was here at the time. Before it became the Salt Sea, the coastline of this country and the overall outline of the country. If you compare it with the map in your current impression of this country, do you find any difference?"
"...The peninsula in the northeast corner seems to have become smaller...No, the salt there was melted and taken away by the sea?" Heliga said, looking at the subtle change in the upper right corner of the map.
"Yes... it was originally connected by several small islands. However, after the salinization, it turned into an arc-shaped coast... Then, the salt piles at the bottom were gradually melted by seawater, resulting in the entire surface Collapsing and disappearing. I am not very interested in accurate geological surveys, but I looked at it a little bit and the salt sea retreated tens of meters. This conclusion should not be a problem."
"However, there is a limit to the degree of salt dissolution in seawater." Heliga said, "Even if the seawater itself is flowing, over time, the coastal area of ​​northern Northumbria has a salt content. Naturally, it will also be very high. In this case, the melting rate will become slower and slower... Although if you leave it as it is, you may have to wait for many years and it will be swallowed by the sea, but...
"But I can't wait for that day at all. It's too long. So, this is a reminder I give you...If it is handled properly, it is actually very simple to solve the problem of the salt sea." Nirevain pointed out Refer to a few red dots on the map, "I have already probed, and the connections between these points are very fragile. If you need to control the heart of Lok Khan, and then control the veins, you can use a part of the force to explode here. This way. If so, the small peninsula in the north will be directly blown into an isolated island, but in this way, a sea water flow will also form, passing through the disconnected continent, and then rejoining the ocean."
"This is a very good natural harbor... if there is no salt." Heliga said.
"If you can fix the direction of the new earth vein energy, you can. With my help, I can help you create an ice-free port." Nirevain said terrible things-I don't know what to do. If the engineering masters of Mulia knew that one day there would be an ice-free port in the north of Northumbria, how would they feel? But Heliga knew that Nerevain was not joking with himself, he could really do such a thing-and for Northumbria’s revival under Heliga, a good one could be anytime, anywhere. The port used is obviously very important. Before the emergence of the salt pile, the Grand Duchy of Northumbria was able to maintain a good economic income and living standard only by relying on summer port transportation and trade, and if it could have a very good natural harbor in the new era if……
"I haven't dared to think about this kind of thing..." Heliga smiled bitterly, "How to solve the remaining salt after that?"
"Continue to use the power of the veins, place some gadgets along the shallow rocky ridges above the veins, and lift the ground above a little bit. In theory, it should be possible." Nirevain took a look. Said, "The salt on the island is easy to dispose of. Just push it all along the direction of the ocean current. Since it was already on the edge of the "Pile of Salt" at that time, it was not like a central area. There are deep layers of soil that are salted, but only a small part of the shallow layers. From the north to the south, you can push it directly into the new bay, and then let the ocean current wash it away. Of course, if you are worried about too much salt and siltation under the bay, I can help you disrupt the ocean current, let the current take it away as soon as possible, and then carry out other works. "
"If the newly created island can be put into use, it should be easy to handle. There is no need to change the landscape and the environment, just let people transport the salt away a little bit, go far north, and throw it into the depths of the ocean. Helliga said, "It may take many years... ten years, twenty years, or even longer. However, it will require their own efforts."
"You plan to leave after everything is done?" Nirevain looked a little surprised, "I thought you had any thoughts about the ruler of this world."
"No...I want to finish things quickly and live a relaxed life." Heliga shook her head, "Sometimes it really feels like others can't understand me. What others can't get for a lifetime of struggle, powerful strength, I It’s no effort to go far beyond them... And with this power, I can easily do many tricks that cannot be done with my own power, and achieve various goals. However, I myself occasionally I also feel a little weird... It seems that there is nothing interesting for me except God." Especially, Heilijia has some headaches to find that the relationship between himself and his friends, relatives and lovers is about normal There are also fewer and fewer topics in life. In the final analysis, there is no one who knows in this world anymore, and he treats Heliga as an ordinary, normal person. This made Heliga inevitably feel a little helpless.
"So, you think... if you can awaken the "Lord of the Snow Tower" and find a way to complete the armor, you can bring Bernardo back again, and you can also live a normal life without special power? "Nirevain said softly, "This... is understandable. Moreover, I answered my question just now... For you, ruling a country, or even the entire continent, may not be difficult? "
"If I can, I can easily kill the heads of all the countries in the world, as well as the leaders of the major factions. If the world is in chaos, I will have a great chance of breaking the new order." Heliga nodded. Nodded, "It's just that it doesn't seem to be great. I don't see any need to do this, and I don't have that boring ambition."
"This means that your ego is restraining you-it's actually good, I'm glad to see this." Nirevain also said frankly, "Honestly, the guy Bernardo is thinking about something What, I don’t really understand right now. Whether he wants to believe in the miracle that the scroll predicts, we don’t know. When he said that in front of me, using shadow magic to transfer all the power to you, I actually felt a little frustrated. But then I realized that there still seemed to be a glimmer of hope, and I felt a little happy."
"If you noticed this when the Joachim incident happened, why didn't you contact me at that time? If you were there, I am afraid that the civil war in the empire has been resolved peacefully by me." Heliga was puzzled.
"Because I want to clarify your thoughts. Although your source of strength is him, he did it completely and voluntarily. Although I am angry and disappointed, there is no way I can ignore his decision. Therefore, if you After inheriting his power and wanting to do your own thing, I have absolutely no way to stop you. However, obviously, I found that you didn’t seem to get this power and wanted to abuse it. Go Do some things that ordinary people can never do, but still follow the steps, but use it when needed to reverse the situation and keep the situation stable. To be honest, this is really beyond my expectations. Compared to what you just said, You hope that this power will return to his real master's side, which makes me feel even more unexpected."
"Is that why you decided to help me?" Heliga asked.
"Forget it. Originally, my plan was that if you want to do something, I have no position to stop you. But I think I need to be a bystander to witness all this. However, now I have changed my mind. Now that you have decided on your future path, and hope that after you have handled all of this, you can calmly retreat from the front of the stage to behind the scenes, then I will help you with a more positive attitude." Nirevain nodded. .
"Thank you so much." Helija let out a sigh-for him, this not only means a strong ally, but also means that he finally has a plan that understands him, and even understands himself better than himself. A person with a strong power-such a powerful help can definitely play a strong role at a critical moment.
"It's not too late. If that's the case, see if you can help me first?"
"If you can handle empire matters... it should be about things here, right?" Heliga meant, Nirevain understood very quickly, "I think you may need me to help you do some preparatory work in advance. , So that you can avoid detours when you take over? Actually, I have already done it for you."
"Really?" Heliga was a little surprised-what preparation did Nerevain do?
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